The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 3 Chapter 11: the reason

At this time, although the guards in the port have not yet come up the mountain, as long as the dice Coutus is not returning, someone will definitely be sent here to search soon. At this time, Kerry was even more aware that the strength of the port of Tutuga was miscalculated in the organization. Both the manpower and the shelters arranged in advance were swept up and down. Specially, even if there is no injury, there is a great chance of being caught. How could I encounter such a silly X / righteous injustice, how can I let it go?

Fang Senyan turned to frown after hearing his shout:

"What else do you have?"

Kerry wailed and said:

"Respected rock, you see how I can escape like this now, you left me here and let me wait for death, it might as well not save me."

Fang Senyan shrugged:

听 "Listen to your tone, should you have an organization, can't your companions help you?"

Kerry shook his head and sighed:

"They must have boarded and left at this time. The boss of Nick can dive underwater without being noticed by the guys on the island ... hey, if they would have managed me a day ago, but now I ca n’t do much, They must have given up on me. "

The corner of Yanfang mouth was slightly raised:

"I have rescued you once? And more importantly, it is not my main purpose to rescue you. I would not have shot unless I could confirm that the port guard could be done. Now the entire port of Tutuga is underway. Hunting, if I help you, I'm going to get burnt if I can't do it-would you please give me a reason to do this? "

But Fang Senyan's statement is logical. If he agrees, Kerry will be confused, but this guy will simply say:

"You should be alone? I can introduce you to our organization!"

Wu Fangsenyan only felt that the hazy doubts in his heart suddenly appeared. It seemed that only a layer of film would be broken. He deliberately dismissed:

"Join your organization? If your organization is reliable, why do you still rely on me to help?"

Suddenly Kerry's face turned red, but she said very seriously:

"Mr. Rock, you know, the strength of the team is by no means comparable to that of an individual. In a dangerous and weird place like the Nightmare World, the strength of the individual is too small. Only the team can give us more chances of survival. As for this Once, it was just an accident. If it wasn't for Wakata that triggered a hidden task to make it more difficult, then I believe I have tasted the best caviar on the top of the sailing hotel in Dubai in the real world. "

Wu Fangsenyan sneered:

"The more people it means, the thinner the profits are. What's more, the nightmare world is so stingy. If you don't take huge risks, there will never be rich returns. Many people come to share a piece of cake. How much can there be? I can get at least one or two pieces of equipment every time I go through a world, but Mr. Kerry, how about you? Besides, I don't believe that the team will be absolutely fair! I'm afraid it should be the boss of Nick in your mouth. "

Kerry flatly said:

"Yes, I admit that you are right, but if you neglect the strength of the team because of this, it is a big loss! Before I joined the team, my mission completion and mission completion evaluation at the end of the world were both Always below 50%! The freely assigned attribute points will always only be 1 point, and the potential / general points of rewards are also very poor, but after joining the team, although the income of distributing loot will be greatly reduced, the scene Both the degree of exploration and the completion of the task have greatly increased! The difficulty of completing the task is reduced due to the large number of people, and the general points of the additional rewards have been increased several times. And this time, if I can go back alive, I ca n’t. Get 2000 or more bonus points! Do you say it's worth joining the team? "

I heard Kerry's words, a lightning flashed across Fang Senyan's mind suddenly, tearing away the blinding fog! When he completed the Terminator world, he had some doubts in his mind: his task completion was only 53%! You know, it's already doing your best to get rid of the two terrible Terminator T-750 Fang Senyan. If you change people, you can't do better! Such a performance has actually received a 53% completion degree evaluation ... In terms of applying the percentage system, even the passing line has not arrived! In other words, what kind of performance is required to get 100% evaluation? At the time he was still thinking about it, but he still couldn't understand it. At this time, it seems that it should be these two words.


"This **** space encourages the formation of teams and encourages the contractor to hold a group!"

如果 "If I had really allied with that dead ghost Qwest."

"If you can join hands with that beard when you first enter the world ... and cooperate with them sincerely ..."

Fang Senyan's mind flashed through these two thoughts, and then the answer was definitely obtained: then I can really do more! But, but! The risk of **** me must be multiplied. Give those two **** to my own back? Finally, the things that are blocked in front of you and you have to get your hands have to be split equally with them ... Dream it!

疑问 Another question flashed in his mind: if the potential points and common points of the pass evaluation are determined by the task completion degree and / or task completion evaluation, then what is the basic attribute point of the reward?

When Kerry saw Fang Senyan's groaning, thinking that he had been moved by himself, he continued to encourage:

"Yes, the new members who just joined have to submit 50% of the common points and 50% of the potential points, but the risk you want to take is greatly reduced, and the income is not worse than one person alone, and if you are very strong, I can also elevate my authority. For example, I do n’t surrender the general point now, and this time I attacked the castle a lot, so if I can go back alive, I can participate in dividends and get additional low-level members to submit. The universal point. You are so powerful in melee, it can also fill the gap after Caldas's death! Believe me, COMEON! "

Fang Senyan froze for a moment, and bowed his head:

"How do I know if what you said is true or false?"

Kerry hurriedly said:

怎么 "How could it be fake! Do you think the castle explosion can be made by one person? There is a huge secret, and of course there is a treasure!"

Fang Senyan's eyes were fixed on Kerry's face.


Kerry nodded earnestly:

这样 "Well, if you are willing to save me, in addition to introducing you to join our three K-party, I can also tell you a very valuable intelligence, this information can allow you to receive a hidden task of level B difficulty!"

Fang Senyan still refused to nod.

When Kerry gritted his teeth, he pulled out a Huang Chengcheng son and popped up:

"You won! I add this!"

Wu Fangsenyan immediately obtained the information of this item:

Exquisite 7.62mm bullet (Condition: very good)

Origin: Springfield Arsenal, Ohio, United States of America

Equipment Rarity: Light Blue

Filled with firearms: Increases the next long-range attack power by 30 points.

Use (there must be a fire nearby): Instantly deduct the user's 10 health, but remove the bleeding and dizziness from the user.

Evaluation: I hope that our country can love us as much as we love him.

This equipment combat power score: 5

Fang Senyan gazed at Kerry for a moment, and reached out to him and said:


At this time, the guards of those ports also ended the hunt, and they also made some gains and caught a man in triumph. They probably also noticed the disappearance of Dice Kutus, and began to send someone to look for it on the hillside. Fang Senyan looked at the caught unlucky egg in the distance:

"What if he gives you up?"

Kerry was surprised:

"Don't you know that the disclosure of sensitive information to the ordinary indigenous people of the world will be punished very much? Just like the ability to use the nightmare space in the real world, the punishment is quite serious, believe me, you do n’t Would like to get that kind of punishment ~ ~ The gang of godsavers started here, Rock! Don't forget that you promised me! "

Fang Senyan said lightly:

"Of course I remember, let's go, let's go over the hillside over there and go back to the port and dock first."

Kerry startled:

"God, what do you want to do?"

Fang Senyan odd road:

"Don't you get the main task of finding a job by this afternoon?"

Kerry shrugged:

"Of course, but unfortunately, we have tried our best to persuade Captain Hook, an unknown guy, to accept us, but his **** broken ship can only accommodate up to ten people! We are also asking for boarding fees So at this point Captain Hook's body was probably washed out hundreds of nautical miles. "

Fang Senyan nodded:

"My other identity is the sailor of the Bell and Wineglass, because the ship's deputy sailor has been killed by me, and it is estimated that the respected captain Armand will announce that I will take over his appointment after returning."

Kerry's eyes widened immediately, and he swallowed hard:

"Amand? That Amand?"

Fang Senyan said calmly:

"It's that Armand, the Armand of the Black Sea Pirate King among the next seven pirate kings."


After reading this chapter, hum? Has the previous question been resolved? Hehe.

Well, to interact with you again, what about the exquisite child mentioned in this chapter from that movie? This is supposed to be answered by some senior movie fans. Oh, old rules, see in the book review area, there will be prizes for participation.

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