The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 9 Chapter 86: The second disease (thanks to the leader ZH 22,222 ...

After spending three points of meritorious value, Fang Senyan successfully raised the cold to LV4. With each point of meritorious value, the chance of sneezing, chills, and headaches was only increased from 5% to 11%, and each level was increased. 2% chance of infection.

Fortunately, even the s-level ninth-level ability is not exempt. After upgrading to the key level of lv4, there are four alternatives for extraction.

: Reduce the time interval for triggering a cold virus from 10 seconds to 7 seconds.

: Spreads the spread of cold virus by 20 meters.

: Shorten the onset of cold virus by 3 minutes.

D: Increase the chance of sneezing, chills, and headaches by an additional 3%.

Fang Senyan got the item, which means that the enemy will wait 7 minutes to get sick. Fang Senyan was also very satisfied. When the cold rose to lv4, his skill name also became popular xìng cold. The Nightmare Mark also appeared with a prompt: "You meet the qualifications to open the next level of talent tree, you can choose to continue to improve the branch ability: popular xìng cold lv4, or you can choose to open the next level of new capabilities."

Responsible Rock still remembers his experience in Dubai ’s Asian giant marsh. Although the Dubai Asians are not high in attack power, the various viruses attached to them are disgusting to him and the reef. The current priority is to change the type of disease He got up, so he decisively chose to start the next disease: "In the input of environmental data, information began to be sampled ..."

"After the information is sampled, the data analysis is completed.

… ”“ Hint: The host can choose three of the following diseases for sampling infection, and then master the advanced infection diseases of the epidemic xìng cold. "

": Bronchitis." ": Laryngitis."


"Hint, the disease you choose to master will affect the subsequent generation of related talent trees." "The disease you choose will be xìng, infection xìng, and the difficulty of healing will also be mapped to the disease capacity effect of the improved virus replication. Please choose carefully! "

"There is no time limit for this selection. Please consider carefully before you choose." At this time, Fang Senyan had already checked some information before and knew about related diseases, so he can roughly guess the subsequent directions of these three branches. : Most of the ultimate evolutionary abilities are.

Most of the advanced is tonsillitis and finally myocarditis, and most of them are otitis media, and finally evolved into coxsackie virus yòu with encephalitis.

While the black buddies were still here, and the virus was alive, replicated, and the improved mechanism remained for nearly twenty-four hours, Fang Senyan took a staff member and immediately called a rental car and rushed to another hospital. I plan to go to the hot iron to infect the advanced xìng cold. Although Fang Senyan doesn't know if this is useful, it is always good to try it.

During the taxi to the hospital, Fang Senyan did not think much about it and decided that the next choice was bronchitis.

This time, he neither checked the information nor consulted people. He chose bronchitis because when he was on the sea boat, Fang Senyan lived with an old sailor named Harrington. Poor old Harrington's disease. It was slow xìng bronchitis ... one ... his heartbreaking cough entangled Fang Senyan for two years ... he died directly in the first three years.

Fang Senyan was disturbed by cough sounds at night, and he couldn't sleep at night. Later, a sick reaction that forced him to fall asleep without hearing the cough sounded due to bronchitis. Therefore, it can be understood that the disease of bronchitis once occupied a very important position in Fang Senyan's life. The impact on him for two full years was very great, so even today Fang Senyan has become a powerful contractor. Still locked his choice to bronchitis without hesitation.

Unfortunately, this time Fang Senyan was unfortunately missed. His healthy body successfully resisted the invasion of various germs until the precious twenty-four hours after the virus was alive, Fang Senyan was still alive and fiercely. Therefore, we can only wait for seven days in the real world, let the virus reabsorb its vitality, and then continue to be tested by the virus.

Of course, in this case, the black buddies couldn't get away, but fortunately, there were no major events on his side ... even if there were any major events, Fang Senyan and he would definitely get it done. In short, the weather in Taiwan is almost the same as theirs. It doesn't matter if you don't accept the problem, just come over for a holiday.

During these seven days, Fang Senyan was not idle too much. On the one hand, he began to learn how to hone his combat skills with the black brothers. On the other hand, he was busy with his ability to deploy new potions. In the end, he also made two weird ones. The new formula came out.

The first formula is: Elixir of Sting Elephant Power. When destroying, you need to deduct 30 health of the thrower. After breaking the impact, bō increases the stun effect on surrounding enemies by 1.4 seconds (the remaining potions are 1 second). The cloud slows the enemy by 5 (the remaining potions are 20%), the range is increased by 33%, and the duration is increased by 50%, and the enemy's skills in poisonous fog will cause 15% of the skills to fail due to nausea.

This is caused by Fang Senyan's research on the insects that live on the trees. Such insects are more common on the sycamore trees. Once attacked, they will emit odor from the belly, which is very unpleasant! As the saying goes, these bugs are called "Fart Bugs". This was developed by Fang Senyan when he found that he didn't have the kind of medicine specially used for throwing.

In addition, Fang Senyan overthrew the semi-finished mantis potion made in between, and instead included a creature outside the nose into his test subject. This thing is very famous bullfrog.

The bullfrog medicament is the same as the mantis medicament and cannot be mixed with the rest of the medicament, but the effect after taking it is a bit weird, which immediately reduces the user's physical value by 33% of the current, but increases the forward jumping ability by 2 meters Increases jumping ability by 1 meter for 300 seconds. However, this medicine cannot be taken continuously and will have an hour of cooling time.

Don't underestimate the magnitude of this medicament's bonus to jumping ability, which seems small, but in fact it is very scary to think about it! If Fang Senyan could have jumped over a one-meter obstacle directly, it is now strengthened to two meters! Running in complex terrain, whether it is chasing or escaping, will have a considerable advantage.

It's just that the cost of using this potion is also high, 33% of the current health! For the other side, if it is used in the heyday, it will undoubtedly mean that more than 300 health points will be deducted! For his enemies, as long as the difference in strength between the two sides is not too outrageous, then only a powerful sniper can strike this effect in one shot. Therefore, the timing of using this potion must be well grasped, in case you use a bottle of this potion when chasing the enemy, it is not easy to talk about being killed by the enemy.

Then came the news over the reef, saying that it was spiritual hún equipment: the progress of the golden pearl in the Caribbean went very smoothly, and it is expected that the offspring of Diaz will be locked in two or three days. I wrote my name on it, and unfortunately, whether it was World War I or World War II, it was a terrible meat grinder! The descendants of Dias were unfortunately involved in it, so it was delayed until now. If it weren't for the family of the reef, this guy has a long history and powerful power, and there is really no way to achieve such high efficiency!

After three discussions, the reef also determined that the descendants of Diaz also lived in the UK, and decided to fly directly to get the Ling Hún equipment, because the mission given by the Ling Hún equipment was accepted by Fang Senyan. You can also get your pneumonia problem there.

At this time, Fang Senyan probably estimated a series of conditions. For now, because of his talents: with the help of barriers, he should now be able to withstand at least the third-stage disease on the talent tree without risking his life! Of course, the premise of this assumption is: in the case that Fang Senyan already has enough meritorious value. In fact, according to Fang Senyan's speculation, he has only a few points left, unless he wants to lower his rank, so at most he can learn pneumonia ~ ~ Fang Senyan's company on the reef three days later Next, I took the dazzling Caribbean gold pearl out of the box and gave it to a grandmother who was full of frequency. She was already eighty-nine years old. She touched the box with pearls with trembling fingers, and the old tears were vertical and horizontal.

At this time, Fang Sen petrochemicals knew that what Diaz wanted to say to his offspring was actually engraved on the box containing pearls! After the grandma thanked each other, Moriya, they left the quaint box and gave them the Caribbean pearl.

At this time, Fang Senyan finally acquired this spirit hún equipment that can greatly enhance perception, and this thing is not bound by spirit hún, so Fang Senyan put it in the team warehouse, although it is in contact with all men, When the male xìng creature communicates, it will reduce the charm value by 10 points by default, but when communicating with all female xìng and female xìng creatures, the 15 points by which the charm value is increased by default is quite amazing.

………… , ………………

I rely on it, the point of my mother's wind makes me refresh the thing that I can't log in for 20 minutes. Will I tell you everywhere? Will I tell the reader? !! .

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