The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 11 Chapter 48: The Fall of Elon

Chapter 48—The Fall of Elon

"The eternal sun guides us so that we will not lose our way in the dark. WwW. NgWeNXuE. M"

"The eternal sun guides us and brightens our front."

"The eternal sun guides us, letting its light purify all obstacles."

"The eternal sun guides us and keeps our morale high."

Every time the Wuge girl sang, the sound seemed to be louder, and the daylight in the air was even brighter, as if focused on her body!

At the same time, the body of the horror demon Harek will tremble violently, and a flame will ignite on it!

When she finished reading those four words, Elon was so distressed to see that the last card left by her mother was wailing, trembling, and ignited into a torch estimated to be the largest in the world. It's burning!

Even Aaron's own body began to burn and smoke, and a small flame turned up!

Although Wuge Girl soon fell from the air again, her face was completely pale, and the blood on her lips was still oozing, but the sun still stubbornly penetrated the clouds and focused on her, like a quilt. With her, the performance of Wuge has completely destroyed Elon's reason!

This sad man yelled desperately and madly, and even the flames on his body were too late to extinguish, and rushed to Fang Senyan again. His eyes were red, and apparently he had lost his mind again. In this case, Fang Senyan and Reef has struggled more because Elon has completely given up on defense and only wanted to attack.

In the end, even the Dark Gold Water Margin was killed by him, showing its madness! What's more terrible is that after fighting for so long, Elon still has a lot of auto-triggered magical items. From time to time, you can see the light green light of Rejuvenation on both of him, as well as Fang Senyan and Reef. Hard support.

Fortunately, the two of them have the blessing of the dawn elves. The second time, the elf mage saw the bad situation, and also saved the magic power to stop attacking, but kept releasing the healing spells on the two, otherwise It's really impossible to keep up.

After fifteen minutes, the reef was smashed into the dying state again, and entered the protection of the life link, and Fang Senyan screamed at the chest by the violent Elon, and shouted with his hands and died Holding Elon's weapon!

Seizing this great opportunity, the girl from the fog song stood up again hard!

She managed to accumulate a little divine power. Under the light of sunlight, the pale green light floating from her body quickly turned into a little bit of golden text. It was the ancient elven rune, and then the three runes were mixed together. Together, it quickly condensed into a shining target gun that was burning, and then suddenly projected it!

This is the advanced ability of Wuge Girl:

Scorching Sun. Proverbs Gun!

This shotgun seemed to fly at a low speed, but it flew out across the air, but behind it was a dazzling flame, whistling, and passing by! The flames on the surface of the shooting gun are even more tumbling, and from time to time, the illusion of wild roar of the beast will form!

Everyone present showed a choking expression, as if the air was drained directly, and even breathing was difficult! There was also a fiery heat wave approaching like a tsunami.

The scorching sun. Proverbs gun flew on Elon's chest, and then it seemed to be absorbed by him and dissolved into it all at once.

Elon was at a standstill all of a sudden, he bowed his head incredibly and looked at his chest, his defensive magic props kept cracking and crackling, like a firework. Immediately afterwards, his whole body was tumbling with a blazing flame, wrapping him in it!

The next second, Elon slowly ascended into the air and issued a long scream, and the sound was a mixture of sadness, pain, despair, relief ... and so on, and little by little Into ashes, drifting in all directions, evaporated in this world! However, after he was burned into ashes, a few colorful crystals still fell from the air.

The girl who sprayed the gun completely fell down and fell into a coma. Blood kept emerging from the corners of her mouth, eyes, and ears, and soon soaked in her clothes. The remaining one The female elf mage rushed to take care of her.

At the same time, all three of Fang Senyan, Reef and Franklin received prompts at the same time:

"You killed the famous plot hero of Middle-earth, Izur Eldron (Iron)."

"You get 2311 destiny points for the Dark King Fang."

"You get an unknown mysterious item: The Elven Bone Crystal."

"You have already obtained the relevant qualifications, please remember to arrive at the Grey Dwarf settlement on the outskirts of Angmar on time."

"Because Izur Eldron was in a very special situation when he died, and there were plot characters involved in the attack on him, the keys dropped after Elon's death will have a certain quality.

"Contractor No. 1018, your Elf Lovers, Fog Song. The Sunstrider has also joined the ranks of killing Elon, and has also acquired the most important artifact air ring in this world. Villa. So after Elon's death You won't drop the key unless you sever the relationship with the Fog Song. Sunstrider. "

"Contractor 1018, in view of the quality of your team being silver, you can get some compensation from Elon's relics. Each of you and the team members can get three opportunities to extract Elon's relics. The scope of extraction is limited to Elon's bag. In addition, if you add Contractor 98110 to the team, he can also get a chance to draw. "

Looking at a series of prompts, Fang Senyan understood why space judged this way, because the space felt that Wuge Girl ------- her own elf lover has actually got the biggest benefit and became a ring of gas. Master! Therefore, in turn, they can restrict the extraction of this group of people. Otherwise, Elon's dropped key has a chance to extract a Qi ring Velia again, which is completely decent.

Fang Senyan looked at the unknown mysterious props he got: the magic bone crystals of the elves. The above description is quite powerful: this is the bone crystals left after the death of the high elves. On the dark monarch side, many guys may Interested in this stuff. Looks like it's money.

Fang Senyan certainly couldn't make a short-sighted act with Wuge sister at this time. Besides, he couldn't bear it anymore, so he could only sigh. First, he lost an invitation to join the team to Franklin, and then confirmed the Wuge sister After the injury was determined to be just in a coma and there was no danger to his life, he was ready to extract Mr. Elon's relics.

When Franklin received the invitation to join the team, he was still a little unhappy, because Fang Senyan only gave him the authority to reserve a team member. To be honest, this treatment of the comrades who had just been born and died together really hurt this quite deliberate guy ... but Franklin soon noticed the changes in his life value and mp value. After being stunned, immediately Was shocked by a huge sense of happiness! It is full of anticipation to watch the "Sacred Healing" ability that the temporary members cannot use!

The next time is naturally to compare your luck. From the fact that the space can generously give each person three extraction opportunities, you know that the number of things carried in Elon's bag must be described by the vastness of smoke. Good things are expected to ......... but there is nothing more useless.

What Fang Senyan extracted for the first time made him completely cried and laughed. It was actually a pair of socks with exquisite patterns and bright ornaments on them, full of elaborate luxury and nobility.

However, this is not the point. The point is that this thing marked as a sundries actually comes with a long introduction: this is a pair of socks made of ice cicada silk. The complicated craftsmanship is the work of the master Claire Elaborate, Elon has only been wearing this kind of socks for 300 years ........ The final tip is: worth 150 universal points.

Seeing the last sentence, Fang Senyan, who was still supporting the reading, had almost no blood spurting out. Fortunately, there was no brackets (dirty) behind the socks, otherwise he would collapse ~ ~ In view of Fang Senyan's lessons learned, Franklin did not have any hope when drawing. He was just satisfied not to draw out a pair of Mr. Elon's underwear, but he unexpectedly got a black cloak.

Lost Cloak Rarity: Black Origin: Lord of the Rings Habib Equipment Conditions: Stamina 20 points Dexterity 15 points Weight: 1.27kg Durability: 55 | 55 Material: Silk Mithril Silk Tough Spider Silk Equipment Effect: Stamina +3, Dexterity +2 Equipment: Alchemists use Mithril conduction spells to increase your evasion rate by 15%. Equipment: The magic enchantment contained in the cloak has a small chance to cause you to create a magic barrier that absorbs 30 points of damage. Feature: Losing the cloak will reduce your hit rate by 10%. Comments: This is the relic of one of the most famous alchemists, it disappeared long ago. Franklin who got the cloak shrugged his shoulders, and handed the cloak to the reef without saying anything. This is the practice of most mt teams. Once it has equipment with defensive attributes, then mt can be costless and unconditional. Get this item first, mt won't take it until it's the other candidate.

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