The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 10 Chapter 53: Scuffle

At this critical moment, there was a blur on the surface of Yake's body. In the next second, he shuddered and swiped, and three Yake appeared at the same time!

The high-frequency cutting line shot by Paqiuli cut through one of Yake's bodies, chopped him directly into a virtual image, and apparently hit the phantom.

However, the fist of the skull burst out in an instant, and even made a thunderous thunder in the air, hitting Yak's body chest at once.

At that moment, although Jac did not receive any direct injury, the energy burst out from his body instantly, as if the rope trapped him. The guy ’s feet also had nowhere to borrow because of the loss of balance. The Wolverine slid out of the ground for more than 20 meters, scratching and dragging on the ground, the Wolverine was extremely bloody, and the back was instantly dripping with blood.

"This fist of the skull does not seem to have any actual harm, it is completely for the purpose of driving the enemy away and repulsing," reef seriously said.

Faintly Road:

"Of course, as soon as MT appears, it will most likely become the target of the set fire. Even if MT can stay on the battlefield for an extra second, then the income and achievements he brings can play a role of one second, winning Failure is likely to be determined in that second, so the MT's ability is best to keep himself alive as long as possible. Even if you choose the offensive ability, you must follow this principle! "

The beaten Jacques could not stop taxiing, and finally hit a statue on the central square, which immediately collapsed! Paqiuli's index finger was cut in the air for a while, and suddenly there were five or six high-frequency cutting lines crossing, and shot at Yac at high speed.

At this time, Yake barely supported his body, and suddenly extended his hands in the face of Paqiuli's attack. The ten fingers of both hands were unfolded. You can hear that "Ding Dang Dang" suddenly sounded in the air, as if many The sound of glass beads are colliding!

Immediately after, Yake's palms quickly appeared a grayish-white light. The light looked like a cocoon of a creature, showing a sense of tenacity. It could be seen faintly at the edge of the light. There is a dazzling red light inside.

Then Jacques spit out blood on the off-white light!

When the grayish-white light absorbed the blood, it began to gradually dissipate, and it seemed to fall down like a dusty texture, but it turned into smoke and dust in the air and would not fall to the ground. The contents inside quickly showed the embryonic shape, and the frame showed a golden color. The patterns on it were cross-woven, looking very delicate, like an exquisite work of art.

And in the center of the frame, there is a red crystal mirror. The sight of the person falling on it has a feeling of being "absorbed", as if looking into the deep ocean. Although the red crystal lens is only less than Twenty centimeters in diameter, but the line of sight cannot be penetrated at all. It feels embarrassing and blurry. With the majestic metal frame like a crown, it not only looks mysterious and solemn, but also contains explosive strange power!

"This is the top-level MAX ability of Yake VI! Crimson Ember!" Said coldly. The tone of Fang Senyan's listening posture contained a bit of gritting teeth, and I thought that the mother-in-law should have suffered a great deal under this ability.

I saw that the high-frequency cutting lines from the five or six cuts flew in front of Yake, and suddenly the mirror in his hand was an endless vortex. Suddenly, the high-frequency cutting lines were absorbed. Go in!

"So strong?" Mo Gansha couldn't help but said, "This guy's mirror can absorb all attacks?"

"No, only long-range attacks can absorb it." Zi's voice became colder: "But ... it is definitely not as easy as you want to absorb!"

Obviously, Paqiuli also felt very surprised when faced with this situation. The finger sleeve on her index finger flashed a little brilliance, and the illusion of an Alaskan gold sculpture suddenly appeared behind the whole person. Apparently, she should be preparing for the situation. Some sort of raid was launched.

However, at this time, the mirror surface of the mirror in Yake's hand flashed for a moment. In the next second, five or six high frequency cutting lines were reflected from the mirror surface and reflected to Paqiuli, and the five or six high frequency cutting lines actually It has been dyed a bright red, and it looks like five or six burning lines.

Paqiuli was in the process of accumulating capacity at this time, so she could only scream and forcibly interrupted the ability, and fled to the side. As soon as she dodged, the five or six burning high frequency cutting lines that had been reflected back all swept across the skull.

The skull at this time was obviously extremely slow, and of course there was no way to avoid it.

A violent explosion happened, and the flames also released a raging flame, which wrapped the skull fiercely. At the end, the smoke and dust formed by the explosion formed a small-scale mushroom cloud covering the nearby ground!

It was only after the fireworks had completely disappeared that the skull, which had been smoked to look a little gray-faced, protected his hands in front of his face. Although there was still a flame burning on his body, he stared at the cold path of Yake with vicious eyes. :

"Crimson embers, right, I noticed you during the last war, it was a pain for the people on our side, so today is your death!"

As soon as the word "dead period" of the skull was spoken, the four of Fang Senyan immediately noticed that the momentum of the person hidden next to the hotel's roof garden suddenly skyrocketed. He lay on the side of the balcony, the one in his mouth A tube pointed in the direction of Yake, the cheeks bulged slightly, and then blew gently!

Immediately, a sharp object was shot out of the person's blowing tube, and this object was wrapped in the thick and slender short rays of little fingers and flew straight out!

There is no gorgeous light and shadow, and there is no harsh roaring explosion. If there is any feature that must be said, it is a light sound of a jet of "哧", a light thin like a silver needle is dragged out in the air. A long, straight beam of light flew out, making it extremely difficult to recognize any abnormal conditions in daylight.

The blowing arrow that was ejected felt like ignoring it.

Although the vision of the ambush person is broad, it can cover more than half of the square, but he and Yake cannot be directly seen. At least two buildings are separated by a wood, square, concrete stairs, etc. And other obstacles. However, this did not affect the aim of the breeder, as he locked the enemy through the eyes of his allies.

The blow arrow he sprayed ignored the hard concrete in front, the magnificent building, the soil, the trees, and the air. In front of it, everything is treated as if it were nothing, and it will be punctured forcibly, and a small circular hole like a silver needle will appear.

This blow arrow is not very harmful and can even be said to be very low. The only thing it is good at is that it can ignore all material resistance and can wear everything through it in a straight range of two kilometers. Rocks, trees, water, air, the human body ... a small hole is punched in it.

But this blow arrow can cause the following special effects because it hits different parts of the enemy.

A: Penetrating the enemy's legs will greatly reduce the enemy's movement speed.

B: Penetrating the enemy ’s chest will make the enemy unable to use any abilities and props for fifteen seconds.

C: Penetrating the enemy ’s head will stun the enemy for 3 seconds.

Of course, what's even more abnormal is that when an enemy is pierced by the three blow arrows in the same part in a short period of time, 33% of the life is immediately deducted! (For plot characters, this effect does not take effect on the creature, but it can also cause very amazing damage.

Yake's chest was stabbed by that blow arrow! He immediately fell into a state where he could not use any abilities and props for fifteen seconds! At this time, a smirk appeared at the corner of the skull's mouth, and the deep blue light of the strengthened teammate shot from his brows suddenly shifted to Paqiuli's body!

At the same time, several corpses not far away actually staggered up. Obviously, the ghostly virus was also shot, and a zombie was mobilized to cooperate with Paqiuli.

Suddenly the situation formed a situation of Paqiuli, blowing arrows, viruses, and skulls simultaneously attacking Yak!

Although Yake was also a powerful hunter, in this case, he did not even support it for a minute, and died on the spot!

This is the first casualty of the glorious team ~ ~ But at the same time as Yak died, the arrow-blowing man looked exhausted and he drank quickly. A few drinks for a quick recovery. However, a fiery bullet kissed his head in an instant, hit him directly and broke through the guardrail, and fell down!

In the distance, a very arrogant gunshot rang again. The man with blood on his face shot three shots in the air. He curled up his body and tried to fight back, but he was even attacking his enemy. Don't know where! !! !! !!

When the sound of the fourth shot sounded, Zi's body suddenly became stiff, saying word by word:

"It's Aziz, yes, it's him, this guy finally shot!"

Hearing the name Aziz, the black brothers held the palm of the coffee cup tightly, and the cup body also made a cracking sound of "Geller", and a clear crack appeared!

Alas, as a reminder, are there any book readers who have fully subscribed from the trump card, and have all subscribed to the final evolution at the same time? You can receive a great god's light for free.

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