The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 11 Chapter 32: regain confidence

Chapter 32—Regaining Confidence

"Such a big scene ......... far beyond my expectations. (Baidu search m, Rainbow Literature Network) (_ 彩 & 虹 & 文 & 学)"

At a distance of about three kilometers from the battlefield, there is a very hidden cave. The cave's opening is covered with vines. If you go inside and turn a ninety degree bend, you can see a group of people around Sitting together, in front of them was a pool of clear water of about five or six square meters, but the surface of that clear water was like a mirror, giving a clear feedback of the situation on the ridge battlefield in the distance. Nothing is missing.

It was Fang Senyan who just spoke, and his frowns were tightly frowned, because at this time Fang Senyan realized that he thought he was hiding behind the scenes and was planning to win the game. But it has also become a **** in the layout of others, and has been misused!

And, now the battle situation is deduced to such a scene, not only the Eight Great Soul Knights get together, but also the strong orc Luzi, this level of battle .... To be honest, it is no longer Fang Senyan's current strength can It's easy to get started.

That battlefield is like a deep and powerful vortex. If you do n’t have enough strength, do n’t talk about entering. Just approaching it will almost be swallowed up without any room for resistance, tearing into fragments that are hard to see with the naked eye!

"It's a shame to say that, but I do have lost control of this situation ... I can't find any flaws in this layout." When Fang Senyan said these words sadly, there really was a kind of Strong bitterness means inside. This was the first time he had admitted he had miscalculated.

The reef gazed at the sandy battlefield in front of him, and it took him a while to Mori Rock Road:

"The guy who arranged this game was very powerful and very reluctant. The teleportation array he used to teleport the remaining seven Ring Knights was exchanged for merit and can only be used once. Only those seven The cost of the teleportation array will exceed one hundred points of merit! "

Fang Senyan was surprised:

"Story characters can be used for merit items?"

Reef Road:

"This item must be promoted to the rank of general before it can appear in the redemption list. The name has become a point-to-point space folding technology device. If the contractor uses it, it will immediately return to the nightmare world. Space, but it will reduce all the basic attributes of the user, and any items obtained in this world will be cleared of rewards. "

"But this prop can also be used by the plot characters. It can form a very powerful one-time teleportation array and instantly transfer it to the designated place. I have heard of one thing before. In the plot of Terminator 1 Among them, the story character Rais (the man who shuttled along t1, John Conner's father) was originally destined to die, but a contractor used this prop to immediately transfer the seriously injured Rais to The hospital was successfully rescued by surgery. So I have a certain impression of this path, and now I think of it after seeing it. "

Fang Senyan frowned and said anxiously:

"Put aside from this, these guys have been able to trust the existence of the ringing spirit level, or they have an incredible foundation in this world."

Reef thought for a while:

"Boss, I think you might think too much about something. The nightmare world is a crazy world and a world full of opportunities. Do you remember our performance in the world of Avatar? You are also the first time Enter the cursed place, but the answer you handed over is to let the planet's master -------- Well, at least one of the masters Eva must also compromise. Let's talk about the opposite Those guys, they can get the spirit of abstaining from spirits? But only if these creatures still have this thing in their rotten brains? "

After listening to the words of the reef, Fang Senyan's eyes suddenly lighted up, he paused for a while and suddenly said:

"You're right! My friends, making friends with the Ring Soul and the strong orcs is indeed a very stupid idea, maybe ..... I started with the wrong starting point, these guys are not impeccable ----- ---- Let's think about it another way! That's cost accounting! "

"Cost accounting? I don't quite understand." The reef was confused.

Fang Senyan groaned:

"We can be more straightforward and look at the results through the process. Well, we put aside the **** process of these guys laying aside, but think about how much it cost them to do such a beautiful thing."

"The first thing they want to do is to persuade the Angmar Witch King. Except for the SS in the Ring of Spirits, no one can command the eight Ring of Knights to gather together at the same time. Secondly, they spent eight point-to-point space folding technology equipment. According to your The data provided is a huge fortune worth more than a hundred points of merit. Those without a contract will do things at a loss, so it can be basically assumed that once they have harvested, they must be several times the price they pay ... ……. Then we come Infer what are the sources of their harvest? "

"Prestige, killing these people will undoubtedly make their reputation soaring. Quest rewards. Extremely difficult tasks may involve killing the elven heads of the Middle-earth Alliance. Of course, there will be kills later. Booty. "

The reefs definitely list the above examples.

Fang Senyan's breathing was quick:

"Yes, you're right, loot ........... I know what their purpose is! The ambitions of the group of contractors across us are unimaginable! Their ultimate goal must be to Three Fingers of the Powerful Elves! "

"The Three Rings of the Elves are the same level of treasures that were cast together with the Supreme Lord of the Rings. They are a gift from the spirit to the elves. On the other hand, Kaylan Trier wore a ring of water called Nanya! If their attack was successful this time, then they could start with two complete artifacts of the same level as the Supreme Lord of the Rings! "

The reef took a breath:

"They, they're trying to be so big? It's really incredible. Even if they killed Elon and Kailan Trier, the Eight Great Ring Knights would never let them take away these two artifact-level rings. ! "

Fang Senyan was very sure:

"The final separation from this group of people and the Spirit is then inevitable! That's our chance at that time!"

Speaking of which, Fang Senyan took a deep breath:

"My judgment must not be wrong. Reef, this story sounds outrageous, but you think about it. If you have this opportunity, what choice will you make?"

The reef hesitated for a moment, then shook his head with a certain bitter smile:

"I will also plot these two artifacts."

At this time, Fang Senyan sat up straight, pressed his hands to the ground, and carefully observed the battlefield in the magic water mirror. The confident light in his eyes also recovered, and then became more and more intense:

"In this battle, we still have a chance, and we have a lot of chance to touch the muddy water!"

Reef sighed confidently at this time:

"Boss, but our current strength is too weak to get involved in this level of fighting ..."

Fang Senyan sneered:

"Yes, maybe the forces on the opposite side are like stones, very hard granite, and we are an egg that will smash no matter who we touch, but these two granites are going to collide with each other! With the protection of two powerful artifact-level rings, the elves are not so easy to be killed. When the scales of war enter a stalemate, an egg is likely to determine the success or failure! "

The Eight Great Souls joined forces together, and there was also a Luz tiger with a horrible arrow technique. Obviously it was not a good idea to escape.

Facing this situation, Kaylan Trier raised her left hand without hesitation. On her left middle finger, a ring that looked like a morning star shone with a dazzling light, and it was she who started it. The protective ability of the water ring Nanya she owns.

Suddenly, a layer of invisible light shield appeared in the center of her, covering the area of ​​tens of square meters. The light was soft and tenacious, and drove the approaching ringing knight out of the way! Of course, they would not be willing to be pushed away in this way, and immediately snarled and pulled out the burning sword to launch a fierce attack.

The dark and evil weapons hit the shield formed by Naya, and immediately caused a circle of ripples. Although this shield still looks as tough as before, it also means that the ringing knights are attacking the same Is effective, sooner or later the shield will be broken.

Kailan Trier turned to look at the iron complexion Elon next to him, coldly:

"Do you still want to hide your strength? The Ring of Qi is the strongest of the Elves' three rings. Let these filthy and evil creatures see the anger of Lord Villa."

A strange expression suddenly appeared on Elon's face ~ ~ He was expressionless, slowly shook his head:

"I can not do it."

Kaylan Trier suffocated, angrily and about to speak, but at this time, Elon had unbuttoned her upper robe to her, and Kaylan Trier was speechless.

Above Elon's left chest, there was a terrible wound. The wound was stabbed with a large sword, deep and long. But the edges of the wound were all charred, as if it had been completely carbonized after being burned by flames. The burnt black of that wound also showed cracks, and the pungent pus was constantly flowing, as if it had its own meaning Also work hard to extend deep into Elon's body!

A little light shone in the depths of Elon's body. His injury had deteriorated to such an extent. You must bury the Lord of the Air, Velia, in the depth of the wound, and use its divine power to resist the deterioration of the injury!

Obviously, if Elon dares to use the ring of gas, Villa, then he must die!

Finished the chapter, and three more tomorrow!

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