The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 10 Chapter 45: T virus ...

It wasn't until the two men walked out seven or eight meters that Fang Senyan, who had just checked the body, trot back home and expressed his opinion:

"The old hyena's neck fracture was very severe. He should have been killed by a broken neck bone with one hand. The aborigines of this world are very difficult to possess such physical abilities. Our enemies are likely to be the ones of the Skeleton Society. Help guys. So if fighting, then it ’s better not to leave alive. Fortunately, they use the back door to control the Skynet satellites here to monitor, and the warning method is blocked by me, so that the water is mixed, Then it will be very helpful for our future actions. "

The posture nodded, the index finger of the left hand nodded, and the diamond crystal surrounding her suddenly stopped and hid quietly behind her. It seemed to have a weird "bowstring tension", and apparently flew when there was a change Shoot through the enemy's body. At this time, Fang Senyan also used his rank privileges and team leader privileges for the convenience of communication. After paying a certain fee, he also temporarily included the posture into the team channel. [m]

The reef rock opened the way ahead, and after Fang Senyan broke, he protected the posture in the center. You can see a quiet place in this hotel, as if the tenants are sleeping quietly, but it is okay in the corridor on the first floor. When you reach the second floor, you can see blood everywhere, glass. Detritus, and loose clothes.

The most shocking thing is that you can also see: there are a lot of elongated blood fingerprints on the wall above the corridor. If you look closely, you can even clearly recognize that these scattered fingerprints have drawn long blood marks on the wall. . Just by looking, you can feel the despair and helplessness of those victims!

This scene may be quite astonishing to ordinary people, but the three of them can be said to have seen any situation at this time, so they just secretly raised their defenses, and apparently ignored all of them. , Very calm. Just whisper a few words from time to time.

At this moment. Suddenly she realized a problem, frowned and wanted to turn back, but Fang Senyan had said lightly:

"I checked. The Vanguard bag room is at the end of the corridor on the third floor. This guy probably didn't smuggle things out for sale. All four rooms on the third floor were opened. So whether it is to check the goods or Transactions are very convenient. "

The three of them talked while walking, and soon reached the third floor.

Suddenly, a door at the end of the corridor opened, and two or three pale-faced men ran out.

Immediately, he closed the door with his backhand and clicked against the lock. Seeing that they were wearing uniforms of army officers, but the clothes were already full of blood, and the blood was sprayed on the military uniform. It was probably that someone who was born with vitality, led by his voice, was exhausted immediately. Angrily shouted out:

"Notify us immediately, the mutants are starting to attack the active army!"

But in an instant, the door behind them was making a strange sound. The sound was sharp. It is very similar to the sound of slowly slicing glass with a knife. There is a bit of **** femininity in the crisp sound of tearing.

More importantly, this room was specially transformed by Lieutenant Colonel Vansite, not the decorated wooden door, but the real guy whose main body was welded with hard steel plates, almost deserved Several sides of the security door. However, this time the security door is above. It seemed to be noisy like being sprayed by a welding torch, radiating a lot of sparks, and then clear straight cracks appeared!

Immediately afterwards, the door was twisted and flying like half of the paper, rubbing a deep crack on the wall next to it and a dazzling Mars!

The dust from the brick wall next to the puppet also flew up. Then, a tall figure. The woman, dressed only in black tight three-point leather, strode out. This appearance looks like a European woman with a large skeleton. Her height is at least 180 cm, her **** are fat, her navy pupils are very deep, and she seems to reflect the shadow of a person. She raised her left hand. You can see that there is a very weird finger cover on the index finger of her left hand, sharp, demon!

It can be clearly seen that as the woman's fingertips were swiped, an indescribable straight line of pen appeared in the air, and the line glowed a faint blue light, crossing the high-speed alignment and running to the end That officer cut it off.

The straight line was almost like a very sharp sword. It was easy to cut off the officer, and before he could even ache in the future, three other lines flew again, cutting his body into Seven or eight, it fell to the ground.

估计 And it is estimated that the line is also carrying an indescribable high temperature. When cutting the human body, the high temperature burns the cross section of the blood vessel at the same time, so there is no blood flowing out!

接着 Then heard the loud noise of 咚咚咚 from the wall of the next room, it sounded as if a monster was frantically destroying the partition wall of the building. The next second, the wall next to it cracked open, and between the bricks splashed, a huge shadow broke through the wall, crushing another escaped officer to the ground.

The dark-skinned body fur was rotten, revealing rotten muscles, and the dark red muscles rolled up, very disgusting. There is scarlet body fluid splash on the exposed muscles, and the flesh-red muscles are knotted! The fangs and claws are sharp metal-like rays, and they are a giant bear that looks infected with some rot!

After seeing such a situation, Qi Zi changed her face slightly:

"It is indeed a skeleton society! Be careful of that bear, but it is a summoner infected with t virus. It will be very troublesome if you are hurt by it. By the way, tell Mogansha and ask him to monitor the hidden summoner! I've played with this guy named Virus before, it's very difficult! It's best not to get injured in the hands of his summons, if we have the opportunity, we must give him enough pressure, otherwise our pressure will be greater. "

"Is the virus?" Fang Senyan blinked after hearing it, and smiled: "This is really a familiar word."

At this time, the giant bear that threw the officer was already raising his giant palm high. The giant palm was the size of a fan, and the black claws on the giant palm were sharp like a knife. After the shoot, the officer ’s His head flew up, the stunned expression of horror suddenly appeared, and the blood burst out immediately.

The infected bear smelled blood and was very excited. He bit his mouth and sucked fiercely at the cross section of the neck. You can see that the officer's body is shrinking rapidly. A closer look reveals that his body is moving. The speed visible to the naked eye is melted and devoured.

After sucking up the blood, the bear's mouth cracked like a smirk, revealing hundreds of sharp teeth, spreading to a shocking extent, and biting under the police uniform in one fell swoop. Yes, crazy devour!

At this time, only one officer survived, his face was pale, and he ran away with a big breath. He did not dare to turn back, because when he turned back, he was afraid that his legs would become weak because of fear, and he completely lost his fighting spirit! But at this moment, the woman with **** and fat hips has once again moved the index finger of her left hand, and the sharp, demon fingertips, once again marked out several fierce cutting rays, aimed at the last name. The officer cut past.

In this case, Fang Senyan quickly calculated the success or failure, and immediately screamed in the team channel:

"Rescuing people and then withdrawing immediately. It is not appropriate for us to fight in this place. Mogansha covers us. Attitude, if you have fought against them, then don't take action, it is best not to reveal your identity."

She was stunned, and used to giving instructions at this time, she couldn't get used to it for a while, and was pulled away by Fang Senyan before she quickly pulled away and flew away! There was a faint sense of loss in my heart ~ ~ and at this time, the reef had a "decisive" aimed at the officer and rushed up, protecting him directly behind. After the terrible cutting light came into contact with the reef, a very violent explosion occurred, and the reefs flew out!

The woman with **** and fat buttocks was about to catch up, but she suddenly bent her index finger of her left hand and gave it a flick! The fire was splattering, and a bullet shot at her suddenly flew! That particle bomb is more like if it was cut open, cut into two halves from the middle, but what comes next is a grenade smoking a smoke! It is the masterpiece of the black guys!

In the loud explosion, the fireworks boiled, and by the time the woman with the big buttocks reappeared, Fang Senyan had rescued the officer, twenty or thirty meters away. This woman wants to catch up, but there are at least three people in the other party plus a hidden gunman. She is obviously a contractor of the agile melee class. Can only lame, with a hoarse and charming voice (like Wang Ruolin) said coldly:

病毒 "Virus! If you don't do your best, then this branch task we got will have to be snatched by others!"

Suddenly, a little girl's voice was heard from the ground under the woman's feet:

"My Misha has caught up."

It didn't take long for the puppet to come back. The infected bear had ran back, and one of its forepaws had been cut off, exposing the rotten, stained red liquid, and Bai Sensen's bones. The cross section at the wound was also quite smooth and flat. It looked like it had been cut off with a sharp weapon, but the other bear's claws also contained the enemy's flesh and blood debris. To be continued

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