The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 10 Chapter 80: Explode!

Sail! Caribbean storm! ] Chapter 80 Blast!


Chapter Eighty Blast!

Although the posture is less than ten meters away from the wild dog, it can be said that it has entered the attack range of this guy, but the wild dog is completely like a collapsed bereavement dog, turning and wailing with his tail in a loud wailing and running away! His confidence, his fighting spirit, and his courage have been completely defeated by Zi's terrifying attack! !!

He even gave birth to a kind of enlightenment. If he comes closer,

Definitely will die! !! !!

At this time, all the searchers of the two teams noticed the situation here, and the skull also strode over to accept the wild dogs, but as soon as he entered the passage, he saw his general who was screaming and fleeing back, He also made a stern shout:

"Help, help!"

Seeing his powerful team leader, the wild dog immediately cried and slammed like a savior, but at this time, the horrible dead black big hand illusion above the wild dog's neck was fierce again. Tight!

"~~~~~~~!" The skull's eyes were about to spit fire, yelling loudly.

The victim's wild dog's eyes suddenly burst out in madness, his screams came to an abrupt end, like a chicken with a severed neck! A powerful destructive force runs through his body, and he has no way to have more life to support .......... This powerful contractor was so violently blasted and divided into corpses! !! Body flesh scattered and exploded!

-------- Just so open in front of the skull and Zeus!

The ridiculous laughter of the Sith demon rang through the space, and a black gas floated out of the wild dog's corpse, flying back to the posture body, regaining her previously lost mental power. Filled most of it.

Of course, Zi also received the merit value and equipment extracted after killing the wild dog.

What makes the glorious team even more furious is that at this time, there was actually a voice of anger:

"Zeus, you didn't obey our agreement! Didn't you say that you would seduce the idiots and come and destroy them together?"

As soon as this sentence was spoken, everyone at the Skeleton Society had a strong hostility to the light at the same time. The two teams were originally distinct, and at this time they became even more tense!

But at this time Zeus stood up and looked at the skull in a deep voice:

"Although we are enemies, do you think I would do this kind of thing, skull?"

The skull was dull with a dull face, and finally nodded:

"I believe you."

The two team leaders reached a consensus, and the tense atmosphere eased immediately. However, the obvious cracks between the two sides are becoming more and more obvious. At this time, Finas coughed out of her voice:

"I have already detected the mountain behind the wall in front of us, the thickness of which is at least more than 100 meters. If it is to be pushed forcibly, it will not be impossible, but it will take at least an hour. I wonder if there is any way for the adult skull?"

The skull said coldly:

"My ability works only with metals."

At this time Judas also stood up and said inscrutablely:

"The channel in front of us looks straight, but it actually shows a slight arc, so from the opening where we are standing, we can't see the opposite opening, which means there is no way Use the range advantage to attack the woman. If you want to attack her, then you must enter her range. Strange ... According to the information you provided, this woman's lethality is far beyond What's your description? "

The insidious and guilty guy of Judah said lightly, but the words continued to put pressure on the glorious team to accuse the other party of wrong information. After all, one of their current Titans was blown out hard. The most serious loss was they.

Zeus was silent for a while, and suddenly said:

"Saibul, Flora, you two go here. The terrain here is narrow, and the number of people can't be expanded. The force of the force barrier is just white."

In fact, in this combination, it is most appropriate to add a long-range gunman, but the most embarrassing thing is that the glorious team's long-range firepower loss is also severe in this world, and only the enemy of the United States can attack at a distance of 100 meters. Aziz, the rest are guys using shotguns and pistols.

However, the suspicious Aziz was not at the scene at all!

What he said was also unwilling to enter this narrow terrain with the people of the Skeleton Society.

Because no matter how powerful he is, he is essentially a high-defense gunner. Once the skeleton will have a heart, the first set of fire must be him! Aziz is a smart and powerful guy, who is faintly in the team's position as a guest secretary. He is on an equal footing with Zeus. If there is not enough interest, why should he come in and take risks?

Not to mention that Aziz has not come in at this time. Even after Aziz came in, he is definitely not willing to cooperate with others to deal with this woman.

After Zeus had given his name, Sebron exploded his scalp, but at this time he had no way to go. The purpose of Zeus sending him up was very obvious, that is, for Flora to attract firepower.

In terms of private affairs, as the four heavenly kings of his posture, Saibul was a shameless rebellion, leading to a series of tragic deaths of his teammates. In public, Saibul was originally a fighter who attacked high and low defenses and needed to The body attack has just been defeated by the mission, and the basic attributes have dropped back to 25. --------- Who doesn't kill him?

Then, when Saibul was attacked, the metal mentor, Flora, was free to perform. In the heart of Zeus, even if Floya is not as good as her strength, but the two are definitely on the same level, plus a hunter saibul, then the odds are 10%!

As soon as he thought about it, Zeus's mind was completely calculated, and his emotions were indifferent. He seemed indifferent. In fact, he had a winning victory in his heart. As for Saibul's life and death, a foundation The property has been scrapped by 25 wastes, and its potential has been completely exhausted, so whether it is alive or dead is not important.

Obviously, Flora was called by Zeus, and she was shocked first, then she was overjoyed.

In contrast, Sabre, his face was instantly desperate! Froya sneered, stepped out, and stood proudly looking at the person at the opposite Skull Club:

"You look at it, what is the true power of metal!"

Because the skull also exerts its own powerful power through metal, Flora, the metal mentor, has always been concerned about this, and she always considers herself the most powerful! At this time, these words were also aggressive and full of confidence.

But at this time, an untimely voice was destroying the atmosphere created by Flora!

"Ah, ah, ah ......... sneeze!"

The sneezing hand is the skull, this guy is called a tire, because his volume is like a tire, and he is a very fat guy. The position in the team is also very important. After being a sneeze 2t, this guy sneezed and shrugged his nose, shrugging his shoulders innocently.

Fluoya's face sank all of a sudden, only when he was deliberate, but she couldn't have another attack. As soon as she turned around, she walked into the passage in front of her.

When Flora saw Zi, Zi also saw her at the same time.

These two women with different temperaments are the same beautiful women, looking at each other at the same time! It seems to be a series of indescribable star flowers in the air!

The mana crystal around Zi sped up and spun up, showing that her heart was equally irritating.

The two didn't want to say more, and they didn't have to say any more. Froya caused great damage to Zi's life, but why did Zi not emotionally cause Froya's **** trauma?

At this moment, Flora had bounced off at an astonishing speed. Her little waist showed extremely strong elasticity and the degree of back bend in the air, and then her white right hand grabbed the steel railing next to the wall. .

The metal touched by Flora ’s hand began to deform in an instant, and then condensed and formed in her hand at a high speed like a liquid state, and turned into a sharp six-sided short gun, which was thrown at the opposite channel at high speed. Mouth posture!

And even after Floro landed, her right hand still stretched out in front of her to caress the metal railing. The sharp six-pointed short gun was continuously made, and under her projection, she shot at high speed continuously. Opposite pose.

And ~ ~ On the surface of Flora ’s body, a layer of steel armor has been rapidly formed. The armor is completely different from the conventional sense, and it is like a tights clinging to Flora ’s body. It didn't affect her flexibility in the slightest, and also showed her **** body curve vividly.

At the same time, Saibul has rushed out like a mad dog, holding on to the handle of his vertebral knife. As an old man who has followed the posture for a long time, he deeply You know, once you rush to the front of your posture, your chance of survival is half more!

The silver dagger that looks like a meniscus also passes slowly in the air. This dagger does not feel like a murder weapon at all, but it seems that it can paint the past and tell the future. The strings are full of a mysterious necessity.

With this stroke of the posture, a force barrier was formed out of thin air, with a dull and mammoth wind, almost occupying the vast majority of the channel area and whistling away. At this time, the Force Barrier displayed by Zi Shi was even thicker, and if there was any substance, it would add indescribable majesty.

There is another chapter, which comes out at about 2 o'clock. It is important for everyone to work and study. See it tomorrow.


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