The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 10 Chapter 4: Heartbreaking sneeze ...

For Cowie, a reserve breeder hunter, a raptor might not endanger his life, but he will always seem to be very busy and confused, and will even waste valuable reserve drugs, and this top Of course, things should be done by Joseph, who himself hired a commissioner.

After Coy rolled over and escaped, Joseph following him immediately frowned and fell: [M]

"What are you doing? Dignified superhumans, reserve hunters, can't hold back even a sneeze?"

Kao opened his mouth and seemed to want to say something, but after all, he still couldn't say it. In addition, the return mission has not been settled and Joseph's hire price is indeed cheap. Therefore, he could only swallow his mouth and not speak. At this time, Joseph said:

"If I have suffered additional losses because of your fault! Keke, Keke ... then you have to compensate me, damn, why is my throat so itchy?"

On the one hand, Joseph was on the alert to go back to the general meeting that night. If there were no raptors, then naturally there is no need to say more. If there were raptors, he was already alarmed by the cough, and there was no need to hide Up,

It didn't take long for Joseph to step out and patronize this dinosaur who had returned to the club for a long time. He had eaten and left, and his heart was quite full of fire, but after coming out, Joseph And Cowie's pupils suddenly shrank!

Because of the doorway of the general meeting at night, suddenly I didn't know when there was an extra man!

男人 The man stood there quietly, it felt as if he was standing on a reef in the middle of the tide. Those who try to surpass him will inevitably be bumped into the head by the hard corners to break back into the blood and return, which is extremely embarrassing.

Joseph's fingers holding the hilt of the sword tightened tightly and slowly said:

"who are you?"

When he said this, the nightmare mark on his forehead began to shine again. Obviously, this was a deterrent, as if there were problems with the diplomacy of a certain country, he often engaged in acts such as nuclear tests. Quite similar, but Joseph immediately found the chest of the man in front of him, and it actually gave off a dazzling light!

"damn it……!"

Joseph immediately roared, and immediately buried his body, aiming at the reef like a football player, and rushed up. His metal shoulder armor was popped with seven or eight sharp sounds. The tapered spurs will hit the reef hard with your shoulders.

If he was hit by a fly, it would not only cause damage and fall, but even his defense would be temporarily reduced by 33%.

This kind of attributes that reduce defense, coupled with the fast attack speed and relatively low agile contractor Cowie, can be said to play a pretty good complementary role.

However, when Joseph bumped into the reef five or six meters, he suddenly discovered that the man in front of him had a huge and strangely shaped shield in front of him, and the shield was exuded with dark golden glares. The light is as bright as the sky!

Heavy shield!

Dark gold quality!

Joseph slammed his shoulder on the shield. He only felt that the metal cones on his shoulders made a crunchy sound, but the unfavorable impact in the past seemed to hit the thick walls, and there was no way to shake it. Nothing!

长长 Two long marks were drawn on the concrete ground, and the dust was just pushing the other person back forcibly and sending them away five or six meters away! The counter-strike force transmitted back from the shield almost made him numb all over his body!

"Are you MT? Damn, are you the Zeus?" Joseph gritted his teeth.

But Cowie called immediately:

不可能 "Impossible, the realm of Zeus has grown to that level of horror, absolutely not as weak as him, and it is impossible to appear alone !!!"

The two men said at the same time, Joseph had already pulled out his long sword and slashed it. At the same time, Cowie tried to make a surprise attack around the reef without shield.

But how could the reef give him this opportunity, and in the roar of Yang Tian, ​​an invisible shock wave had begun to spread out in all directions, blowing dust all around, just as a typhoon of twelve level came. Cowy and Joseph were both hit by this "heartbreaking" ability, and their speed decreased at the same time.

Seized the opportunity for the two to disperse, and the reef had aimed at Cowie and rushed up, lifting his feet sharply!

You can see the reef's feet, and suddenly a giant horseshoe-shaped illusion appeared, and she knocked Cowie to the ground, and then stepped back on it fiercely! That's exactly what the boots on his feet came with. Horseshoes step back!

Cowey's face was covered with blood when he was trampled back. It was so easy to withstand the crazy trampling step. Just as I was about to get up, the reef slapped in the past.

Cowie's tumbling roll seems to have avoided the reef attack, but unexpectedly the slap of the reef is actually a false move, but his actual purpose is to throw back from the slap a common dart on the British Peninsula. , Accurately stuck in Cowie's chest. This is the hand dart that the reef returns to its normal state. When it hurts the enemy, it will continue to restore the health of the body!

But Joseph was not idle at this time, he suddenly got rid of the effect of heartbreaking, rushed over, and chopped a sword on the body of the reef.

The sword cut off the reef arm and blood flew back, and Joseph was also a weak hunter. He took advantage of this great opportunity to have a soft white light on his hands, which happened to strike the dark of the reef. Jinhui shield, it seems that there is sticky glue on both hands, tightly attached to the surface of the dark gold shield.

Suddenly, the white light on Joseph's hands spread to the dark gold back shield, and soaked into it strangely! It can be seen that even the dark gold return shield has become transparent, and it seems that it has been transferred to another plane! Only the simplest lines left!

This is the fundamental ability of Joseph based on the team, called the dimension lock,

This ability cannot cause direct damage to the enemy during the battle, but it can cause the enemy's equipment or return device to be returned to another plane in a short time, and it has no effect. At this time, Joseph had raised the dimensional lock to LV9, so even the dark gold equipment could not resist the powerful power of resisting this skill. Think about if Mr. Dumbledore's wand is suddenly introduced into a different dimension. In any case, you know the potential of horror locks to rise to the top.

After the first move, Joseph had yelled and rushed forward again. In his heart, once the reef was removed from the shield, it would naturally be slaughtered like a tiger without minions!

Cowie seized the opportunity and came to the reef in a flash. The series of fierce attacks previously against the Raptors were cast out again, and a series of fierce rays shot out on the reef's body. Blood.

It ’s just that the reef is also a battle-hardened guy. I do n’t know how many times I have gone through the worse situation. I still do n’t panic in the face of this sudden situation. My legs are slightly bent and half-squat, my hands are protected. In front of him, Cowie's dagger turned back and tore a wound on his body! Blood flew little by little back and splashed on the reef's face, there was a kind of double cruelty, but it also showed the double calmness of the reef!

Suddenly, Cowie struck out a top-to-bottom slash, and the dagger turned back with a half-moon-shaped arc of light. The judgment of this move is based on the agile judgment between the two sides. Therefore, although the reef made a defensive posture, it was also blown away by Coy's blow, and it seemed as if it was being remembered. The fierce upper punch hit the chin above the chin, and a passive backflip appeared, and the air door suddenly opened.

Cowie once again made a slightly squatting action with double legs. With this action, the concrete street circle of several square meters under his feet has suddenly collapsed, and a large group of smoke exploded. Then he will suddenly force! Severely pointed at the reef in the sky and chopped out a sharp foot knife!

Even if the other party is ~ ~, but the shield was removed, and this one was killed, the same is also immortal and half life. But at this time, an indescribable strange feeling spread to Cowie's body again, and then focused on the center of his nose.

"Damn, why would I want to sneeze at this time?"

"I want to hold back, I am killing people now!"

"I must hold back!"

"I want to hold back!"

"I will endure."


"Ah ~~~~~~ Ah ~~~~~~~~~ Sneeze!"

Kao Yi's foot knife was finally chopped out, and the wind battered, but he severely cut a scar of two or three meters on the cement pillar next to it. His quasi-head was crooked and heartbreaking under the influence of that sneeze.

He slashed and flew to a steady backflip of the floating reef, then waved a lightsaber, chopped around his neck and flew Cowie out. Then the reef suddenly rushed forward, again kicking forward.

Joseph was about to rush up to stop the reef at this time, but at this time, he felt like he had been soaked into the ice cellar. He snored, and he was originally slowed by the heartbreaking effect of the reef. After a short while, the speed of movement slowed down significantly.

After the reef stepped out, Joseph had full confidence to stop him, but because of that weird chill, he could only watch the reef fiercely mammoth on Cowie's face again! Such an attack not only hurts the body, but also leaves a traumatic heart ...

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