The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 3 Chapter 18: Wan Fu Mo!

It wasn't until Karon barely climbed from the ground that the guy wielding the giant axe came out! The originally broken bulkhead immediately flew apart. This was a black leather hood on his head. Juhan is at least two meters and twenty in height. He also wears black leather gloves on his hands. The exposed skin has clear stitching marks. What is even more weird is that his body has a lot of surface. More than ten centimeters in length, the blood-stained sharp iron spurs look like something is parasitizing in his body, pushing the sharpness of these steels out of the surface of his body!

There was a beast-like roar in the throat of the giant man, dragging the terrible weapon to the pirate and approaching it, giving the impression that his body was a shield, and that terrible weapon was worth it. What it protects is like a very unpleasant smell on its body, as if the body had been rotted and then soaked in water. The smell was disgusting. An informed old pirate had screamed in horror:

"Corrupted Corpse !!! It is a Corrupted Corpse of Voodoo!"

Black voodoo is the most famous cult among Pirates of the Caribbean. Blackbeard is the master of black witchcraft. Among Pirates of the Caribbean 4, his core members are resurrected souls. Corrupted corpse is another kind of extremely evil existence. It is a monster cut and spliced ​​from the strongest organs of many corpses. Once it is manufactured, it will not exist in this world for a long time, but it is in I don't know the fatigue and pain during the existence period. Once it appears, and cooperate with the various sinister and malicious spells of the Voodoo black wizard to control it, it will set off a **** storm of death!

Two people followed behind the rotten corpse and came out first. An old black man with gray hairs and beards appeared first. He cut his inch and wore a red cloth around his waist. His face was white. The powder paints two coiled snakes. The way he walks is very weird. He walks forward like a deliberate squat, and looks weird. Next to him was a strong man with a gray turban and a face full of fierce color. It was the captain of the ship named Gutas, who was appointed by Fernandez. He held a quirky machete in his hand and took his chest A hung whistle, "Li Lili", blew a large number of heavily armed sailors out of the remaining passages in the room, raised their weapons and called to kill them.

- - - - This is obviously a trap that has been carefully arranged in advance.

The great businessman Fernandez should have expected that he would engage in battle with the pirates-because no pirate would be stupid enough to sink the merchant ship before it was plundered. So he recruited several big voodoo wizards in advance, arranged traps on the merchant ship, and made arrangements to ambush the enemy in advance! But for Armand, this situation is still dangerous and not dangerous! Because he cleared the enemy thoroughly when he came all the way before, so the retreat was not lost, which meant that he could return to the bell and wine glass at any time.

After all, Armand is also one of the future Seven Seas Pirate Kings. As soon as he returns to the deck, he immediately orders his men to cut off the ropes that bind the two ships, and Armand can immediately launch the sharp captain's skills again. Forcibly driving away the maneuverable bell and the wine glass, the battered merchant ship that has been hit hard can say nothing to catch up. At that time, across the vast sea, no matter how powerful the Corruption Soul Master was, no matter how elite the sailors of the enemy were, they could only be played slowly to death!

"Withdraw!" Armand ordered decisively, and his word seemed to be squeezed out of the gap between the teeth. As the saying goes, the soldiers were defeated, and the pirates fled. It was also very experienced. Although the casualties were relatively heavy, the price paid was not unacceptable. But when Armand ran up to the deck, he just saw the three lifeboats leaning on bells and wine glasses. The regular marine ants of the Spanish Invincible Fleet climbed up, and his whole body was cold immediately. one slice! The enemy's plan was so fierce that he had already cut off his back road one step ahead!

"No! I have to go back to the bell and the wine glass right away. Once the **** Spaniards have taken control of the deck, they will definitely die here today!" The battle-hardened Armand immediately went cold and cold like this A determination.

He made a gesture to the wounded sailor Long Caron. Caron was stunned, his eyes immediately turned red, and a roar was issued. Turning around, he led a group of the most loyal elite pirates screaming and blocking. The hatch, trying to prevent the terrible rotten corpse from rushing out of the passage. Strictly speaking, they completely took their lives to fill up their precious captain time!

But just as Armand strode towards his own pirate ship with a somber face, a robust figure jumped up from the window on the side of the merchant ship's ship's side. It was Captain Guttas, followed by another Several brave sailors with machete jumped up, blocking the path of Armand's return! Gutas pressed his left hand on his chest, bowed slightly with gentleman's grace, but his right hand was held on the machete handle of his waist. The distance of more than twenty meters seemed to become Ah in an instant. Mund's terrible nature!

"It's a very delicate trap ..." Fang Senyan leaned on the main mast, tilted his head intriguingly and looked at the opposite merchant ship.

"Using a lifeboat to make a fatal blow, this attack method is at least four centuries ahead in tactical philosophy. From this point of view, this Spanish invincible fleet should also have a contractor, And this guy's status and prestige must not be low, so that he can implement his combat ideas so thoroughly. Ahmand Ahmand, you seem to be a good guy, but you can't get rid of greed. The essence of your pirate, this is the most fundamental reason why you are successfully calculated by others. "

"There are more people than us." Fang Senyan narrowed his eyes slightly, but his eyes had passed the Spanish invincible fleet sailors who were about to start to reach the ship seventy or eight meters away, and they passed the earth-colored, overwhelmed pirates on the deck. .

"Weapons are better than us." Fang Senyan's gaze swept over the exquisite scabbard around the sailor's waist again, and then stayed in the hands of a trembling old pirate next to him. He was holding a kitchen knife with a lack of blades, his hands kept Trembling.

"Morale is stronger than us." This was confirmed by the high shouts of the sailors.

"But ..."

"But they did not carry any long-range attack weapons!"

"Amidst such waves, waves from time to time can easily cover the side of the lifeboat. Even if the drenched moistening gun is carried, it cannot be used for ignition! And the height difference between the lifeboat and the bell and the wine glass Close to three meters! This is destined for them to climb on the ship with things like rope hooks! "

The bell and the hull of the wine glass flickered slightly, and a Spanish lifeboat leaned in. It was only a short moment that several rope hooks had been thrown to the side of the ship's side and hugged firmly, and then several tall sailors had climbed up vigorously.

At this time, Fang Senyan had sneered to the edge of the Spanish sailor, his calmness and calm contrasted with the surrounding horrified pirates. Fang Senyan picked up a heavy axe by hand. This two-handed axe was used to cut deeply into the enemy's ship's board when he was engaged in side battles, and then a cable was fixed at the stern end. At least it also weighs nearly 100 kilograms, and Fang Senyan barely picked it up on his shoulders with his 11-point power. Although he could not compare with that monster's rotten corpse, he also successfully attracted the deck. On the eyes of these pirates.

At this time, two Spanish sailors have already climbed up along the hanging rope! Fang Senyan turned around in a steep place, roared, and a huge axe weighing nearly 100 kilograms slammed with a dull whistling sound. The two sailors' feet had just stepped on the side of the ship, and their feet were unstable. Suffering from such a fierce attack ~ ~ Suddenly swept away without a sound, dragging a long scream in the air, "噗通", fell into the rough sea! Seeing is already fierce!

Immediately after that, several other Spanish sailors who successfully boarded the ship surrounded them. At the same time, they pulled out the sailor knife and chopped it down. Blood splattered, and Fang Senyan's body suddenly had five or six long red meat roll wounds! Blood rushed, and half of the body was dyed in an instant, but the heavy axe Fang Senyan held with both hands swung back again with a huge wind, and the planks shattered wherever they passed. Several sailors were smashed out of the ship's rail, and flew in the air, screaming and falling into the water!

I defeated one enemy, but it was a victory!

That kind of momentum is really the crazy madness of having a man and a man!

And Fang Senyan never even retreated!

For a while, the wind and clouds were surging, and the waves were soaring. He slammed behind him and smashed into millions of broken jade! Fang Senyan stood tall on the side of the ship. Regardless of the seventy-eight bleeding wounds on his body, he tore off his torn shirt, held the half-damaged axe with one hand, lifted it into the air, and issued madness. Growl!

"COMEON, you idiots! \"


Hu Enheng, it's time for reader interaction today.

Today's question is more difficult. Oh, that's the rotten soul corpse mentioned in this chapter, actually I borrowed it from a famous game / of course adapted into a movie.

读者 Is anyone able to guess what its prototype is? Which game or movie did it come from?

Old rules, see you in the book review area.

In addition, there is a chapter at 12 o'clock. Ha ha

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