The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 10 Chapter 86: Virus vs virus

Fang Senyan was stunned, because his sword looked mighty, but in fact, he could clearly feel that her weapon had not been cut to the woman's body, and she actually burst out.

Naturally, the blood and meat that burst out spilled all over Fang Senyan, which was quite unpleasant.

However, the woman's residual body could not stand upright, but the horrible rays of red bleeding bleeding in her eyes, and her backhand held Fang Senyan's knife strongly. The zombies led by her instead issued sharp screams, and suddenly increased their speed. Fang Senyan swooped up, lù out of Sensen's white teeth crazy bite.

Fang Senyan naturally drew his sword immediately, but the woman did not use her strength to fight Fang Senyan's attack, but stuck to the knife like a piece of kraft sugar ... Fang Senyan took a weapon like this to cut people, then of course it was There is no way to exert any effect.

At this time, a group of zombies had swooped up and directed Fang Senyan to bite. Although Fang Senyan is still in the "first-order contractor" stage of ridicule, anyway, he can still suppress these ordinary zombies on all genus xìng.

He let a female zombie rush over with her teeth, and clamped her neck by hand, and then the muscles suddenly smashed, and with a click, the female zombie's neck was severed, and his head was violently beaten. After tearing it off, the pearl necklace on the neck of the woman's zombies was broken by hand, broken and flying in the air, falling and rolling on the ground.

Its consciousness before death seemed to be restored, and turbid tears flowed from the dry and sunken eyes. The skinny left hand stretched weakly into the air and seemed to want to grab his beloved necklace ... but Fang Senyan was The brave little tuo picked up the zombie as a weapon, and quickly returned those who should have been the dead to the dead country.

But in just half a minute, Fang Senyan slaughtered the zombies cleanly. He also seemed to consume a lot, bending down, and holding his knees with his mouth full of gasps. But at this time, a crunchy little girl's voice came from all directions: "Giggle, the big brother is awesome, it will definitely be a powerful slave! Stop struggling. Come and be my servant. "

Fang Senyan hurriedly looked around, angrily, "Who are you? Who are you ?? Dare to get out and fight with me. What is hiding in the dark?"

"Do you really want to see me? I'm here."

suddenly. A little girl's face emerged from the door of a room opposite Fang Senyan. Fang Senyan rushed up immediately. Just the next second. He was thrown back by a strange and strange flesh-red shadow.

The flesh-red shadow is an eater that has not yet fully evolved. It also has a basic human form, but the skull has been corroded by most of the brain, and the muscles on the body are also protruding. Even the tough skin was broken, lù showed bright red muscles inside!

I saw it aimed at Fang Senyan, and suddenly shot the **** red tongue in his mouth. Fang Senyan tilted his head and moaned. I struggled with my shoulder this time, and grasped its tongue with a backhand grip. The other hand picked up +7 West and chopped his head and covered his face.

But this guy seems to know the horror of this light weapon shining dark blue! With a strange cry, he backed up fiercely, and tore off the horrible long tongue by himself using the lizard to break his tail.

However, its tube part can strangely show the form of anti-joint twisting arbitrarily. When Fang Senyan clearly felt that it was impossible to be hit, he came back. Although Fang Senyan made a dodge action in time, the crazy long toenails were also in His ōng mouth tore three long blood mouths.

At this time, Fang Senyan apparently hit a real fire, and a curse of the curse hit the ground. The stun time of the impact gave Fang Senyan a chance to counterattack. The sword light continued to flash. This eater screamed continuously. His At least three-quarters of his neck was cut off by Fang Senyan! The dark red blood was spurting out of the broken esophagus, blood vessels, and trachea. At this time, it was trying to escape, and Fang Senyan chopped off half of his feet!

In the blood and water spurt, the eater screamed hoarsely, tumbling to escape, grabbing a zombie next to him.

This dazed zombie struggled dullly under the claws of the eater, and the eater even opened his mouth! Throwing the zombie to the ground, madly gnawing, even chewing a few bone fractures, and then twitching the throat knot, apparently swallowed the flesh and blood into the belly! As you can see, not only does the injury on the body heal quickly, but the body also becomes stiffer!

However, while it was eating, Fang Senyan pulled out his ambition with his backhand, and his head was smashed by a very simple shot!

When Fang Senyan looked at the little girl again at this time, a chill emerged in her heart. It turned out that the little girl who just came out of the corner was just a head! The part below his neck was chopped off alive!

"Wow ~~~~ Oh!" The virus's long voice rang again in all directions. This time it was the hoarse and rough man's voice, and the tone of voice seemed to be full of passion: "What a beautiful home run, I never expected you to have this hand! Welcome to join my ranks, friends!"

"Fart!" Fang Senyan gasped loudly and wiped the blood on his face.

The virus at this time was well-informed, and yīn measured: "Did you just kill yourself very quickly? But you didn't notice the injury on your body, my pet, but it was genuine. T virus! Although it is not effective against the same level of hunter, it can perfectly penetrate into the body of your first-order contractor! "

As the virus said, a wobbly zombie came out of the dark. The zombie's hand held a mirror, and the virus's haha ​​laughed as if dubbing: "Welcome to join the zombie! You Do you know why I will let you kill No. 2? Because it was also a contractor before, if it does not die, I will have no way to control you as my servant! I will welcome you with the fullest enthusiasm , Stupid, I will let you eat my steamy stool, I will let you slap on the soles of the feet! "At this time, the zombie will point the mirror at Fang Senyan, which can be clearly reflected, Fang Senyan is unknowingly In the middle, the skin became gray and black, as if the outline of the whole person was thin, the skin and muscles quickly shrank, the hair also lost its luster, the teeth burst out, and the eyes began to become congested.

"How could this be? How could this be?" Fang Senyan shouted in desperation, the sound of a brutal beast that sounded savage. He seemed to be in a nervous state, and began to carry +7 West to hack wildly around, unintentionally. He didn't notice that he had cut his arm.

And Fang Senyan's blood seemed to condense on the blade, looking extraordinarily harsh and stern.

The virus smirked and laughed: "Hahaha, Finas also felt the need to send another person in. Now it looks like the next unlucky egg to eat is meat, not even soup!"

At this time, Fang Senyan, who looked like a maniac, suddenly condensed: "Is another person coming in?"

"Of course, the point-to-point portal has a cooling time limit of about three minutes!" The virus sneered: "Wait !!"

The virus's voice suddenly became stern and sharp: "Why can you keep thinking rationally ?? My T virus is anxious, and you should only be hunting in your brain!"

At this time, it can be seen that, with the ōng mouth of Fang Senyan as the core, dense green blood vessels suddenly appeared, madly looking at the roots and spreading around the body, where the blood vessels went, symbolizing T The black gas of the virus suddenly disappeared. The feeling was completely crushed!

Strong crushing!

A very dazzling gold sè pearl suddenly appeared in front of Fang Senyan's body, and the light on the pearl gathered on the surface of Fang Senyan's body in an instant! But the pearl was dull in the blink of an eye.

Caribbean Gold Pearl!

Fang Senyan, who had been greatly enhanced in perception, suddenly aimed at a nearby table and slammed into the past. The dark blue sword flashed past, and the table disappeared immediately, but a few drops were dropped in the air. Blood, the virus also made a terrible cry: "Oh! Damn, why do you know I'm here!"

There was a cold smile on the corner of Fang Senyan's mouth: "You idiot, do you think the world can be invincible with a little magical power plus a little magic? Do you want me to be infected with the virus? Haha, I am not afraid to laugh You do n’t know if you lose your teeth? My virus has already invaded your body, but it has been suppressed by me without letting it happen! ”

The virus yelled, "It's impossible ~ ~ Fang Senyan stood with his knife in his place, but for only five or six seconds, he rushed to a corner and cut it off! However, at this time Fang Senyan was a knife Chopped, the sharp blade just cut a series of Mars and deep knife marks on the wall.

The viral laughter rang again: "You méng right once, thought you could see through my power?"

Fang Senyan laughed and said, "I don't need to see through, three, two, one!"

With the countdown of Fang Senyan, behind the Fang Senyan, there was a sudden sneezing sound that was totally out of harmony with the current atmosphere!

Fang Senyan immediately backhanded and slashed into the void behind him. The virus immediately issued a painful scream. Fang Senyan threw a bottle of cursing potion without hesitation. With the 1.5-second stun time, Once again cut out the wicked knife.

Tonight is gone. I have recently adjusted the jet lag and updated a bit late. I am really sorry for everyone. !! .

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