The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 11 Chapter 13: The key to breaking

After hearing the words of the reef, Fang Senyan nodded and said:

"A good analysis, but it's more than that."

Reef odds:

"What else do you see?"

Fang Senyan picked up a purple hyacinth flower next to him and sniffed deeply, so that the unique fragrance of the heart and the spleen penetrated into the heart, and then said:

"There is no doubt that the previous words of Wuge Song made Griffindale and Elon quite embarrassing, right?"

The reef nodded:


"It also shows that they did not expect Wuge to do this at all, otherwise, as long as a sign is revealed, then Wuge will not be given the opportunity to take office at all!"

Fang Senyan said very simply. "From this, two things can be presumed. First, the little idiot of Wuge also has a certain city government. Otherwise, it would be impossible to cover up this behavior in advance without leaking. The old immortal planted a scuffle. "" Secondly, even when Griffindale and Elon were paralyzed before, they also supervised Wuge very tightly, and they were very confident that Wuge was firmly in their hands. In the palm of her hand, Wuge didn't even have a chance to appear in front of everyone, and she could only succeed in making her own voice through the great opportunity of Legolas' proposal! "

Jiao Shi suddenly said: "Actually, all the thoughtful plans of Wuge Girl are for you. She doesn't know at this time that you are in this world, and she has no way to resist Griffindale and Elon. Therefore, it will be so publicized when all aspects of the Middle-earth mainland get together and say that they have vowed not to go to the undead place. There is no doubt that this incident must be widely spread on the Middle-earth mainland. This ... is to leave her message and heart to you who will return in the future! Her intention is really hard-working! "

Fang Senyan nodded and said earnestly: "I know. Unfortunately, I have too little information at hand, otherwise, it should be possible to restore the truth behind some heavy veil. Ravendale's elf has no signs. I want to move to the undead place for the most part ... This is a big event that can inscribe the history of Middle-earth China. It didn't appear in the original plot at all, but why did it happen suddenly? I'm afraid not only changed the plot order with me It's related to the growth of Wuge. There must be some other factors behind it. And, "

The reef suddenly said:

"What else?"

Fang Senyan thought for a while:

"I don't know why. Legolas's marriage proposal today always makes me feel a strange feeling. Hey, do you know the mango idol drama?"

"What's that?" Reef wondered.

"When I didn't say, desperate housewives, you have seen it." Fang Senyan shrugged his shoulders.

"Of course." Reef nodded.

At this time, Fang Senyan could calmly consider the question of Legolas, so he immediately saw the doubts, and narrowed his eyes and said:

"Now it looks like it's quite possible that Legolas' intention to come to Rivendell is definitely not that simple. That's right! It must be!"

Fang Senyan's voice suddenly got a little excited: "The key to breaking this game is probably Legolas! But this is just a guess now, we should not stay here now, I have to go Looking for some arguments that may support my idea. Fortunately, after this stir, even the Ravendale guys ca n’t go in a short time even if they want to leave. Do n’t watch, leave. ”

"Ah, oh, I didn't expect that you, the dwarf, actually killed Gao Shuaifu ..."

"You know the fart, in the face of one hour and thirty-eight minutes, all enemies are paper tigers!"

"Do you want a face? One thirty-eight seconds I think it's reliable ..."

"Get off!" Now that Fang Senyan has successfully mixed into Rivendell, for Rivendell who is tight inside and loose, he is going to do business at this time, then he found a place to change his clothes and dress, no longer . OS becomes porter.

Fortunately, as long as it is not a big repair on the skin, it wo n’t take much to change the clothes.

It is said that people need to dress Buddha and gold, and after Fang Senyan's remodeling, he could still be in the non-important area of ​​Rivendell, but it took a lot of effort to inquire about the whereabouts of Mr. Little Jimli. Recently, because of a lot of foreign guests from Rivendell, a place similar to the welcome area has been set up, and several places similar to bars have been opened. Of course, it must be the reception of envoys and their attendants. , Will not do business like porters. And the background of this dwarf is really extraordinary. It seems that it belongs to the famous family in the dwarf family, and it is quite easy to eat, so he easily found a relationship in the dwarven envoy to spend in the bar. If it weren't for the dwarf's physical characteristics, Fang Senyan would really have broken his leg.

When Fang Senyan found Mr. Jimli and sat down in front of him, he was dealing with a beautifully decorated bottle of fruit wine. Sadly, the dishes served were assorted, but just looking at the menu made people laugh.

Apples, grapes, chestnuts, pears, pineapples ... nice and powerful!

These things can be eaten after meals, but they are used to serve wine ... Oh my god!

Fang Senyan picked up a glass of fruit wine and drank half a mouthful. It felt a bit similar to the flavor of Sprite and kiwi juice, and even a bit astringent aftertaste. This fruit wine is made by Ravendale's elves, with a sweet and sour taste, but in modern terms, it is extremely low in alcohol and can not meet the desire of Mr. Little Jimli for spirits. So this kind of causality directly led to one thing. A dense pile of empty bottles had been placed on the table next to this guy.

Mr. Little Jimli was only a little drunk, but still did not recognize Fang Senyan at first sight, mainly because the first impression was working, and hesitated after a while:

"Mr. Sailor? You are really dressed up now." All the contractor will pile a lot of food in the team space for storage (hungry, not blood), and it will not cost any common points. This is also a way to prevent trapping. The contractor's meal is not small, if you are starved to death because of inadequate preparation, then wait to cry. Fang Senyan didn't dare to challenge the spirit's habit of directly serving amaranth, took out a bag of alcoholic peanuts, opened it, and talked with Mr. Little Gimli while drinking. Mr. Little Gimli was naturally curious about this stuff, but mentioned the sensitive The topic Fang Senyan is always explained by unknown magic, and it is also able to obscure Mr. Jimli, who is also a magic idiot.

The two ate and drank. Under the guidance of Fang Senyan, they inadvertently turned the topic to the topic of Legolas. Fang Senyan suddenly said:

"Mr. Jimley, I remember you've been in Mr. Wright's caravan."

Little Gimli nodded. After Fang Senyan came, someone accompanied him to talk and provided appetizers, so he played the talent of the dwarf "barrel". He was already a little drunk, and dimly spoke:


Fang Senyan continued:

"That said, you haven't been to Rivendell before."

"Of course." Little Jimley creaked and chewed peanuts.

Fong Sen Rock Road:

"That's weird. Why do you know that Prince Legolas proposed to the new Dawn Elf at the ceremony?"

The dwarf boy laughed and waved drunkenly:

"Of course I heard Mr. Wilhelm! He has been here three days early, and I don't know anything."

"Who listens to Mr. Wilson?" Fang Senyan asked. If the rest of the people were questioned by Fang Senyan, he would be doubtful, but Fang Senyan first faced a teenager, then a dwarf boy known for his straightness, and finally a half-drunk dwarf boy known for his straightness ... … This is destined that he can easily ask anything without causing any doubt. "Mr. Wilson ... was told by the elf who came to buy the goods, and he remembered very well that that elf made him a lot of money, and he had a big quote on his back, alas, this is not Mr. Wilson Remember the reason for this wizard, but because the large lead arm is made of Mithril, and it is as exquisite as the wings of a phoenix. You know, my friend, all successful businessmen have one. This is a wonderful ability: to remember things that can make a profit and valuable things. Mr. Wilson repeatedly emphasized to me how much platinum is quoted, so I was forced to remember. "

In fact ~ ~ So far Fang Senyan has got the answer he wants ... because he also remembers seeing the elf carrying the Phoenix lead, those guys are local and dressed in hair and hair accessories The elves were a little different.

Because they are the guards of Prince Legolas.

The prince's guards spread the proposal of marriage at the ceremony, which should be the most basic public opinion. At this time, the news also came over the reef-the reef was connected to the human envoys through Mr. Wilson-because the reef explored was not a confidential matter, and the shot was quite generous, so there was no effort . The information he received showed that Prince Legolas arrived in Rivendell only a month and a half ago. He had launched a fierce pursuit of Fog Song, and neither had met before. However, because of his frank personality, handsome face, gentle words, and gentle manners, he quickly won the public opinion of Ravendale. Most Ravendale elves accepted the statement at first sight. And talk about it as a fashionable topic.

The answer to the last interactive question was revealed:

Welcome to the Green Hat Club.

It is a classic of Mr. Governor. How many friends have guessed the true lies?

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