The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 10 Chapter 74: Destiny is so vast! !! !! (Thank you all for the light of the Great God ...

At this time, both Mogansha and the reef came over, and the dark gold kuzhe received by the black buddies must also be anxious to improve and strengthen, and the reef must definitely learn to master the claws. This basic ability Scrolls are quite rare. You must go to the market to pay more attention to it. It must be a return to heart, so after asking for nothing, I returned directly to other book friends.

Fang Senyan looked at Zidao:

"Why don't you go?"

At this time, the corners of the eyes are slightly red and swollen, and it looks a little less capable and cool, and a little more charming. She sighed slightly:

"I just accepted another follow-up mission."

Fang Senyan frowned:

"Why didn't you say that the reefs and ak won't go back early?"

Posture waved:

"This is just a small task, they are not needed, and this task will not extend my stay in this world -------- The name of this task is: Dr. Haméng De's Will, he is here Before death, I hope someone can bury his body with his favorite test tube, as well as the doll of Nv, beside the small lake outside. "

After Fang Senyan heard this task, he felt a slight pressure. The only tricky part of this task is that because of the power failure in the fourth layer, the monsters in the cultivation tanks have been released, but their lives are only a few minutes.

So now the posture seems a bit procrastinating, in fact, it is just waiting for the fourth layer of the modulation monster to die. At this time, the two men were alone, and they were alone in this confined space, and there was no external pressure. Suddenly a subtle feeling came out. It was as if he was sitting alone in a Starbucks coffee shop, nv, who had no intention but was born out of the atmosphere.

"It's almost." Fang Senyan had a lot of things pressing in his heart at this time, whether it was to break through the extreme value of fifty points, or the equipment for chōu to take the demon dream, or the arrangement of opposite postures, hovered around. In my heart.

More importantly, he always felt like something had been missed. It's just that this thing is insignificant and I can't remember it for a while. Therefore, this atmosphere is relatively shallow for him, but the feeling of posture is deeper.

After Fang Senyan broke the slightly awkward atmosphere, Zi went silently to the laboratory on the fourth floor, and then came out with Dr. Haméng's body, and the two walked out of a huge base. Came to the small lake next to him and buried him. 3∴

Nv people always have to feel a little bit. In the grave of Dr. Haméng De, they think of his talents, ambitions and twisted fate, and their posture may be a little self-injury, and they can't help but feel a little sad. Fang Senyan would not be so swayed by the scenery, he silently stared at the surrounding scenery. At this time, he was prompted by the nightmare space and could return at any time. So the vigilance in my heart was relaxed too

However, when Fang Senyan saw the winding road among green trees, he suddenly woke up to where the doubtful huò came from in his heart. He suddenly said to the posture:

"Attitude, do you remember, how did we get into this heavily defended base?"

The posture was surprised for a moment, I didn't understand why Fang Senyan suddenly mentioned this matter, but still answered:

"Of course, it seems that they are going to receive a cargo at the dock, so they sent a heavy truck to receive the goods. So they opened the big mén themselves. Otherwise, we face the big mén. It's really tricky. "

Fang Senyan Shen yín said:

"In this crisis-ridden environment on Dinosaur Island, efficiency must be a priority. Only when it is safe to load and unload slowly, it must be taken into account when transporting it. If you drive a truck, even add The loading and unloading time will not exceed 1 hour at most, and we have turned upside down inside the base. At least three hours have passed, but the truck has not returned! "

Zi hesitated for a moment:

"Will it be that the truck has returned and found out that it was wrong? ..."

She said that she has overturned this conclusion here. The cement road built in Jurassic Park only reached the side of the small lake, and there were several hundred meters of cháo wet earth and stone road from the small lake to the base. It is convenient to decorate the goods, and a cement square has been built again. If the truck has returned and fled, then after rolling over the cháo wet concrete road, a clear rut will inevitably be left on the unloaded concrete square.

In the middle of Zi Zhengyu's words, suddenly his eyes brightened, pointing at the distant road:

"Isn't that truck on the road not far away? It looks like it's broken down."

Fang Senyan also developed curiosity. If the truck broke down, someone should repair it. If the maintenance is not good and the distance to the base is so close, it is normal to call back to the base for help. However, it does n’t matter what it looks like. It ’s even more unreasonable to say that it was attacked by dinosaurs. Héméng has created high-end creatures such as biochemical beasts. It is not too easy to méng to shield these dinosaurs from attack.

With this in mind, Fang Senyan was originally a thoughtful guy, and he could return to the nightmare space at any time, so naturally he wanted to check out the secrets of happiness. Posture, of course, must follow the past.

When I came close to Moriwa, I realized that the appearance of this heavy truck looked extremely shabby! It's as if after a violent collision, it fell to a cliff again, but its quality should be quite good and the car body is generally intact. However, depending on the degree of violent collision of the car body, the chance of life in it is extremely slim.

Fang Senyan jumped into the cab of the car and searched it carefully. It was found that the cargo box of the truck was empty. The contents of the cab were basically there. Even the car keys were on the bridge. , The semi-coagulated blood was sprayed everywhere.

Fang Senyan frowned:

"Did you notice anything missing here?"

The posture is very simple:

"Less corpses! There were no signs of dinosaur activity around, but the corpses that were supposed to be lying in the car were gone."

Fang Senyan jumped into the car and looked carefully at the car mén in the cab.

"The mén on both sides of this car has been deformed and can never be opened under normal circumstances, but you see."

Zizun looked at Fang Senyan's gesture, and her heart was cold, and I saw blood stains on the inside handle of the car mén, and even a tooth print and a few broken teeth. Other book friends are watching:! It stands to reason that the car body has suffered such a heavy blow, and the people in the car body must also be shocked. In terms of the fragile constitution of humans in the world, how crazy should it be to forcefully bite the car mén with its teeth to get out of the car? ? ?

If the car is in a state of suspension beside a cliff, it should be parked on the side of the road clearly. Why did the driver escape so crazy?

Fang Senyan's thoughts continued, and he instantly connected a lot of incredible relationships, so he couldn't help taking a deep breath, because he had already inferred the reason behind this seemingly bizarre scene! !! !!

He was about to talk, but Zi suddenly looked over, his eyes filled with three-point sadness, three-point decision, three-point pain, and one point unwilling:

"Do you remember, I asked you a question before?"

Fang Senyan said suddenly:

"what is the problem?"

Zi looked at him with a strong and desolate meaning:

"I said at the time that although you are still strong, you still have no way to stand upright in front of Zeus and the skull ..."

Fang Senyan smiled and said:

"Well, I remember it very well. My answer is that even now, I dare to stand in front of Zeus and the skull! Maybe I can't help him, but he can't help me too! ... you ask now I, I am the same answer, yes, why do you ask? "

Zhuang's eyes shook her head complexly, but her eyes were ashamed and grieved like never before, she said slowly:

"Because, now, you have to stand in front of them. It is the follow-up task that I shouldn't do. As a result ... it hurts you."

Fang Senyan's pupils shrank suddenly, because at this time, he had felt a powerful momentum passed from the east and the west, and he immediately drank in his attitude:

"We'll be back soon. Other book friends are watching :!"

Posture shook her head tragically, but Fang Senyan used the Nightmare Seal to contact the space, but got a ruthless reminder:

"Unknown failure ..."

"Finding out ..."

"Expected repair time, eighteen minutes and thirty-one seconds."

"Unknown failure ????" Fang Senyan was shocked. This is not only because the return is invalid, but also because this failure reminds him of the situation when his talents conflict with the rest of his abilities.

Just at this time ~ ~ A man who watched as a wolf slowly walked out from the woods on the east, beside him was a petite yànli nvzi, but his eyes were full of resentment, and Another burly man strode out from behind the rock on the west. This man was filled with a breath of iron and blood!

Zeus, the skull!

Although the glorious team and the skull and crossbones are still distinct, they have been copied from one east to the west, apparently for a long time! Blocked all of Fang Senyan's escape routes, and the two obviously have some tacit understanding, making it impossible for them to escape into those high-end legendary dinosaurs!

Fate is so vast,

Actually, Fang Senyan was in a state of absolute security for one second, and the next second, he was facing a joint pinch by the two teams! The two major teams with mt team work together!

And Fang Senyan's side is only a pose! !!



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