The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 11 Chapter 2: Treatment from prisoner to prey

Sail! Caribbean storm! Chapter 2 Treatment from Prisoner to Prey


Chapter II Treatment from Prisoner to Prey

In fact, after seeing the next Lord of the Rings world, Fang Senyan's mood was far from calm.

How could he forget the innocent and beautiful girl of the mist song? How can we forget that amazing Hechemum octopus, and that weird and tragic experience of being looted?

That can be said to be the first time he has faced such a desperate situation in the nightmare world and was forced to challenge that daunting horror difficulty with an overwhelming disadvantage!

However, it is precisely in this world that Fang Senyan has developed a strength of 120 because he has the reliance on not dying, and has gained enough experience, so Fang Senyan has a biochemical crisis in the future. Only in the world of origin can he be able to play abnormally. To the foundation of the Viral King's ability ... …….

Over time, Fang Senyan and the reefs were preparing to enter the portal of light.

Facing this light gate with ripples, Fang Senyan suddenly thought of a lot of things, such as whether the posture at this time has entered the world of nightmare, such as how Mogansha was prepared at this time, or another loss. But the world where the glorious team of the main force is planning to enter ...

In the end, Fang Senyan thought of God for a while. It wasn't until the reef pulled him a hand that he realized that the portal had been open for a long time, and hurriedly stepped alongside the reef into the light gate emitting a slightly blue light.

"Starting into the nightmare world ........."

"Start to match data ....."

"Start pairing ..."

"World Selection

"Begin to assimilate characters to this world ..."

"Starting to enter the world ..."

"Varinello the Immortal is calling for the elves to return."

"The elves of dawn are still babbling."

"Sauron's power has spread to Middle-earth."

"The Lord of the Rings is seducing everyone who it sees."

"Fragile peace is at stake."

"Just or evil."

"Defend or destroy!"

"Please make your choice!"

"Wow, what a hell, even if it's a bit less difficult, don't entertain me like this."

Fang Senyan was awakened by the reef complaints.

Then he found himself sadly tied to a cross.

The cross was as crude as a smashed with an axe. A large burr fell on Fang Senyan's back, and he felt a scratching tingle with a slight movement. This stuff is heavy and durable, oh, of course, it gives a greater impression of being dirty.

The surface of the cross already has a lot of dry black or dark red stains, and even emits an unpleasant smell ------- it is a kind of feces mixed with **** smell, which is desirable vomit.

Based on these characteristics, Fang Senyan quickly determined that this thing must have any relationship with his known religious beliefs, because neither Christianity nor **** would desecrate their holy things like this.

In fact, the usefulness of the cross was first invented because it was convenient for crucifying people ...

Of course, the reef failed to escape this sad end, and the cross that seemed to support him seemed to be heavier.

What's even more tragic is that a rough wooden tub was placed on a stone opposite him, and the contents of the animal's internal organs had already been born ... .... The smell emanating from this thing was directly opposite Reef's face was smoky, no wonder he complained more than once.

Behind the reef is a wooden fence whose architectural style makes Fang Senyan quite familiar.

A row of rough wooden fences surrounds it, coupled with a rough top made of branches, to form a spacious wooden shed. This wooden shed also undoubtedly impresses the viewer with its rough work.

There are five such crosses beside Fang Senyan and Reef. Two of them are empty, and three of them are tied.

Fang Senyan noticed that the people on the three crosses did not want to wake up at all, but he woke up behind the reef. This should be related to physical strength. This undoubtedly indicates that the reef is now at least resistant to attack. In this respect, I have been ahead of myself for a long time.

After seeing Fang Senyan, the reef couldn't help complaining:

"Space really gave me a surprise this time! An unprecedented surprise, I have never encountered such a shit-like start."

Fang Senyan couldn't help but smile:

"Wow, swearing is not something a servant of God should do."

The reef is corrugated, and said badly:

"Boss, trying to get out of this terrible place is the real thing! Ah! I'm fed up with this smell, ah ah ah really crazy!"

Fang Senyan went on to earn a lot, but realized that he hadn't broken the **** on his body. He took a closer look. I didn't realize how special the rope that was made of bark and mixed vine fibers was tied to myself, so it was obviously bound by the world, and the official plot had not yet officially started. There is no doubt that the fact that the reef that had been smoked almost to vomit can only accept this fact in despair ......... can only continue to endure.

"My old man, do you remember what happened when we came here before?" Fang Senyan faced the reef road.

The reef frowned:

"Shooted, jailed, and then chased."

Fang Senyan sighed:

"I'm afraid the situation we are entering this time is even worse. Look down at the basin in front of you."

"I've seen this ugly thing for a long time," reef sullen. "The next time you enter the world, you must remind me not to forget to put a bottle of cologne in the private space."

Fang Senyan smiled and said:

"It's ugly is not the point, the point is its usefulness. You see, take a knife and pierce it into the chest and then pull it down. This basin can logically catch the viscera that slides out, and then remove it. In addition to the blood sprayed out at that time, every drop of hot blood will flow into that basin and will not be wasted. "

"So our worst treatment has been reduced from the prisoner to the prey to be slaughtered?" Jiao Shi said very angrily: "But it doesn't matter. Even these idiots who tied us up immediately loosened me and fell to my knees. Pray for our forgiveness in front of us, and it will never be possible to dispel my thoughts of killing. "

"Gentlemen, your discussion made me understand a lot." Suddenly, a peaceful voice came. Talking to another guy who was tied to the cross, he wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses and a mustache, and it looked like he had a gentle temperament:

"But I still don't understand. Who is going to use us as food?"

"Half-orc," Fang Senyan said with certainty, "half-orc in the misty mountains."

At this time, another voice sounded, it was a woman's voice, it was a little gloomy, and it also brought some disdain. She was also gloomy, pale and evil, like a medieval witch. She was tied to the cross closest to the outside.

"how do you know?"

Fang Senyan glanced at her and smiled:

"Did you see the pile of grass behind you? For the Orcs, they felt that this kind of grass called Shamis was a great condiment when it was half rotten in a humid place. Their place in food culture is almost similar to the black pepper sauce on steak. "

The reef immediately issued a serious protest:

"Hell, you successfully dispelled my idea of ​​steak tasting within the next year, and Satan will bless you in every possible way."

At this time, the last person tied to the cross woke up. After seeing the surrounding environment clearly, he immediately screamed hysterically:

"Oh my God! Here are the territories of crazy demons. Yes, I must be dreaming. I have to slap myself, and then I will find that I just slapped the caravan led by Mr. Wright. As long as I gently waved the horsewhip, the rich Rivendell will arrive in half an hour! "

Obviously, this is a plot character. Although the plot characters are all awake, Fang Senyan and their group of contractors are still unable to break free of restraints.

Just ten seconds later, a creepy monster seemed to walk in cautiously. Basically, if he took a step, he had to look around, as if he were a thief. It has only a part of human signs ~ ~ There are many mules on the skin, and this guy has a new wound on his shoulder, and black blood flows on his light gray skin, limping and walking The gesture indicates that the half-orc is not strong.

The guy walked over to the reef, glanced outside, then stretched his claws towards the reef ... The pot opposite, and then gobbled at the rotten and visceral gut.

There is no doubt that the behavior of this half-orc made the rancid smell in the air even stronger. At this time, the reef looked blue, and it was estimated that it was already restraining the possibility of vomiting with great willpower.

Soon, a group of half-orcs swarmed in, snarled and kicked at the stealing guy, and after a hard blow, bet on the plot character again, and this guy had already Screaming sternly, probably under the pressure of great fear, no one could hear clearly what he was calling.

The group of half-orcs lit the fire in the middle of the wooden shed, and brought in a surprisingly large pot from the outside, which was already filled with water, and sure enough, as Fang Senyan said, to use the rice as a seasoning Si Cao grabbed half and threw it into the pot, then smirked and drooled up to the story character.


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