The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 11 Chapter 54: Counterattack

Chapter 54: Counterattack

Mr. Grofindale returned much earlier than Fang Senyan had expected,

At that time, Mr. Jimley Jr. vowed swearing that Mr. Griffindale would travel for ten days in the rancid, barren, hungry, and cold. He didn't think how could the elves who always love beauty and cleanness sleep and rest in such an environment?

So in fact, Griffindale was fighting hard, and walked out of the Sharjah Lake area for four consecutive days, then slept for a day, and then hurried back in much less time than Mr. Jimli had expected.

The reason why Grofindale was so anxious was not the unknown prophet. He knew the fate of Ravendale ’s tragic digging of the wall by the Fogsong girl. He was fundamentally worried that the two people, Legolas and Kailan Trier, were riding on the death of Elon. Unstable, lobbying several powerful elf elders from Rivendell to leave.

He knew that Legolas and Kaylantry would do that, because if he were in that position, he would do the same. You have to know that the Ring of Villian has protected Rivendell for thousands of years. Once the elves learned of the disappearance of Velia, they naturally felt a strong sense of crisis. This is a good time to dig people.

It was precisely because Mr. Griffindale was not fully prepared that he did not expect the Fog Song. The Dawn Elf of the Sunshine would be born and inserted, so when he returned to a mess, withered and deserted Ravendale At this time, the strong contrast produced in my mind is conceivable.

In fact, Mr. Griffindale's hunch has always been very effective,

Legolas and Kaylan Trier arrived at Rivendell on the third day after the girl from the Fog Song pulled the team.

They were also exhausted and scarred under the pursuit of several ring spirits. It was natural that they would return to Rivendell and wanted to rest. At the same time, they planned to release the news of Elon ’s death. , And then achieve the unscrupulous purpose of digging in the heart.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they arrived at Rivendell, they were immediately stunned by the man's heart solitude. After inquiring, I learned that what they wanted to do but had not done was already done by the new dawn elf mist song, and it was more thorough and thorough than they did!

Since there is an example ahead, there is no doubt that Legolas and Kaylan Trier have to take a decisive shot. It is the so-called push of the wall. Previously, Legolas and Kailanzuil had some concerns before. After all, everyone is a figure with a face and a face in the elves. If the corners are dug too hard, they will not be able to explain in front of Griffindale.

But now, no matter how much they do, Mr. Grofindell ’s greatest hatred must be in the Fogsister who digs first and then copies. The only concern is that since the two have been lost, Legolas naturally let go Let's show off the big picture!

So, you can imagine what kind of mess Mr. Griffindale is facing at this time. The person of Rivendell was dug halfway by Fog Song, and then she moved away from Ravendale and accumulated a lot of materials. Fortune, at most, only a fifth remains.

Then Kaylan Trier and Legolas did not plunder wealth, but after persuading them bitterly, they took away a considerable part of the elves, and more importantly, a quarter of these elves were in various places. In the field, they are all outstanding people who have made achievements!

To put it simply, the Ravendale that Griffindale took over at this time has a population of only one third of the heyday, wealth is only one fifth of the heyday, and it lost 70% of its high-level combat power.

Facing such a sad situation, Mr. Grofindell was tired and hungry, and suddenly turned dark, almost without a breath. Sit under the tree next to me for a long time, then take my fingers and hold my confidant:

"You, you **** Sindore's believer like this? It's robbing property in the sacred Rivendell?"

The elder elder said:

"But, the ring she was wearing was His Excellency Villa! We have no way to argue with His presence in the presence of Villa, let alone a shot!"

Griffindale took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He also knew at this time that the elves of Ravendale were sheltered by the ring of gas for several thousand years. Under the might of Jaeger, it was really difficult to resist. What's more, there is the ancient tree of the sacred war, Xindaluo, as the ride of the Fog Song?

After thinking about it for a night, Griffindale's face showed a fierce expression. At this time, he had heard the location of the new city built by Wuge, which was near the former orc city, and Griffindale had decided to go to the door. Make a statement.

Yes, he did not dare to kill people in public, this will only push those people who have changed their hearts completely to the opposite side, but! Griffin Dale is very confident in his personal strength and can overpower the new dawn elf of Wuge. He knows it very well, not to mention Wuge, no matter who gets the ring of gas, Villa. It is absolutely impossible to use it so quickly.

So what Griffindale does for himself is to position destruction! Destroy as many buildings in that new city as possible, and it is likely to cause widespread panic, which will make people uneasy and uneasy. Then, at this time, if you shake your arms again, you can naturally recapture.

With this in mind, Griffin Dyer already had a comprehensive plan in his mind. Now naturally it is mainly harassment and panic. At the same time, let his men go to comfort and condolences, and regain the favor of the tribe. On this basis, slowly Plan a return to the tribe.

As for the little girl of Wuge, although Griffin Dale was taken aback by his previous actions, he still did not put this new dawn elf in his eyes! In Griffindale's plan, there is no doubt that Mist Song must die. If she does not die, then the soul imprint on the Virgil's ring has not been erased, and of course it cannot be used by Griffindale.

As for how to die, Grofindale had a hundred ways to make her die unclear, great and majestic, and she never looked back. Even at her funeral, Grofindale would surely shed tears and mourn this for Raven. Dell's prosperity made the great dawn elves who had fallen into great trouble.

With this in mind, Griffindale faintly felt that things were not as bad as he thought, because at least if the ring of Villia fell into the hands of Kaylan Trier or Legolas, Have to say goodbye to it forever.

On the contrary, if it is grasped on the fog singer ...... Grofindale's face showed a touch or even a smile, but he had at least 70% certainty to get it!

So speaking, the people and wealth that Fog Song took away still have to return to their own hands. Although those who were taken away by Kailan Trier and Legolas are important, they must not be able to bear the ring of Villa. Now ...

With that in mind, Griffindale suddenly felt that things were not as bad as imagined. It can be said that the **** of destiny just played a small joke with himself, and eventually favored himself.

He called the clan, brought himself plenty of fruit, and then rested after a full meal, because Gryffindale's next thing must be done with enough energy.

A dark shadow travels through the dense forest. The speed at which this shadow travels is almost unbelievable like ghosts, and even more frightening is that despite the accumulation of fallen leaves on the ground and the dead branches in the forest, this shadow travels through it. It doesn't make any noise, it's almost as free as a fish moving in the water.

The shadow suddenly stopped, and it could be seen that there was a strange layer of black smoke on the surface of his body, and his shape and appearance were completely indistinguishable. Only a pair of sharp, hawkish eyes were unforgettable.

This is already the outer area of ​​the orc city of the past, and there seems to be no vitality in the snow-covered dense forest. The shadow suddenly stopped, and Yangtian opened his mouth. You can see that there are layers of invisible sound waves in his mouth.

Not long after, a ferocious giant eagle soared from the sky, staying in front of this shadow, looking at the appearance of this giant eagle, it should be the same side as the one encountered when Fang Senyan last entered.

Soon the man and the beast began to communicate. Before long, the shadow frowned:

"You don't know what's going on in that place? Do you feel there is a huge danger there?"

Listening to the sound of this shadow ~ ~ It was Griffindale, the giant eagle whispered twice, and looked aggrieved. Grofindale hated:

"That's just an old tree demon! The sacred oak tree Sindaro has received your clan, so you can simulate the breath that makes you feel fear. That woman can't master the power of His Excellency Velia so soon, you go Detect me once. "

But the giant eagle's answer was to keep shaking his head. It seemed that if Gryffindale was persecuted again, he would flap his wings and fly away.

Griffin Dale took a deep breath, exasperated:

"Well then, can you always tell me where the new city is?"

The giant eagle nodded, flapping its wings to lead the way, and soon brought Griffindale to the pine forest where once it could evaporate horrible poisonous gas during the day.

However, what appeared in front of Griffin Dyer at this time was actually a vast ocean! A huge swamp covered with giant reeds, sedges, and algae!

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