The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 9 Chapter 77: Weird implant fusion

Seeing Fang Senyan so resolute, it was obvious that he had deliberately thought about it, so the old Alam stopped talking nonsense and called the clan people directly, and brought Fang Senyan into a large wooden shed outside the village. The wooden shed was almost leaky on all sides, with a trunk cut from it in the middle, with purple and black blood everywhere, and the ground next to it was also a large group of crickets, broken bones, rotten meat, fish scales, and fish. Miscellaneous is everywhere, there is a pungent rancid odor in the air, most of this is where Qom Harbor decomposes its prey.

Old Alam went to get a bowl of dark medicine and asked Fang Senyan to open his mouth to drink. Fang Senyan was bitterly grinned and suddenly got a prompt: "You are about to perform the secret sacrifice of the royal family of Dubai: Barbbaba."

"When you perform this ritual, your own defense will drop to the level of a normal person in the real world. This effect has domain priority xìng."

"There are too many data to calculate and too many variables to evaluate the consequences of this ceremony. It is recommended that you stop the process immediately with the number 1018 and use the rank privileged contact space. You will get an additional 100 merit reward. If yes If it proves to be valuable, then the rewards can continue to increase as appropriate. "

"You may encounter inexplicable unknown dangers during this ceremony!"

"Are you going to continue the ceremony?"

After seeing this reminder, Fang Senyan immediately froze. He immediately thought of the unknown unknown objects that he had previously obtained. This thing can also be sold to space in exchange for meritorious value. The explanation given by space is: unknown The singularity is a mutated species that appears only in extremely rare circumstances, so there is no relevant data in the space, which has certain research value.

And Fang Senyan immediately thought of his current situation: the first ceremony of the ceremony was almost lost, and it is estimated that after so many generations, it is most plausible to restore it in the hands of Old Alam. Most things are mutated to the point where there is no relevant data in space.

Secondly, the talent of this party: Do n’t talk about the barriers. You have made many data in the battle records and judged it incorrectly. Even if it is an attack with various priorities, you cannot override it. No matter how you stay People also know that this thing is very abnormal and has problems.

Finally, the half-dead sun-staired larvae. The data of this thing should be normal, but this guy should have been strangled by the mother, but was brought out by the fansonite, first absorbed a large meteorite fragment, and then was The venom was injected into the bite snake's bite, and in the end it sucked the body of the bit snake. The strange estimate of the chance of this thing can't be derived from the normal way. It is estimated that it should have been included in the category of unknown singularities long ago, or they are still very advanced.

And the combination of these three variables, Fang Senyan is almost certain that it is likely to be unprecedentedly large, then the 100 points of merit value given by the space, or more rewards, is not much.

More importantly, even if the merit value continues to increase to 200 points and 500 points, Fang Senyan also has no way to enthusiastically, because once he got this reward, he would have to change his own "often data errors in the space." "Talent is in the sun! Once this has caused his talent to be "corrected", so many meritorious values ​​cannot be exchanged!

So Fang Senyan drank the bowl of medicine with a very simple sip, and decided to continue. He immediately felt a cold sensation that slipped down his mouth, and his body was lost in consciousness. Within a few minutes, Fang Senyan felt that he could not move any more, similar to general anesthesia on the operating table in the real world, but his mind was exceptionally sober.

The reminder of the Nightmare Mark was passed over again: "The ritual Babu Babra has officially started! From now on, anything you do except speak softly will cause the ritual to fail, including returning to space, using props, Use any ability, etc. "

"Warning: The failure of the ritual Babu Babra will have a high chance of causing your death!"

Old Alam began to lead a group of indigenous people to dance a mysterious dance around Fang Senyan, and kept raising his hands and shouting. Next, Old Alam never knew where to take out a sharpened gold knife, took out a drinker made of human skull, and took a sip of the turbid liquid inside. The knife edged up and sprayed up, then Jinguang flashed at Fang Senyan's ōng mouth and inserted!

At this time, Fang Senyan's defense strength dropped to the level of a normal person in the real world. In addition, the strength of Old Alam also looks quite strong, and it will definitely not be worse than Mbenga in the peak period. Entered the ōng mouth of Fang Senyan,

It was easy to dissect the ōng bone of Fang Senyan, and it was not known whether it was the reason for the bowl of drugs drunk under Fang Senyan, and the amount of bleeding was actually quite small.

The old Alam used both hands to pull Fang Senyan's severed ōng bone apart and spread out the organs below. Even Fang Senyan's red heart was beating vigorously, sending blood to the body. Office.

He chanted a mysterious spell aloud, then took the previous skull drinker, and poured the liquid in half on Fang Senyan's wound. Then took the half-dead Sun Ladder larva bitten by the snake, and soaked it in the skull drinker, dàng dàng at random, and then you can see that the surface was suddenly cleaned, but not so, just Even the dirt on the tiny roots was washed clean, and the thick roots of the hair were clearly visible.

Immediately afterwards, the old Alam placed the plant directly under the bone of Fang Senyan ōng, but it can be seen in Guangdong that this dying plant was entangled in the center of the flesh and blood of ōng's mouth, and its root After the beard comes into contact with flesh and blood, if the ivy's tentacles start to rapidly climb and climb along the internal blood vessels of the human body, it looks as if every major blood vessel has a fibrous root spirally curled and attached. live! It has to extend deep into the body!

At this moment, the life energy and flesh of the census rock were quickly absorbed by the daughter, and the daughter began to thrive! From a dying breath to a living dragon and tiger, it is clear that if it is allowed to continue like this, the only end for Fang Senyan is to become "huāfei"!

At this time, Fang Senyan simply closed his eyes and listened to the fate of the sky. Such a situation would make even a nerve-thin person intolerable. Wait until the roots of the Sun Ladder almost spread to the blood vessels above and below Fang Senyan. The old Alam suddenly shouted like a beast. He couldn't hear anything at all. The golden knife kept turning from the left hand to the right hand, and then from the right hand to the left hand, drawing a line in the air. Another shiny little circle is really good-looking.

He started walking around Fang Senyan, staring at his ōng mouth without blinking. Suddenly, Old Alam's golden knife suddenly shot!

This shot was almost like a flash of sparkle fire, and it was difficult to describe the amazing speed. When the light flashed, the knife had penetrated the main stem of the sun ladder that had grown in the body of Fang Senyan, and swelling a ball Nodule cut off and flew out! But did not hurt Fang Senyan's own body!

All of a sudden, all the branches of the Sun Ladder trembled, even wailing, and it took a long time to calm down! Then he fell into silence. However, the branches and leaves and roots that are incorporated into the body of Fang Senyan still adhere to blood vessels and veins and instinctively absorb necessary nutrients.

It turns out that the sun staircase can be said to be a very strange creature. Most of the time, it takes root and grows underground. It can perform effects similar to photosynthesis, but it also dissolves prey like a spider and eats it. It can Staying quietly in one place for a long time, but also when the threat is felt, he will slam the enemy crazy.

It pollinates according to the instinct of the plant, but the offspring are viviparous.

It has the sense of crisis and thinking ability of higher animals ~ ~ In the case of insufficient living space, it will even actively kill its own seedlings!

It can be said that this thing completely confuses the classification of plants and animals, and has become a creature that crosses boundaries between animals and plants. The old Alam ’s blow was to take away the "true true nodule" of the sun ladder ......... "true" real nodule to the sun ladder is like the brain to humans ……… A person is bound to die without a person, but the sun staircase loses 〖true〗 because of the special characteristics of the half plant, and the real nodule is like a so-called vegetative, it loses its ability to think and move, completely Is attached to the vascular system and lymphatic system of Fang Senyan.

If this ceremony is successful, then the Sun Ladder will undoubtedly become the fourth largest system among the three major systems except blood, nerves and lymph in Fang Senyan!

Of course, there is another crucial difficulty, which is the rejection of the human immune system. The human body will reject all foreign objects that invade its body. For example, if the bacteria infect the body, the immune system will remove it. In fact, at least 90% of everyone's health is done by the immune system, and 10% is medicine.

This shows the importance of the immune system. !! .

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