The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 11 Chapter 21: set off

Chapter Twenty-One

Facing the excited little stuttering Mr. Jimli, Fang Senyan smiled and pressed him to the stool next to him.彩 @ 虹 * 文 ¥ 学% 网 m (_ 彩 & 虹 & 文 & 学)

For a moment, Mr. Little Jimli had the illusion of not knowing where to put his hands and feet. His nostril was like a ruminating bull, panting and gasping, and stuttered again:

"You talk about it ..."

Fang Senyan waved and asked the frowning bartender to pour him a glass of wine. Fang Senyan took it in hand and placed it in front of the red-faced Mr. Jimli, smiling:

"Don't worry, my friend, we still have a lot of time. Come, drink this glass of wine first."

The little Mr. Jimli gasped for a while, opened his mouth, and then drank the drink in front of him, but in a moment his face became very wonderful. Intuitively, it was the nose, mouth and eyes They all shrunk together, and the braided beard braids kept shaking, it took a whole seven or eight seconds for the cows to look full of faces, stuttering:

"Neva, the **** of the rock! I sincerely beg you, even if it reduces my life by 100 years, and never let my tongue get contaminated with such a devil-like liquid, this thing is simply Sully the word wine! "

"But it cured your stammer." Fang Senyan smiled and said, "Well, I know what you want to ask, so my official answer now is no problem, I didn't lie to you."

"You really have a way to find enough Mithril, Adamantite?" Said Mr. Little Jimli, inhaling the coldness of his sour teeth.

Fang Senyan nodded:

"Yes --------- Dear Mr. Jimli, if I remember correctly, you should have asked the same question six times, and I have answered you six times, I do n’t Hope that there will be a seventh similar issue. "

"Then what do you want?" Mr. Jimli said urgently.

"Every powerful equipment related to space magic!" Fang Senyan said in a loud voice: "How much is more."

"So what about Mithril and Adamantite?" Mr. Jimli suddenly shook his hands a little embarrassedly: "Although we are friends, but, that, this, the rest of the family elders don't know you, so, then ... … .. "

"I know you must have doubts and your own concerns. After all, I don't have much fame on the mainland, so I have prepared the necessary things as tokens." Fang Senyan said lightly, then stood up and took Taking Mr. Jimley into the back room, he opened a seemingly ordinary box.

Suddenly, the soft and gentle light reflected in the eyes of Mr. Jimli, and he became stuttered again:

"God of the earth! This should be the crown of the Dawn Elf. It takes a lot of effort to build it, and it is actually inlaid with three permanent divine magic, alas, look at this mana in the middle. Emerald, it ’s such a skill. "

"How much do you think this thing is worth?" Fang Senyan said lightly.

Mr. Jimli said simply:

"It can be changed to a town with the Gondor --- a bustling town with a population of at least 10,000."

Fang Senyan smiled and said:

"Dd, so if I hand this thing over to you as a mortgage, can it be trusted by your clan, if you have collected enough space by the time, and you find that I am a liar, then you can get this The precious crown is used as compensation. "

"That's it, my friend." Mr. Jimli said very cheerfully: "Our dwarves have a magical array that communicates quickly and passes items. This is the gift of Neva, the rock god, so you will be in three days. You'll see what you want in the future, wait! This crown of dawn elves should not have been stolen by you. "

Fang Senyan shook his head with a bitter smile:

"Do you think I have such a powerful ability to get this stuff without the permission of the Dawn Elves?"

The dwarf boy has shown shrewdness and stubbornness that are not consistent with this.

Fortunately, Fang Senyan had already prepared for it. After clapping his palms, Elder Anel. 桫 椤 and several other elves came in, saluting Fang Senyan deeply, and then said to the dwarf boy:

"The crown of the Dawn Elf in the hand of the Lord's Guardian is innocent, but it was handed to him by the host without any problems."

Fang Senyan looked at Mr. Little Jimli and added:

"If I were you, I would definitely prepare to collect those space magic equipment now, otherwise, my friend, you will face the embarrassing situation of insufficient exchange. I will be back within a week and take you Unimaginable Mithril and Adamantite. "

"Okay, okay, I'll contact the family right now." Mr. Jimli shrugged helplessly. But when he came to the door, he suddenly turned back, worried, "You really have a way to find enough Mithril, Adamantite?"

Fang Senyan: "......... This is the seventh time you asked this question! I was just farting all my feelings? You **** little fart !!"

After half an hour,

Fang Senyan and the reef stood with a group of elves in front of the huge oak tree: Holy Sindalor.

Not only was this hidden master in this group of elves, but also the masters of space magic, such as Elder Dessie Stubble.

Fang Senyan pressed his palm on the bark of the sacred Xindaluo, and communicated with the girl in the mist:

"Now King Elron and Mr. Griffindale are in the midst of a scorch. As far as I know, the elven king Tsering Dui in the dark forest, and the elven female leader Kailan Trier (el) of the Roslin Forest have set off. , Claiming to have come from the injury of King Elon, and the other major forces on the mainland also sent their subordinates to Rivendell in the name of medical treatment, so you are absolutely safe before this trend passes ! "

"Um." Wuge's sister's voice was still soft and soft: "I believe in you, my guardian. I look forward to seeing you all the time, leaning on your shoulder."

"I look forward to the same." Fang Senyan said seriously: "But the opportunity can be said to be fleeting, so I have to first grumble you to stay in Rivendell and attract the attention of the rest. At this time, I will do things that I have to do, and when I get back, we can be together again. "

Then Fang Senyan turned around and said to the elves:

"Our destination is the place where His Highness the Sunshine was once detained. There used to be a modulation site for strong orcs. There was a humble and powerful mage tower. Does anyone know where?"

Fang Senyan's answer was undoubtedly very surprising to him. At least half of them have been there, and he personally destroyed that hell-like place. Among them are Elder Ann R. and Dessie Stubborn.

According to these elves, it only took about a day and a half to get there. Fang Senyan couldn't help but be surprised. The last time he entered this world, he still remembered that period of escorting experience. They were among the orcs and strong orcs. Escort, but it took at least two and a half days to reach the site of the Saruman Mage Tower! But this time was reduced to a day and a half! This can't help but feel amazing.

But at this time, the girl from Wuge gave Fang Senyan a surprise again:

"Maybe this time can be a little less."

At this time, she began to cut off the spiritual connection with Fang Senyan, and then she could clearly feel that the magical power of the sacred oak tree Xindaro began to quickly gather. This ancient and powerful oak tree began to carry the power of the fog song. , And then act on the surrounding soil through the continuous root system.

In the next second, a dozen-meter-tall Mandya yew began to shake his body and pulled his body out of the soft soil. You can see that its bark began to shrink and the branches and leaves swayed rapidly. Then, on the surface of its body, there are non-stop flashes of white light, and it is rapidly transforming its body. In the soil, there was a mysterious gathering of power. Finally, the body of this yew was affixed to the body.

After a few more than ten seconds, a burly and tame giant treeman drooped his hands and stood respectfully in front of Fang Senyan.

"This is Farrell, the shepherd, you can ride on his body and hurry, with his help, you only need to delay two days on the way back and forth. More importantly, although that evil modulation field It was destroyed, but there are still a lot of evil orcs ~ ~ The strong orcs live in the misty mountains. Mr. Farrell's power can make you cope with these evils more easily. "

There was a trace of exhaustion in Wuge's voice, but she also had a touch of relief. Obviously, she was proud that she could help. The remaining elves shouted at the same time:

"The eternal sun guides us!"

Then everyone stepped on the shoulder of this giant tree-man Mr. Farrell, tied his body with falling vines, and then Mr. Farrere took a big step, facing at an astonishing speed. Saruman walked forward over the ruined mage tower.

I'm really depressed and I'm breaking my word.

There should be a change today, but the wind and rain here in Chengdu are very crazy, and at 1 o'clock, there was a power outage here. This can be verified with friends living in Chengdu.

This chapter was uploaded using the battery code of the book. Now the battery power is only 5%. No way to write.

So this must be postponed until the day. But I promise I will make up today, I am really ashamed.

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