The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 63: Fushi!

Fang Senyan began to try to clenched the **** stone, and slowly injected his spiritual energy into it. Gradually, from the gap between his fingers, the light of gold began to shine, as if it were to be plated on the skin, and it quickly rushed like a stream of water. At this time, Fang Senyan's skin looked like sparkling bō light, magical, weird, and gorgeous.

According to Rogge, this should be a manifestation of the overflowing of divine power, and then the focus comes. If the power of Jin Sè penetrates into the body, then Odin's favor can be obtained. If the light of Jin Sè drifts in the air, On behalf of the Vikings, it took a full ten years of prayer to return to the **** Odin. Well, to put it in a nutshell, it was a failure to acquire that ability.

However, Fang Senyan had better luck today. Looking at the light of Jin Sè, there was no sign of drifting, and he was fully integrated into the body and got the prompt: "You successfully acquired the evolvable ability: muscle explosion LV1.

"Evolvable ability: muscle explosion LV1, current evaluation: B."

"Explanation: Odin's divine power is surging in your muscles. Although you are still quite unfamiliar with controlling this power, it can already exert a certain effect."

"Explanation: When inflicting damage to an enemy, it will definitely cause additional [true] real damage to the enemy (the damage value will not be weakened by defense capabilities and rules, this special effect has domain priority xìng), and [true] real damage value 5-15 points, determined by your attack speed, the faster the attack speed, the smaller the value attached. "

"Explanation: [True] Real damage will also inherit your critical strike rate and generate additional critical strike damage, but the critical strike will be calculated separately." Next, the reefs and the black buddies also took turns and held the one tight. God stone and reef are also a xìng pass, but the special effect of the muscle explosion he obtained is different from Fang Senyan. His explanation is: your muscles are extremely hard because of the power of Odin. Once the enemy causes damage to you, There will be a 50% chance to counterattack it. The counterattack damage is 〖true〗 real damage, and the counterattack damage value is: half of the actual damage taken by the reef itself, and the minimum counterattack damage is not less than 10, the highest No more than 30 points.

Mogansha was unfavorable for some years. He wasted two chances in vain, and finally won the favor of the great Odin **** for the third time. The special effect of the muscle explosion he obtained was: when attacking the enemy for three consecutive times to cause damage, The pain and blood of the enemy will make Odin's magic power 〖Xing〗, so that your next damage to the enemy will have a one-second stun effect (this effect has domain priority xìng)! However, this passive stun has a cooldown of ten seconds.

In this case, God Stone: Odin's surging actually has two opportunities to use, then if it works well next time, it can make a profit. This is an unexpected gain that Fang Senyan did not consider.

After the two parties reached a consensus on the transaction, they were all very happy. However, I do n’t know why, the "Whisper of the Bear" helmet was clearly placed in the team space, but Fang Senyan told the three Vikings that the thing was placed in the captain's room and had to accompany him back. They can only be given to them on the Sam.

According to Fang Senyan, even the black buddies felt that he might have a black belly, and these Vikings were stumped, and they really couldn't bear it. However, Fang Senyan just smiled and shook his head. He told them on the team channel that they should think too much. He asked the three Viking warriors to go for a different purpose.

It's just that some things are just his current guesses, and it's not easy to tell.

Because the tribe ’s sacred "Bear Wrath Day" was imminent, Rogge urged Fang Senyan to rush the road overnight. If he returned to the pirate ship and took the carriage, it would be just a small one.

Around the hour, Fang Senyan nodded and agreed.

However, before leaving, Fang Senyan let a few pirates accompany Mr. Gibbs to stay, and all the people around him were good at fighting. Then he boarded the large carriages and replaced them with rich experience. The coachman then sat in a carriage with three Vikings and set off for the ship.

………, ………, ………,

At this time, the night is dark, so few people usually rush on the road overnight. Fortunately, the Royal Port is an important transit port. The road has been carefully maintained and looks quite flat.

The driver also had the experience of driving at night, so a bright horse light was hung in front of the carriage to illuminate the road ahead. Although the sight was still affected, as long as the speed of the carriage was reduced, it was not difficult to drive .

The sound of the horse's hoof "reached" sounded extremely clear on the quiet wooded road.

Suddenly, under the dim light of the lamp, the coachman saw something on the road ahead that seemed to be blocking the road. When driving at night, the most careful thing is these obstacles and the like. He cursed hastily, then stopped the cart and jumped down, carefully looking at the thing blocking the way forward with the horse light.

On the road ahead, a rectangular wooden board of at least two or three square meters is inserted obliquely! The shape of the red sè was painted on the wooden board. The coachman looked dull for a long while, and finally realized: Isn't this a red peach 6 enlarged several times?

Then the coachman's mouth cursed these people who were so anxious, while approaching, he wanted to poke the board down to the ground for easy passage. But then he was horrified to find that the red sè on the wooden board was doubled sharply, and there was a **** smell in his nose. This red peach was painted with human blood! !!

When the coachman screamed in horror and wanted to escape, the air shouted a scream of howling, and two playing cards struck from the left and right in the air, stroking effortlessly. … After passing his neck, the arteries were cut off, and he happily aimed at the warm blood spraying out of the air.

After the killing of the two cards, the blood was not stained. If the bird lied to Fei Xiang, it passed around, then hovered in the dark air, and then two white fingers appeared to grip the two. A card, flipping it over, put the two cards back into the bag.

At this time, the driver covered his neck and made a desperate sound of "Gege", suddenly fell to the ground. The horse lantern in his hand also fell off. When the cricket hit the slate on the ground, the lamp oil scattered around, and then it was ignited by the flames. The fire light suddenly illuminated everything.

From the darkness around, quietly came out men with rags, numb expressions, and dull eyes. Their bodies were full of indescribable odors, and there were all kinds of weapons in their hands, hoes, scissors, dung forks ... …,

A sharp whistle sounded suddenly from the side. These men seemed to be injected with a heart-strengthening agent at the same time, and the pupils of both eyes shrank to the size of the needle tip, so that the white eyes completely occupied the eye sockets, and a wild beast-like growl sounded in their throats, and then aimed at two large cars. The car swooped up!

These guys are the bottom-most men of the Izga tribe! They are numb and alive, and they will become the sad cannon fodder on the battlefield.

"Those **** robbers!" The three Vikings were in a state of intoxication. At this time, áo opened the curtain of the carriage and saw the scene in front of him. And when they found that the material transport vehicle behind was attacked, they immediately began pulling out their weapons and yelling! However, they seem to forget that they have long been transferred to pirates, and they seem to be noble than robbers ...

For Fang Senyan, this is nothing more than dozens of goods, but for these three Vikings, these substances can at least make the old, weak, and sick people live in the winter for dozens of people! These relatives are likely to have their relatives!

Therefore, if someone dares to touch these goods, it is really "you move my goods, I move your hands and feet" must be beaten to death. The seven of them, Luo Luo, were able to accompany Harold, and they were all warriors in the clan. He raised his own weapons ... all of them were heavy violent guys, such as two-handed hammers and two-handed axes, and then jumped off the carriage.

The three Viking men yelled violently ~ ~ They rushed towards those Izgaan male slaves who tried to dye their goods, and at the same time vigorously waved the bulky weapons in their hands, all in the air The huge giant soldiers made a buzzing sound of the Tan people when they moved. Those Izgan men couldn't parry it at all, and there was a blood spurt in the face. The limbs flew, either seriously injured or dead.

The three of them rushed into the sea, keeping a distance of at least five meters from each other, so as not to accidentally hurt their companions, which shows that their attack power is powerful.

Under this level of shock, it gives a strong feeling: that these Vikings were born for this battle!

The three Vikings, led by Rollo, not only killed, but also deliberately picked up the bodies of these previously killed guys. The flesh flew and the bones were incomplete. It felt like a few cars. Giant bulldozers and excavators rushed forward, and the place they passed was truly unstoppable, setting off a huge storm.

Obviously, the appearance of the Vikings was beyond the expectations of the ambush! In front of these three killing machines, this kind of low-quality man-sea tactics to win by quantity was completely restrained. Mogan Sha suddenly realized that in the team channel: "Boss, did you already know that these groups of Izgans are coming to ambush us? So you insisted on bringing these three Vikings?"! .

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