The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 9 Chapter 55: succeed

Facing the scene in front of him, Fang Senyan took a deep breath.

"Sure enough, Mbenga, you really know the highest secrets of this Dubai Asian tribe !! Then your true identity is ...

I wish I had guessed wrong, otherwise, would there be a battle between us? "In this short period of time, the successors and descendants of the **** ant finally played a significant role. The poison gas in the cave was finally neutralized. They poured in like black torrents, and the target was not the middle sun altar. It's the plants around the altar that are already developing.

These ants started to climb on the stems of these plants, then shredded the huā flowers with sharp mouthparts, and carried them back to their nests xué. Only after obtaining these huā flowers, their queens could give birth again The queen is thus grouped. Simply put, these huā flowers are the only way to cure ants' infertility and grow in groups. No wonder they came to **** the dead.

Fang Senyan found that these ants were not uninterested in the sun stairway in the huātai, but the channel surrounding the huātai seemed to them to be like a heaven. Once an ant fell in, it was immediately corroded by the mysterious liquid.

Since the poison inside had been cleaned up, Fang Senyan took a deep breath, and he couldn't wait any longer, he didn't dare to wait anymore, because time was passing relentlessly. And how much time Mbenga can delay outside is completely unclear. In order to avoid night long dreams, the necessary risks must be taken.

He stepped directly on the white skull path in one step, and the feeling came from under his feet was that those skulls actually had a slight bounce, and he didn't know what method was adopted to make these skeletons that had gone through thousands of years. The skull remained fresh and moist after the skin flesh had just been recorded.

Once Fang Senyan acted, he strode toward the middle sun altar without hesitation, and bright daylight shot down from the top, clear and bright, and even the dust floating in the air could be seen.

The colorful leaves of the sun ladder swayed slightly in the wind, and there was a slight light transmission. It can even be seen that its veins are as clear and clear as human blood vessels, and it seems that there is a liquid filled with nutrients in the pipeline.

Fang Senyan took a deep breath, and Mbenga's drunken warning last night flowed in his mind: When picking the sun ladder, you can only pick the dried leaves, and you must shoot quickly, and you can't touch the rest Foliage, otherwise it will cause the remaining unknown consequences.

But at this time, Fang Senyan saw the mud in the middle of the huā platform again, and suddenly a group of light blue sè stone edges appeared. The texture and luster of the "stones, stones, but are very strange, nothing like what should be on the earth! He moved in his heart, carefully observed, and then found a few similar light blue on the surrounding cave wall. sè "stone" fragments!

Suddenly, a sight appeared in front of Fang Senyan. Thousands or tens of thousands of years ago, a meteor struck through the sky of the African continent. This meteor was about to burn out in the atmosphere, and then disintegrated before falling to the ground. When scattered, spread, and debris falling, they successfully crushed the top of a cave hidden in the ground, and opened a number of large or small "skylights" to this originally closed cave. This is the hole xué The top of the cave shows why it is so bizarre.

After the meteor broke down, the largest piece of debris fell into the cave of this "sun altar" after breaking through the top of the cave, probably because this meteorite has a radiation bō segment that has never been seen on the earth, alienating The local plants, or the core of the meteorite, may have hidden the seeds of life. Coupled with a special environment and suitable light, heat, and moisture, a plant that has never appeared on the earth reproduced here, but because it is extremely harsh to adapt to the environment in which it grows, it cannot reproduce in large numbers.

Many years later, a small tribe called Dubai Asia discovered this place by chance. After a long period of mō cable, they found a way to grasp the energy in the body of the plant, and they became a huge empire. It is believed that the power given by the sun **** is hidden in this plant, and if you get that kind of power, you can get the way to the sun god, so it is named the sun ladder.

At this time, Fang Senyan discovered that there were still several independent nèn seedling plants beside the main root of this "sun ladder"! The branches and leaves of the sun ladder above it have a weird shape that shows the shape of the uterus. Wanting to come to the sun ladder also needs to breed the next generation, and it is still in the way of viviparous birth!

However, the most terrifying thing is that most of these nèn seedlings withered and died. The cause of death was that their mothers spread a few tentacle-like roots from the stems next to them ... Live them!

What a cruel and wise plant! !!

It must have felt the environment here. Nutrition and water can only provide for its own growth. If its own seedlings multiply, then it must rob the limited living resources suitable for their growth, and the mother plant must die! So even though this plant is breeding based on instinct, in fact, it even kills its offspring to safeguard its right to live! How aloof, cruel!

Seeing such a scene, Fang Senyan's heart moved, but he spotted the largest and strongest seedling! Although this seedling was entangled in the mother's roots, even though its brothers and sisters had withered and withered, it was still rebellious, supporting its own vitality with stubborn branches, Such tenaciousness and stubbornness made Fang Senyan's heart suddenly move, and immediately shot without hesitation.

The personal ability of the contractor is beyond ordinary people. Of course, ordinary people cannot compare. Fang Senyan's backhand directly broke the fibrous root that had entangled the seedling. When he pulled it, he found that the fibrous root actually said no The tenacity that came out was almost like being pulled on the wire. However, when Fang Senyan exerted his strength, he broke the fibrous root. From the fibrous section, a light yellow liquid was sprayed out. It looked like the blood was sprayed after the arm was cut off.

As soon as the fibrous root was broken, Fang Senyan's palm was slammed into the soft and moist soil, and the alive seedling growing in the soil was dug out without damage, and it was thrown into the team space. Among them, Fang Senyan caught the fist-sized pale blue sè meteorite fragment, and then fled!

Fang Senyan's series of actions are complicated to say, but they are all done in one go! It took less than two seconds.

After the mother of the sun staircase felt that her tentacles were torn off, she suddenly fell into a state of rage. The thick stem trembled, and the soil flew suddenly. She actually pointed at Fang Senyan like a cannibal and slammed her. !! Fang Senyan had done all the bad things at this time. In the face of the attack of this thing, he did not dare to resist, and hurriedly rolled over and fled. A thought flashed quickly in his mind: "Should I take the Sun Ladder right away? No! Of course not! I have no interest in becoming a eater or a mutant mature body." ........., ... , ..., ...

But when Fang Senyan ran out of the cave of the Sun Altar with joy, his pupils shrank for a moment, and the violent violence of the Sun Ladder's body obviously triggered what institution! To the left of Fang Senyan, a dusty stone gate appeared to be shaking and opening! There was a cricket, cricket, yīn's wet and dry figure shook a bit, then stood slowly! The dust rolling on it seemed to have accumulated for at least hundreds of years.

Fang Senyan took a deep breath.

He knew that this was the last test he would face if he didn't listen to Mbenga's words.

The withered figure came out slowly like a robot, and we could see it huā white hair, sloppy coat, sloppy body, and the teeth chuáng up and down in the sun ~ www.wuxiaspot .com ~ Yellow teeth, dry and black teeth, but you can see the hard muscles stretched on the bones are shrinking, maintaining its marching strength.

Obviously, this is an infected mature body that Fang Senyan has encountered before, but I don't know why, the Dubai Asians will let it serve as the last line of defense!

"Ah ~~~~~"

The withered figure actually made a long sigh. The muscles on Fang Senyan's face could not help but twitch again! !! This is the first time he has encountered a talking mature adult! This invisible means that this guy should be wise, which means that Fang Senyan must face a hard fight! On the verge of life and death! !!

"How many years have I not seen the sun? One hundred, two hundred years? How much I long for the warmth of the sun in that endless darkness!" The guy raised his hand and screamed, It can be seen that after making this action, the dregs on his body and the torn clothing are falling down, even the spine bones outside Lù are ringing in Karakala. At this moment, it suddenly turned to look at Fang Senyan, and greedily and hungrily sent out a hysterical roar: "But! I want the rich flesh and blood, the steaming intestine, the beating heart, and biting it The blood is so sweet and sweet! "! .

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