The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 11 Chapter 5: Cooked Highchm's Egg

Sail! Caribbean storm! Chapter Five: Cooked Highchum's Egg


Chapter 5 Cooked Highchmga Eggs

To be honest, the reef has never had such a weird experience: even after being awake, it is weirdly trapped!

If it is a supplementary team member, then it should be like when he met Fang Senyan in the Star River team world, everyone came together to come together. Then release a task that requires concerted efforts to complete, forcing everyone to fight side by side in a crisis, and to cultivate the final winner in a way of survival of the fittest.

This is the normal new team formation and growth model.

But the current situation is how we look at it weird. But at least it's certain that the woman, Ilna, should be a former team leader, so the woman's demeanor can be explained before-of course, from her performance, there is no doubt that Not a good team leader -------- so she failed to be thrown here to start from scratch.

"Is Space willing to give us only two candidates? Let's pick one from Franklin and Ilna?" Reef wondered.

After Fang Senyan thought about it, he definitely said:

"It won't be so outrageous. If you look at the situation, then there is only one explanation, because it is not just our team that needs to supplement the manpower! The other team must be stronger than us. They are fundamentally under fair competition. They ca n’t compete with us, so there is no doubt that the space has given them some privileges, such as being able to act first to save people, in the process, prestige, friendship, and relationships, and then preferentially recruit some members into the team, success The preemptive opportunity -------- this need not be considered for the time being, it is not a threat to us, but there is another point I have not yet figured out. "

Reef odds:

"Which point?"

Fang Senyan frowned:

"It stands to reason that according to our experience in the last world, we can easily enter the elven city of Rivendell, but why the space still has to give us an option that requires meritorious values ​​to save Mafumbo, it seems to join To this Mr. Wright's caravan, entering Rivendell is essential to us. Conversely, if we have no choice, then we will be at a disadvantage in competing with the rest of the team? "

The reef heard Fang Senyan's words and said:

"Aside from other factors, as far as the matter is concerned, then if you push it back according to your statement, there is only one possibility: if we don't join Wright's caravan, we will also not be able to enter Rivendell!"

Fang Senyan narrowed his eyes and said:

"Yes, this is the only explanation, but if this explanation is true, I can't think of the reason behind it."

When the two were discussing, Mr. Wright had looked at them and said:

"You two can also follow my caravan to Rivendell and wish you a pleasant journey."

Then the heroic man rode on a tall black horse drawn by someone nearby, and raised his sword.

"Gentlemen! We are only forty-three miles from home, and Ravendale's wealth is calling for us! I hope to see the magic ribbons laid by the elves on the oak tree before the sun goes down!"

All the caravan members raised their weapons high, cheered and began to return to the main road, moving on.

At this time, both Fang Senyan and Reef got a series of tips at the same time:

"Time: Third Age 3020 (1 year before the start of the Lord of the Rings trilogy)"

"Location: Misty Mountains in Middle-earth"

"Scene: Lord of the Rings."

"Difficulty: b + (dangerous)."

"Impaired pain: 50."

"Personal ability extra strength: 0."

"Current Scene Exploration: 8.13"

"Side note: This scene is a free scene.

"You will automatically master the relevant language, you can interact smoothly with the characters of this world. Forgotten after leaving this world."

"Your appearance identity has been processed, and it will be restored automatically when you return to the real world. You can also adjust the appearance settings in the nightmare space. If you have any questions, you can inquire about the related issues through the nightmare mark in your heart. Get answers. "

"Ace Team, you have entered this world again, and have achieved a certain status and interpersonal relationship. So the reputation and status you have gained before will be inherited. Please click on the ones you previously deposited in this world. article."

"Hint: You got an item with unknown attributes, Searing Hechemum's Egg"

"Hint: you got 3 platinum coins and 17 copper coins." (Note: 1 platinum coin = 1000 silver coins)

"Hint: your relationship with the important plot characters in this world is as follows, Dawn Elf Fog Song (Love), Saruman (Hostile), Strong Orc Lutz (Dead Enemy)."

"Hint: Love is a special relationship, which usually occurs between the opposite sex, and does not rule out the possibility of the same sex. In some cases, when the relationship judgment is needed, it has the same effect as worship."

"Oh?" Fang Senyan said strangely, "Scorching Heqimjia eggs? Why is there such a thing?"

The platinum coin Fang Senyan is not unusual, it was touched from inside the Saruman's mage tower. However, the eggs of Heqimjia were very surprising, and the reef was also very surprised. At that time, the two were going to separate their actions, so he took all the eggs of Heqimjia with him. He did not expect that the eggs would be hijacked Got one down.

Fang Senyan hurriedly entered the team space to check at this moment, and immediately understood the reason why it was intercepted.

Name: Scorching Highchm's Egg

Nature: Special Props

Reason for formation: When the angry inflammation demon was wounded, a drop of blood debris was splashed into the poor Hechmegg's egg, so although no abnormality can be seen from the appearance, it is actually inflamed After the blood of the devil was mixed into the eggs of Heqim plus, a lot of wonderful changes occurred ......... well, you don't understand the next series of alchemy terms, you can understand it as it is.

Eat: Makes you immune to water damage and fire damage within 100 seconds. This effect does not apply to attacks from contractors.

Warning: If you dare to consume this item multiple times in a short period of time, then wait for the internal organs to be familiar too.

Note: This egg is very large and can be eaten at least ten times. Because of its particularity, it cannot be taken out of this world.

Immediately after, Fang Senyan and Reef continued to get tips:

"You got the main task: choice."

"Completion time limit: thirty days."

"Mission Brief: The final battle between light and darkness is about to begin. You must choose one of the dark kings of the Middle-earth Alliance to support it!"

"Mission objective: to obtain the corresponding qualifications within 30 days, and to reach the gray dwarf settlements around Angmar, the Prancing Horse Inn in Braetown."

"Question Tip: Whenever you kill a plot creature that belongs to the Dark King of the Middle-earth Alliance at this time, or complete related power missions, you will get a certain destiny point. When the destiny point accumulates to 1,000 points, you will Be eligible. "

"If the mainline mission fails: You will be teleported back to Nightmare Space immediately, and 50,000 universal points will be deducted."

Tip: You can get the following milestones in this world (including this world and extended world).

"Personal: You have a friendly relationship with all members of the ring team."

"Scholar: You have read three works," On the Existence of Magic of Light, "" Wrath of the Ghost, "and" The Origin of Plants. "

Please find the remaining milestones by yourself.

Looking at the relevant hints of the main task, the reef is odd:

"Why not use reputation directly, but change to this **** destiny point?"

Fang Senyan said lightly:

"This is to put everyone on the same starting line, and in the plot, the white robe master Saruman in the Lord of the Rings was also the mainstay of the Middle-earth Alliance, but it was because of Sauron that it fell, so The dark kings of the Turkish Alliance do not believe in the history of the past, but directly need to investigate the current performance, which makes sense. "

The caravan has continued at this time, and that contractor team has begun to send lobbyists to try to contact Franklin. At this time, Fang Senyan thought about the celebration that Mr. Wright said, and his heart was vaguely there. An ominous hunch.

After thinking about it, he strode towards the center of the caravan, but at least fifty meters away from Mr. Wright, a sharp spear pointed at Fang Senyan's throat.

In fact, the caravan is quite wary of these unknown humans ~ ~.

"Stop, human, if you take one step further, you will know how sharp Mr. Nedved's gun has been in the morning."

Fang Senyan spread his hand:

"I just want to ask Mr. Wright."

"Go away." It was a thin man facing Fang Senyan with his spear. "Mr. Wright is not available."

Fang Senyan also tried to persuade him, but the two prerequisites for persuading a person are first charm and then strong. Unfortunately, Fang Senyan did not have one at this time. So after five seconds, the spear that held him was not less, but more.

"Okay, I'm just leaving." Fang Senyan shrugged helplessly, he suddenly saw the dwarf wearing heavy armor carrying his huge war stick and watched vigilantly, his heart suddenly moved, thinking of the dwarf's large Hobby, went over and talked:

"Mr. Jimmy Little?"


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