The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 10 Chapter 19: New Black ~~~~~ Girl?

Facing the seemingly unstoppable stab that Saibul had previously, Zi originally thought it was his chance, but now it looks like,

How could such an old and sly guy like Saibul make useless work?

Sabre cut his sword with a knife, but his attitude was irrevocable. He pulled out a crescent-shaped dagger and suddenly cut it to Sabre's neck. Only Sabre crossed the blade, the two arms crossed, and he held it with one hand. The position of the dagger was not a match against Saibul at all, and even the capital of the dagger was beaten and twisted a little, and flew out alive. Penetrating deeply into the bluestone slab next to it, the blade was still humming.

At this time, Yuan Zhan didn't know when the poisonous hand was again, and planted a giant needle spine far away from Zi, and Zi hurriedly avoided the attack of this terrible poison bush. Although Sabre's vertebral sword has just been used, he seized the opportunity and hit the shoulder with a handle with a handle, and the four cavities also flew out and penetrated into the skin of the posture. Greedily sucked the essence of flesh inside.

It can be seen that Zi Dun snorted immediately. Although she had a powerful silver plot equipment robe to protect her body, it was impossible to compare the protection with the armor after all. Her left shoulder struck a terrible horror. As you can imagine, the flesh, bones and meridians inside have become a mass of paste! A semi-arc shock wave was emitted around the part hit by the knife handle. The strong wind blew up the dust and earth around it!

The whole person was struck by this fierce blow and couldn't resist the huge force from above. He rolled in the air and lost his balance. He easily covered the wound on his shoulder and fell to his knees on the ground with one knee. His lips were pale and painful.

Seeing the appearance of Zi at this time, even a sense of desolation emerged in Yuan Zhan's heart, like a quietly open empty valley Youlan has opened to the strongest time, but you must hand The strong loneliness of withering and withering!

"Come on! Flora should be glad to see your head dedicated to her!" Saibul raised a knife with a chuckle.

However, with a deep head buried in her body, a strong majesty erupted. The woman's eyes suddenly changed from sky-blue to black and gold!

Golden pupil!

Pupils like lizards or dragons!

She suddenly stood up again, the large blue robe slammed in the wind, and the complicated ornate pattern on the robe swayed with the wind, lifelike. The patterns have to be resurrected, the blue background has become deeper, like a calm sea full of unpredictable majesty!

And in the side of Zi, three diamond-shaped light **** appeared again. If the floating cannon revolved around, she suddenly recovered to the strongest state at this time! !! !! !!

In the acupuncture cactus wound that was killed by Zi before, a large pool of blood gathered in the puppet, with a black shadow, and it was quickly creeping out of that pool of blood. Although the dark shadow appeared in such a strange way, it felt like it had an indescribable anger and a tremendous killing power!

"Alberu, male, black, obese, forty-two years old, with a hooked nose and a sarcoma on his chin, a former senior staffer of Istrata Communications Ltd."

The information was written on a piece of paper,

And this paper is being circulated to each other by more than twenty black men with a condensed expression, and it seems that their expressions are like carving the paper on their minds with a knife.

Because the command they get is:

"Find this guy in an hour and bring him to the horn flute intact, right away!"

The expression of Bi Yongbo who gave the order was still deeply inscribed in their minds--it was a threatening expression mixed with so much greed that it could almost swallow life. These guys remember very clearly that the last time their heads had a similar expression on their faces was when they looked at ten kilograms of **** three years ago.

It is worth mentioning that the 10 kilograms of **** were being taken to a police car at the time, along with their oldest boss.

And now, as one of the largest gangsters in Mattesin, the ten kilograms of **** can't make Biyombo blink.

What seduces him?

Thirty minutes later, a black man who had previously seen the piece of paper crossed the motorcycle. He brought seven or eight speeding parties with copper rings on his nostrils and came to a very dirty place. In the dirty slums flowing around the slums, the exact information they received was that the guy named Eberu entered with the owner's daughter two hours ago and never came out again.

The most intriguing thing is that the daughter of this homeowner is engaged in the profession of relying on the flesh to support her livelihood.

-------- Or the kind at the bottom of society.

There is no minerals, no fields, no oil in Mattesin. There are only deserts and seawater.

But here is full of murderers, robbers, murderers, and prostitutes, who have abnormal prosperity. These guys rely on hunting dinosaurs to obtain crystals. This is a very dangerous and profitable method to maintain their lives. The government is disguised. Support this behavior that consumes "potentially unstable social factors" in the battle with monsters. So here is a very typical gray area.

A black man with a spider pierced on his face extended his blood-red tongue with a tongue ring and licked his thick lips, grinning unwillingly:

"This idiot really chooses. Although Tasi is older, she is the best kung fu in the black drum bar. This guy stayed with her for two hours at home, I'm afraid we have to lift him out. car."

Hearing that, everyone laughed. Heading at that tall, stout black man, he really made no joke, frowned and waved:

"Go in and find someone and immediately bring him out intact."

So the door of that dilapidated hut was torn apart in a very shameless way, three or four blacks broke in and looked around with a vicious and mocking look, and immediately saw the prostitute named Taxi. Half-kneeling under the weight of a fat, bloated black man, his head was undulating, and the guy was comfortably leaning against the quilt and making a snoring noise.

Seeing such an emergency, the fat and swollen black man immediately climbed up, but was caught unexpectedly, and immediately screamed and collapsed on the bed. The burly black man looked at him scornfully and asked with a thick nasal voice:


The fat, bloated black man swallowed a spit, panicfully said:

"what did you say?"

The black man who broke in pulled out a gun, put it on his head, opened the fuse, and pressed his finger on the trigger:

"I'll ask again at last. I'm looking for this guy from Eberu. If you're not, or fake, the bullet will taste your brain in an instant."

"I, I, I, I ...... Yes, yes, yes!"

About seven or eight minutes later, Ebrew was shoved back to the Horn Flute Bar. Soon, he was taken to Biyongbo. The gangster with his nose ring turned his head and looked at the adjacent table. A black man with a cigar casually walked over and patted Ableu's face:

"Child, relax, congratulations, you're getting rich, if you're that Eberu, a former staff member of Istrata Communications Ltd."

Alberu was about to speak. The black buddies had already poured him half a glass of whiskey, and then poured him down, and made him cough violently, then the black buddies continued:

"Well, before that, you have to pass a small interview ------- how did you get started by Istrata Communications Co., Ltd., an excellent huge company that controls almost the entire national communications network? Except for -------- you have to tell me the truth, otherwise, I will be angry, and the consequences of my anger are serious, believe me, you do not want to see that scene. "

Aibolu opened his mouth and said sternly:

"I ...... I collected a woman's money and used a satellite that monitored the activity of dinosaurs on duty to monitor the whereabouts of a man."

"Wow! That's cool!" The black dude whistleed, "What then?"

Abeloo sighed:

"Then I knew that person was a senator and was preparing to run for governor ..."

"You did a good job!" The black buddies have put on his shoulders affectionately, shoving half a stack of dollars (because half stacks have been used before ...) that Reef had unintentionally drawn from the loot before. Lu's jacket pocket:

"Brother, I have to congratulate you, you are lucky, you are rich, of course, before that you have to do a few small things that I want you to do, rest assured, just a trivial little thing ~ ~ Speaking of the black buddies, he walked outside the bar with Aibolu's shoulders, but at this time, Bi Yongbo, who was neglected, suddenly coughed loudly, and his group of younger brothers blocked the way immediately.

Fang Senyan, who was sitting in the corner next to him, bounced lightly, and a crystal-sized table tennis-sized crystal shining with mysterious light flew to Biyongbo, but this thing was the soul crystal they brought out of the Avatar world. Posing as a dinosaur crystal than Yongbo had never seen before is naturally more than enough.

Bi Yongbo grabbed it with one hand, kept playing, and licked greedily. Fang Senyan and the reef went straight out, but the gangsters still had no plans to make way.

Bi Yongbo sneered hesitantly:

"Hold them down to me and search for them! Yes, the new brunette is careful not to hurt him. I think his **** is very **** and very appetizing."

The three Fang Senyan suddenly stopped, and he shouted in unison with the reef:

"New black ~~~~~~ Girl?"

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