The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 11 Chapter 45: Pointing arrow

Chapter 45

Although Elon had lost all his magical powers at this time, his understanding and research on magic still existed.

This seems to be a billionaire, even after bankruptcy, still knows how to be the most efficient and fastest latent rule. An actress is a reason.

He is obviously prepared for the situation that will be encountered at this time, and pre-planned, so it is estimated that a lot of magic props are prepared on and around the body. These things seem to be prepared in advance and modified by disguise. It's just ordinary stuff, but it just needs to be activated to use it.

This makes Elon completely become a monster at this time, a monster who has lost all the magic power and can still become a strong demon of double martial arts in disguise!

However, there is a saying that people are not as good as the sky. Now it can be said that it is time to see the poor, and it can be said that the competition is the question of who is the biggest in the last card.

As soon as Mist Song is out of trouble, according to her strength as a Dawn Elf, plus two powerful meat shields in front of Mori and Reef, Elon is almost destined to end.

However, once Elon rushes at this time, he only needs to interfere with Fang Senyan's move to pull out the ring, then the battle situation will still lean fiercely to his side!

However, when Elon was still ten meters away from Fang Senyan during the storm, he took a snoring first, and then stiffly bent down and coughed violently! The heartbreaking cough rang through the jungle, but it was extraordinarily absurd and extraordinarily weird. Even the face of the elf next to him all had an incredible look.

The horrible ability of the virus king played a vital role at this time!

The battle-fighting Elon was obviously very vigilant. Once he noticed something strange, he immediately activated the magic props he carried.

Immediately I saw that his body "popped" at least five or six fires burst, and the broken and burned things had belts, buttons, hairpins, and decorative silver accessories worn around his waist. Flowing constantly on his body, all of them could not lift the negative state of the virus king!

You know, Elon is the owner of Rivendell. These magical items he found are rare and rare. He knows that these things are related to his life and death, and it is impossible to care about it. This magical prop is costly and expensive. Wealth is extremely amazing.

But the ruthless facts are before Elon's,


Nothing works!

The ninth-order mutation hides the power of the s-class ability, and at this moment, the exposure is vividly displayed!

If Elon is the former elven king, then once he is enveloped by the aura of the virus king, he will feel the abnormality because of the spirit's natural sense of plants. Unfortunately, he is already a human ... ..

Yes! Elon, who was completely human at this time, could not resist the weird and terrifying power of the virus king.

Fang Senyan didn't want to fight the grass and scared the snake before, and kept the virus in Elon's body in the incubation period. At this time, he only activated after hearing his roar.

At the same time, the ring of Qi has already made a series of weird "sizzling" sounds. It sounds like the sound made by the radio after interference appears to be unwilling and helpless. Fang Senyan pulled away from the fingers of Wuge Girl.

However, the ring of Qi Velia's ring actually has a series of white light on it, as if it is a thick and sticky glue, and it is attached to the fingers of Wuge Girl with a broken wire.

Obviously, looking at Fang Senyan's laborious appearance at this time, as long as he defends at this time, he will sacrifice his power and the ring of gas will inevitably fly back again.

At this moment Elon flashed a flash of light in his eyes. How could he be willing and willing at this time? Yangtian roared, and then something broke in his body. Then, this guy suddenly raised his right hand, supported it with his left hand, and aimed at Fang Senyan!

Well-known people, the elves are famous for their arrow skills. They are born outstanding arrowmen. There is a saying in the world that the elves in the world are divided into two types, one is 100%, and the other is 100%. Ninety-nine in.

In Elon's long life, although he was fascinated by magic, he was still involved in archery. And his mother Elf Elwin is a strong man who has left his own name in the history of elves. Her ability to rely on is arrow skills.

The combat technique that Elon exhibited at this time is the most powerful arrow technique passed down by his mother!


Take the body as a bow, the limbs as arrows, the flesh to draw it, and the soul to pull it!

At this point Elon looked like a straightened long bow, and he was the arrow that was about to be shot!

A "click" sounded crisp, Elon's right index finger was already full of blood and cruelty, and a "wave" shot with a blood arrow shot out, squeezing and roaring in the air, a series of explosive sounds, This terrible feeling immediately covered the audience!

All the surrounding trees and grasses were withered for a while, and the clouds on the sky also formed a huge vortex. This move has exhausted the vitality of the surrounding life. It can be said that it hurts itself and then the enemy. !!

This blow went away like an arrow,

But no arrow in this world can reach such a high speed.

The strike was lightning fast,

But none of the lightning was so loud.

The blow was a sudden light,

But no light has such a powerful killing power! !! !!

Facing this blow, Fang Senyan's face suddenly changed, because he felt the threat of death! You know, even if the life link blessing on the body, it does not mean that he is immortal. As long as the enemy's attack is powerful enough, it may be possible to kill Fang Senyan and shake the reef together!

What will Fang Senyan do at this moment? Leave or stay?

But at this time, a strange feeling suddenly enveloped Fang Senyan. An unexpected person appeared in the far side of Fang Senyan, and that person was Franklin who had almost no sense of existence after the war.

This guy pointed at Fang Senyan with that wand, and then dazzled the light. It seems that Franklin should have been planning for a long time. From the surface of Fang Senyan, an illusion exactly like Fang Senyan appeared! !! !!

Yes, this is Franklin's special ability: Full Copy! The illusions copied by him can inherit the health and defense of the body, but the ability cannot be used, and the attack power is reduced to only 33% of the replica.

As soon as Franklin's illusion of reproduction appeared, he just stopped in front of Fang Senyan and hit the shot that Elon was dying to!

At this moment, for Fang Senyan who was touched by the aftermath, he only felt that his eyes were black, and the whole world seemed to lose its color, and it became a two-tone monotonous world of black and red. The only scene was Nathanson's bone What I heard in my ears was the call of injustice.

In the eyes of others, after Allen's finger and arrow hit the illusion in front of Fang Senyan, the space seemed to shake, and then that finger and the illusion exploded into a big blood mist together!

However, at this moment, Fang Senyan still didn't forget what he was going to do. He roared loudly, strengthened his hands, and completely tore the ring of Qi from the fingers of the girl of Wuge!

The shattered tear of the seal was ringing sharply around everyone's ears, and a large swath of flowing light lingered helplessly in the jungle.

Fang Senyan's perverted overlord has a hard way to bow, and he really broke the trap of King Elon's deliberate arrangement!

Suddenly, the seemingly weak Wuge girl stood up, her body was covered with a soft and tender green light, and then a small mouth, a voice like the sound of nature echoed in the dense forest. Among them, with her singing everywhere, the surrounding dead trees began to recover.

Fang Senyan, the reef their wounds are healing at an alarming rate, and Franklin ’s almost exhausted mp value is also soaring if the tide is high ~ ~ The vitality is exhilarating. It was also immediately "Blessing of the Dawn Elves" to both Fang Senyan and Reef, and I saw a little green light converging all over the mountains and condensing on them.

Fang Senyan and Reef immediately felt a new look. It was as if their bodies had completely returned to the age of the newborn baby. The coolness was poured into the whole body, and all the impurities seemed to be removed. What is even more surprising is that after the sun stairs in Fang Senyan's body came into contact with this energy, they were enthusiastic and excited, making Fang Senyan an indescribable joy.

At this time, the Fog Song is no longer what it used to be, and the blessing of the Dawn Elf being cast is also extraordinary. When Fang Senyan saw it, they were a little stunned:

"You get the blessing of the Dawn Elf: you get the powerful healing effect of Rejuvenation, all your negative states are eliminated, and your life will be restored by 5% every second, until your health is completely full Stop, all your resistances are increased by 45%, and all beneficial abilities related to chance are increased by 15% (including not limited to hit rate, critical strike rate, chance of success in synthesis, etc.). Every time you take attack damage, you should 25% of the damage will be converted to your healing effect for 48 hours. "

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