The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 11 Chapter 10: Goodbye

Sail! Caribbean storm! Chapter 10 Goodbye


Chapter 10 Goodbye

However, Fang Senyan's purpose was not to humiliate and infuriate him, but to help the old man avoid doom, so he immediately turned around:

"Of course, picking fruits without the permission of your respected elves is definitely a bad behavior-very bad behavior, so we are willing to compensate fifty silver coins as The amount of atonement and sincere apologies to you, I believe that the beautiful, generous, elegant, kind and hospitable Ravendale Elf will not object.

The blue robe elf looked at Fang Senyan coldly, but he felt that most of his companions were inclined to accept the compensation of fifty silver coins. After all, they still cared about "beautiful, generous, elegant, kind and hospitable". Adjective.

For this elf, of course he was unwilling, but he couldn't growl and say that I would hang him if he wanted to hang him. My words are law!

After all, this is Rivendell, not Isinger.

If he did this, he would undoubtedly be taken by the soul of the strong orc, and he would guarantee that no one would perform it. I just want this guy to recognize and counsel him like this. He is really unwilling. When someone mentions it later, it is the **** who is questioned and counseled by humans in person and becomes a sad background emperor.

Just then, a voice came over:

"Rivendell accepts your apology, so be it."

Fang Senyan turned his head and looked at him, because he was not the one who spoke, it was the middle-aged elf mage who had patrolled the outside and sensed the sun ladder in his body!

The old guy looked at Fang Senyan with a slight smile. He smiled lightly, but made Fang Senyan creepy. But the mage didn't say much, and then left with two patrols.

This matter was settled so peacefully, and Mr. Gimli, who was surprised, couldn't help looking at Fang Senyan Road:

"My friend, can I have a look at your tongue if I allow it? I suspect a strong magic has been applied to it."

The reef said in bad faith:

"I suspect that old guy has a daughter who hasn't been married."

"Go," Fang Senyan said very simply. He then picked up the heavy cargo next to him, carried it on his shoulders, and began to move forward. The caravan owner, Mr. Wilhelm, came with the old guy who stole the fruits, and the terrified opponent Mori thanked him, and then proceeded.

Soon, they carried the goods to their destination. Here is a square that looks relatively remote and looks like a special area divided by the elves. There are already hundreds of human caravans resting here, waiting for the goods. After the owner came to claim, they were sent in different categories.

In view of the lesson of the old unlucky old guy, all the human footmen in the team seemed to be cautious, and even the stools next to them did not dare to sit. They all sat on the ground, opened the bags made of animal bladder, and drank Water that has become somewhat stinky.

But at this time, a few elven children ran over and carried a fruit basket made of fresh branches and leaves, all of which were ripe fruits for everyone to eat. Probably some kind of spirits were moved by Fang Senyan's words of "traveling thousands of miles", so I asked my child to come and entertain the guests.

Regrettably, no footman dares to eat, and he avoids them as a scorpion, disappointing a few elf children, but he does not know what to do.

Fang Senyan and Jiaoyan had no contraindications. They were immediately asked to bring them, and they were still evaluating how they tasted while eating. They also greeted the dwarf boy, Mr. Jimli, to come and eat together. The unique stubbornness of a dwarf like a rock, or the backbone.

"I never eat any fruit, never."

The elf children seemed to be very curious about the outside world. Fang Senyan entangled them and asked them. The children were innocent and innocent, and they would not judge the status of others by their clothes.

Reef thought about it and took out a white-quality pistol to give them as a gift. This pistol has very low attack power. The only advantage is that it will automatically generate bullets every ten minutes. This was obtained by the reef in the previous world. It is a pity to directly lose the store. No one sells it to the contractor, so Stayed.

Therefore, the reef calls this a bow and arrow without winding, and has successfully won the favor of these small pot friends.

While these children were happy, the other side's Morin naturally had to ask questions, but the surrounding flowers and plants were ravaged, and the naughty baby was beaten to pieces. Even the several elf guards nearby felt very curious about this thing, but they were embarrassed to **** the children's things, and they could only stare at it with constant eyes.

"When is the celebration?" Fang Senyan began to ask an elf little Loli in front of him.

The little loli had just fired two shots, and blushed little:

"It will start after dark."

Fang Senyan continued shamelessly:

"I guess you will never know the content of the celebration, because my mother and father kept everything from me when I was young."

Immediately an elf child was fooled, and immediately loudly and proudly said:

"I knew that first the adults gathered to cross all the streets of Rivendell, and then officially started celebrating in the central Hyacinth Square!"

The elf guards were also listening to their conversation, but Fang Senyan didn't inquire about the secret. Asking about the celebration was quite normal, so they acquiesced. Of course, this is also based on the sharp words displayed before Fang Senyan, otherwise he would have come here to ask.

The sky quickly darkened. At this time, the magic ribbons hanging from the elves lit up. The effect was roughly equivalent to the neon lights in the real world. However, the lights were very soft and looked like they had a warm and changing feeling. It felt as if the stars in the sky had fallen near Rivendell!

Obviously, the modern Fang Senyan and reefs are very resistant to this visual impact, but for these people next to them, it is quite shocking. Even Mr. Jimli looked at the surrounding for a long time, There was a muttered rude remark similar to that in the mouth, so much that you had forgotten the endless time for vodka production. It was time to ask Fang Senyan to ask for a drink.

The magic lights in the distance began to light up one by one. These magic lights looked like the fruits of trees. They naturally blended with the vegetation on both sides, and some light groups like fireflies floated in the air. With the surrounding buildings, there is a beautiful haze,

It can be seen that there are beautifully decorated steps on the streets in the distance, and there are flying tasseles around the steps. The posture is like rippling in the water. It is like a dream. All-white ......... Unicorns. This tall and fit creature has very obvious muscle lines. Every step, the muscle lines are rippling like clouds and flowing water, which makes you feel noble and dignified.

There are four elves standing on the step, standing on the left, tall and strong, with linen hair is the master of Rivendell: Elon, who glitters on his finger, can be as famous as the Supreme Lord of the Rings Ring of Qi: Velia. It is worth noting that the King of Rivendell was a half-elf, his father was the human sailor Elendil, and his mother was the elven Elven.

The blond elf next to Elon was Griffindale. He had a child's face, but his eyes were so deep that if he had experienced countless years of dragons, he could almost see through everything.

In the center of the elf, Fang Senyan saw the heartbeat speed up with only a glance. Yes, it is the purpose of the song of Fang Senyan. She has almost no changes except dress, the unique and tender and fresh temperament Still lingering, but looking at her expression is quite calm, seems to be conceiving something.

When I saw Wuge, Fang Senyan's mood got better. But when the reef pointed him to the elf standing next to the Fog Song, Fang Senyan's mood immediately became bad again.

Yes, standing next to Wuge is the son of Thranduil, Prince Legolas! The exquisite headband made by Mithril cleverly tied his blond hair, the shawl's long hair was as brilliant as a golden waterfall, and the two strands of ear-dropped hair added a touch of Sven's feel, edges and corners. His clear cheeks accentuated his brace. A high-grade silver-gray robe that didn't know the material made him look more elegant and elegant ~ ~ He didn't hide his expression to the girl in the foggy song, and he should pay attention to his eyes almost every five seconds It was as if her eyes could pass on her affection to her, which undoubtedly made many of the elf girls present heartbroken.

There is no doubt that the opposite **** can rarely resist the lethality of such a handsome man. Facing the frequent concerns and inquiries of Prince Legolas, the girl from Mist Song also smiled and answered generously. It seemed that it was a perfect match. Stingy.

Fang Senyan looked at the parade and said nothing, and Jiao Ji coughed, holding back a small smile:

"I think we should start thinking about the question of going to Yuema Hotel Isinger. Some things cannot be forced ..."

Fang Senyan said for a while:

"I'm in Rivendell anyway, so I have to ask her in person what I mean."

There is another chapter, updated before 2 o'clock.


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