The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 10 Chapter 28: Psychic storm

Chapter 28—Soul Storm

Such a powerful and crazy Saibul, after being struck by a posture, turned out to have no resistance, and there was a silver light on his body that was walking around, and it seemed to be paralyzed by an electric current like an electric shock. WwW. NgWeNXuE. M

Immediately afterwards, Zi ’s hands were one point, and her phoenix and phoenix eyes were filled with ice-cold chill. The charming feeling was completely gone, replaced by inviolable majesty, and two silver bayonet swords were held by Zi again The light on the bayonet is as bright as a person's retina.

"Don't, posture !!" At this time, Saibul screamed and begged:

"I was forced too! Think about the days when we fought together."

After Saibul called out, although his face was still very cold, but the movement of stabbing the silver bayonet with both hands at the same time couldn't help but pause, so it was half a minute slow.

Behind the posture, a phantom of the dragon's head suddenly appeared. The posture was aimed at the left arm pierced above the obliquely, and the emitted light formed the palate of the dragon's head. The light emitted from the right arm pierced below forms the jaw of the dragon's head!

Immediately afterwards, from the mouth of the dragon illusion, an indescribable turbulent silver dragon breath was sprayed at Saibul!

The Force. Dragon Breath!

However, Saibul is also a battle-hardened guy, and then he had a chance to pause for a while. He has barely prepared for the defense with the vertebral sword and blocked it in front of him. In the turbulent silver dragon breath When spraying in front of you, you grit your teeth and hold them. Although the flesh holding the handle was burnt and squeaked, it is also not let go, but it was unavoidably pressed by a huge force for seven or eight meters and was directly bombarded. Go underground!

The silver dragon breath and blood light mixed, and a fierce explosion occurred on the ground. It seemed to bloom a huge mud-colored flower. The sand and stones in the air fell and hit the surrounding ground. Rustling!

It took a while before Saibul's body resurfaced.

There was a violent black breath all over and around him. This breath came from his black vertebral long knife. However, the price paid was that the strange and strange vertebral long knife had shrunk by at least a third! Originally, this knife was held in the hands of Saibul, full of the taste of sweeping the world, but now such a shrinkage, it is not trivial, it seems to mention a handicraft.

Obviously, the blow from Zi was also a huge drain on her. Her long hair flew, her cheeks were abnormally bright red, her eyes filled with resolute hatred, and two silver spiked swords were in the air. Intersecting each other, the ray of light faintly makes the surrounding space have a great degree of fluctuation.

Then the light formed a cricket dragon claw, aiming at Cyber ​​at high speed.

The Force. Dragons!

At this time, it can be seen that although the posture has greatly enhanced the melee combat ability after the blood veins awakened, her real lethality is mainly based on the long-range legal system.

As soon as the flying claw of the flying dragon claw appeared, Saibul immediately felt the immense threat, and he immediately roared out:

"Yuan Zhan! Help, don't worry about me when I die!"

At this time, Yuan Zhan had indeed gained the overall upper hand, and Aldarus issued another four lightning bolts in succession, but only two successfully hit Yuan Zhan, and the remaining two only damaged two summons.

The giant crocodile also called the beast again and opened its mouth full of sensuous teeth. It aimed at Aldarus and bit it down. The high-end mental power shield around Aldarus finally broke completely. , Scattered into a sapphire fragment like crystals, and eventually dissipated in the air.

Raising his arm, Aldarius caught directly on the big beak of the giant crocodile's summon. Although this monster is extremely strange, but it is already the end of a strong crossbow to break the shield of spiritual power. This is the case with Arda. Reese's arm was bitten with flesh, blood spewed out, and there was a stern feeling.

Yuan Zhan's eyes showed a venomous light. At this time, the large group of vampire bats he released were shrouded in cloud and in all directions, blocking all escape routes of Aldarus. Vanished, covering the burnt scars of his chest and gritting his teeth:

"go to hell."

Listening to Yuan Zhan's voice, it seems that every word is squeezed out from the gap between the teeth! Full of vicious meaning!

However, at this time, Aldarius also looked up slightly, looking at Yuan Zhan, his eyes were as stunned as the cold wind sweeping the ice field, and there was a sting that always existed. Even the original Zhan did not have those charges that would have been snake-like meandering on the ground.

"Heart lightning is the most fragile, the most painful, and the most sad place in attacking the enemy directly ..."

"But no one, the main ability of mental lightning is not to hurt, but to draw! It will fully absorb the pain suffered by the enemy in each attack, and then feed it back to me, and I will send these from the soul The pain and wailing are stored, accumulated, let it slowly brew, ferment! "

"Then it's the horror storm that swept everything !!!"

At this moment, the cloak behind Yuan Zhan was stirred up. In the void in front of him, a faint blue dot suddenly appeared, and then it slowly swelled, and then it burst into flames, forming a blue and white flying sky. The power grid is shrouded in a space of nearly 100 meters!

If these currents are connected together in a network, they will be constantly dying and passing around. It is strange that the power grid does not seem to cause any damage to the surrounding environment, but once it touches the living body, it will vacate. There was a lot of smoke, and it finally collected on the body surfaces of all living creatures in the range, and burst into an indescribable arc light!

Mind storm!

This is the real murderous mental storm of Aldarius! !! This is the whiplash damage that directly affects the enemy's mind, but it directly ignores the enemy's defense ability! Similar to Fang Senyan's disease damage (of course, priority cannot be compared), special resistance is required to offset its damage.

In the white ocean storm, Yuan Zhan was stagnation in an instant, the horrible pain, the feeling of palpitations spread all over the body instantly! !! !!

His level of life sharing ability is not high, so the life sharing with the summoned beast is two-way! In other words, after being connected by this ability, part of the damage to the summoned beast will also be reflected on him! (There will not be repeated reflections: For example, Zhan Zhan hits the lightning of the mind and reflects on the summoned beast. The reflection damage suffered by the summoned beast will not be refracted again.)

"damn it……."

Yuan Zhan tried to move away from the scope of the psychological storm, but the brain clearly issued instructions, but the body was completely indifferent because of severe pain! !! After all, the original Zhan's summoned beast is a living creature, and also trembled in this horrifying storm of souls, stunned ... Within a short period of two or three seconds, several summoned beasts have stiffened. In situ, then if the body surface is as stiff as porcelain, a large number of cracks are cracked, and a "wow" burst into numerous pieces!

Yuan Zhan was also deeply saddened into the dying state. Naturally, those summoning beasts that depended on his spiritual power also quickly evaporated and disappeared into the air. At this time, Ardarius gave his right hand a strong grip to stop the operation of the psychic storm. He stood up and strode towards Yuan Zhan! The mage's enemy was returned to Aldaris's hand because of his temporary invincibility.

"Traitor, let's die." After Ardaris flashed, he went to Yuan Zhan. He simply put the enemies of the mage on the neck of this dumb guy, and wiped it gently from A bright red blood spurted from Yuan Zhan's throat, and the body was separated from the head. Not only the blood, but also a large amount of dark red internal organs was sprayed from the cavity of the headless body. Everywhere is ahead!

But soon, Aldaris found out that the original Zhan ’s headless body had been spitting blood! The blood was continually gathering on the ground, and it seemed that the insteps had spread. More weirdly, without receiving any killing tips about the Nightmare Mark, the original headless corpse in front of it began to squirm, like Zombies are going to get stuck in the neck like that.

Altarius took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and the blood on his hand ran down little by little, dripping down the ground along the enemy of the mage ~ ~ Then Soaked into it, disappeared unknown.

"Oldfat, is it you? Only you can apply the illusion to the point where I can blind my vision and successfully rescued Yuan Zhan in the dying state, but you can stop me?"

A brick wall next to Aldaris suddenly squirmed, and the red bricks that piled the walls began to move strangely and turned sideways to form a very strange brick man. This brick man was as exaggerated and weird as a clown. Smile, said in a husky tone:

"The radical method is useless to me. Aldarus, you do hide a huge strength, but the idiot Yuan Zhan has also forced your most critical weakness! Your powerful ability is at least seven or eight The success depends on the enemy of the mage. You have to rely on the enemy of the mage to continuously provide you with mps. More importantly, this weapon should be used for positioning? Is it only the enemy of the mage? The enemies that pierce can make your positive charge quickly find the target! "


Chapter 28—Soul Storm

Chapter 28—Soul Storm

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