The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 9 Chapter 61: Mbenga's miserable fate

Gul aggravated the golden scepter on the ground, and the majesty is so powerful that the immense power is already so strong]

The result was very unfortunate. All the people who went there were annihilated by the entire army except Alam and suffered the brutal killing of Gurga. At that time, Mbenga witnessed the death of his loved ones and united the remaining hundreds. The captive, at all costs, inspired the broken and fierce blood curse of the spirit hún, but was defeated by the cunning Gurga, and hit the heir of the Serpent Tribe, Gandazan.

This so-called spirit hún's broken and tragic blood curse comes from modern science. It should be to use unknown power to force the target human biological spirit to split and present a powerful subpersonality! This sub-personality will suppress the master's personality in the depths of the consciousness of the sea because of the obsession of hundreds of people, while the sub-personality will inherit the memory and thinking of the caster.

If the spirit hún had successfully hit Gurga then, I believe that Mbenga would not hesitate to share with Gurga's master, making the body idiot. However, after Mbenga's sub-personality occupied the current body of Gandazan, it was because of his obsession to kill Gurga that he could not die with him. In addition, the tribe of the Serpentine Snake has to take care of his current physical safety, so the guy Alam and Mbenga escaped successfully.

It ’s just that Alam ’s trip is definitely not without gain. It seems that he should have taken the artifact of the Ouroboros tribe ... ~ ... It is estimated that this stuff is causing the core area of ​​the Dibia tribe to be biochemical. The main cause of runaway pollution!

So why don't the Serpent Tribes attack by stealing Mbenga? Fang Senyan immediately realized that this was likely to be considered in terms of human nature and ambition! The robbing of the tribe ’s gods directly led to the old chieftain of the Serpenter tribe anger and shame and died, while the heir Gandazan was delirious and “occupied by evil spirits”, so it must be inferred that the entire Serpenter tribe must be Fall into chaos without heads!

At this time, it was the best time for the ambitious Gurga, who led the Sun tribe, to swallow the fallen Serpent Tribe! !!

For thousands of years, the two races fought, Gurga must know that if the Serpents clans who are good at long-range attacks can surrender to him, then the combination of the two clans is the complementary trend of strong alliances!

If not done well, it can also reappear the glory of the Kingdom of Dubai Asia, so Gurgaa will surely try to prevent a group of serpentine snakes on the side to save people.

And the evil consequences of the disappearance and loss of the mythical creatures of the Ouroboros tribe are highlighted. After the biochemical pollution began to spread seriously, it is difficult for the Ouroboros tribe to protect themselves, even between them and those who were exiled outside Dubai ’s Asian giant marsh The contacts were all isolated and lost, and the act of rescuing Gundazan was even more thoughtless.

Therefore, Mbunga could deliberately kill the defenders of the Serpent King tribe in the cave of the Holy Mountain, but the other party was afraid to resist.

Therefore, the Serpent Tribe didn't dare to fight back even after being slaughtered by Mbunga. This is because they were afraid of hurting their leader's body when they cast rodents. They also firmly believed that their leader would eventually wake up and lead them again.


Face the solution proposed by Gurga! The two tribal elders of Ouroboros Yilou also hesitated for a while, but Gurga screamed at this time: "All the people of the Sun tribe, immediately go back to the holy mountain caves to meet the demons, which is given by the sun **** Our test, as long as it passes, the light of the scorching sun will re-bathe on our bodies, and the kingdom of Dubai Asia is bound to recover! The tribe of the Serpentine is also a citizen of the kingdom of Dubai, and they must be timely when facing demons Rescue them! "Gurga ordered, and while those of the Sun tribe were very worried about the high priest's comfort, they immediately retreated. Fang Senyan immediately praised this 厮 jān for his incomparable scam. After such a high-profile appearance, how could those soldiers of the Serpent Tribe attack him? Worshiping the strong is originally a human endowment, plus you have to worry about the safety of the holy mountain ......... In any case, external worry is greater than internal trouble. Therefore, even if the warriors of the Ouroboros tribe stay here, they will certainly not have the war.

At this time Gurga shouted again: "Tiago ~ ~ Blackgrass! They are the most loyal sacrifice of Gundazan, but we must let the brave heroine snake tribe warriors fight in vain. Are you dead here? How brave are you? Are you afraid to stay here and fight with me? "As soon as this sentence came out, the sacrifices of the two tribes would have to meet anyway, otherwise, Gul would sit down. Add words to accuse "they treat soldiers as cannon fodder". Their two somber faces could only order their tribe to retreat and guard the holy mountain. The warrior tribe warriors were clearly moved by Gurga's words, and they repeatedly targeted the two tribal elders, as well as Mbenga, who was bathing in blood and demons, and then retreated.

After only a few minutes, there were only five people left in the Great Flame Square: Mbenga, the two elders of the Serpent Tribe: Tiago, Blackgrass, and Gurga.

Of course, there is Fang Senyan hiding the body next to him.

The sun shone on the four people who insisted on the flame square, but there was a deadly chill.

As the elite warriors of the two races joined the battlefield, the situation near the sacred mountain in the distance quickly eased, and the caves that bleed red smoke were blocked and reoccupied. Apparently, those contaminated creatures could not occupy any cheap in such a well-connected cave, and were killed by many.

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