The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 10 Chapter 11: That dead ... connect!

Fang Senyan was set on fire!

Fortunately at this time, the nightmare mark on the reef chest also appeared a dazzling light. With one stroke of his hand, Fang Senyan's head suddenly appeared a golden translucent armor, which was wrapped around his body. on.

Armor of Faith!

In the next second, Fang Senyan's footsteps lingered, an ice crystal flying knife, a sniper bullet, and two people's long-range attacks hit Fang Senyan's body. The armor of faith that shrouded Fang Senyan shattered in a split second, cracking and breaking into pieces of light.

Despite having a 40% rule and strong talent barrier protection, Fang Senyan was also severely hit at this moment, his life value fell by more than half, and a horrible wound with a flesh and blood was hit by a sniper rifle on his back. The ice flying knife was deeply inserted into his vest, causing a lot of continuous damage. A large amount of gunpowder also stirred up, scorching his entire body black.

However, at the same time when he was attacked, Fang Senyan's body also shone a light blue light. The rapid beast hormone injection had been launched. He suddenly smashed a bottle of cursing potion that reduced strength towards the ground. On the one hand, it is necessary to continue to weaken the hiding illusionist. On the other hand, it can also serve as a cover, so that the sniper cannot lock his target.

The long blue knife was lifted high, and there was a trace of tragic green venom on it, and then the lightning-like light split fiercely.

To be honest, Fang Senyan's +7 West was used in plot battles at this time, and his power was already small, but in the battle with the contractor, this weapon can see many effects of ignoring the defense, resulting in The real damage is truly amazing.

After the sword was cut, the guy locked by Fang Senyan had screamed frantically in the team channel:

"Ahhhh! This guy is a pervert, his weapon actually comes with crushing, weapon special effects ignore defense, and acid damage (dry orange), called muscle explosion damage, corrosion damage (source of photosynthesis) !! Of the six kinds of injuries, of these six kinds of injuries, three kinds of real injuries are fucking! Help!

Fang Senyan would never keep his hands at this time. His sword flashed for a while, chopping the unlucky guy in front of him and spurting blood in the air, but at the same time, a contractor who had rushed to the reef again Raised a "Chicago typewriter" and fired at him.

Fang Senyan is the foe who likes this kind of enemy with a high shooting frequency and low attack power to attack himself. His eyes are covered with bloodshot. After a tumbling, the injection of the beast hormone is triggered again.

The harder you fight me, then I will be ten times, hundred times imposed on your allies! !!

See who can't stand it first!

There was a strong cutting sound and a stern scream, and finally an arm flew up, spilling out with blood.

Even though the illusionist was a powerful swarm hunter, he was defeated by Fang Senyan's targeted attack.

Fang Senyan, who was beaten with flesh and blood on his back, waved his sword vigorously, chopped the illusionist into a dying state, then pulled his ambition backhand, and aimed his black muzzle at his head.

At this moment, Drizzt in the distance had stood up and murmured in a strange voice:

"Your soul is already being watched by the demon pupil of the ice, your life and death will be dominated by the thought of the ice."

While Drizzt was chanting, the cold mist on his hands projected a straight cold light. The cold light seemed to exist on another plane and was not blocked by anything. This cold light Directly connected between Fang Senyan and Drizzt's hands, it lasted about two or three seconds, and an ice diamond dagger with very different specifications shot out at an indescribable speed.

Fang Senyan had already pulled the trigger of "ambition" at this time, and among the pungent gunfire roar, the rough lead bomb blasted the unlucky guy's head into a rotten watermelon without hesitation! The blood of his brain splashed on Fang Senyan's face. Only then did Fang Senyan notice the strange connection with Drizzt. Although he didn't know what the effect was, it would not be a good thing. He flew forward and hid in Beside the corner.

But it was useless. Under the guidance of that cold light, the ice diamond dagger passed through the corner effortlessly. It seemed weird that the corner seemed like an illusion, and it was inserted into Fang Senyan without fireworks. Right chest.

Immediately, Fang Senyan's right chest was completely frozen and a large mass of light blue ice spread. The ice diamond dagger was nailed to Fang Senyan's right chest, and the injury was almost like After the glass was hit by the stone, it didn't shatter.

With a dagger as the core, a large number of cracks spread around the chest like a spider's web, and then a large amount of frozen hard flesh was mixed, and ice debris was mixed and scattered, and Fang Senyan's right chest appeared a bowl-sized deep hole. Even the viscera under the ribs is clearly visible!

Imagine the damage that this blow brought to Fang Senyan!

Immediately, another cold light was connected to Fang Senyan's body. If it was based on the information previously obtained, then when this cold light was connected to the target two or three seconds later, the dagger that was shot from the next flight would not be able to be built. Obstacles are intercepted and irresistible. Half of his body was frozen by Fang Senyan for a few meters, but he still couldn't escape the cold light connection. Seeing that he was about to hit again, the oblique sprint rushed over an indescribably high speed. Figure, intercepted in front of Fang Senyan.

It is the reef that has shown its power: decisive!

Just as another ice diamond dagger shot at high speed, the reef held up his dark gold shield. You can see that the cold light was cut off, and the moment when the ice diamond dagger hit the dark gold shield. , Its tip melted away instantly, the entire shield and the reefs behind were frozen into a pale blue ice sculpture, but the next second, the dark gold shield was shining brightly, and a sphinx appeared on it The phantom of the face growled loudly and waved his claws!

The blazing sun light instantly condensed into a mark of a claw, and then printed on the dark gold shield shaped like a scorching sun. All the ice and snow were immediately dissolved, and the reef was blocked in front of Fang Senyan, like a towering solitary high The mountains, he said coldly:

"If you want to touch my teammates, you must step over my body first!"

"Are you ... MT?" Drizzt's eyes narrowed instantly and even became fiery: "Can you kill an MT here?"

The heartbreaking lungs that had previously affected the opportunity of the four people around him, Mogansha immediately seized the opportunity and threw out his silver Spartan spear, which turned into a lightning bolt. Leaping fiercely among the enemies, taking advantage of the powerful paralysis effect brought by this spear at this time, Mo Gansha has successfully disappeared into the building complex.

Of course, he is not running away, his task is to entangle the sniper hidden on the commanding height! In such a fierce battle, it is undoubtedly lethal to let any sniper who can shoot freely. To be honest, the task was very difficult for Mo Gansha, but he never feared such a challenge.

Drizzt has only missed two things so far:

First, he did not expect that his companion illusionist would be seen by the enemy, and then killed in seconds!

Secondly, he never expected that a powerful MT existed in the trio of enemies. If he had known it earlier, he would not let his four subordinates rush together! The result was affected by MT's group deceleration skills, which directly led to the escape of the other gunman.

But Drizzt still has the chance!

A loud bang came from the building next to it, and then saw the black smoke coming out of the seventh floor of that building. It was the sniper who wanted to shoot again and was shot by the black buddies. The grenade hit straight. Although it won't die, it's inevitable that you won't be able to focus on shooting because you are so ashamed.

Although the enemy is a contractor, in terms of combat experience and combat skills, Mogansha, who has been playing gun killings since he was a few years old, is indeed ahead of most gunner contractors!

The reef covered Fang Senyan behind him ~ ~ Fang Senyan gritted his teeth and pressed against the wall next to him. The bricks on the wall collapsed and he had forcibly opened a passage. The two had retreated quickly into a room.

There was a sneer in the corner of Drizzt's mouth: How dare you play with me? As soon as he waved, four of his men immediately separated and surrounded the grocery store. Drizzt jumped onto the second-floor balcony next to him, and two ice daggers began to condense on his hands.

His four subordinates didn't rush into the house at all --------- that's what a stupid beast would do ------- these four guys also have With a certain range of long-range attack capabilities, what shotguns, grenades, and no money madness aimed at the house bombardment. Such an attack may not have much effect, but it can always do some harm to the people inside.

In addition, Drizzt's grasp of the ice system ability is also very strong. Once the enemy appears, it will inevitably be slowed down, drag the opponent to death alive, consume the enemy little by little, and watch their expressions change from hope to Despair, that's what Drizzt likes to do.

It should be available today, and we are hereby notified.

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