The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 11 Chapter 59: deprivation

Chapter 59 Deprivation (recommendation plus more)

As long as someone starts everything, then naturally the courage of the followers will be summoned, and then two elders will come out to protest one after another. M {Rainbow Literature Network m}

Facing this kind of challenge, Fang Senyan waved his hand very simply:

"Very well, then the city of dawn will not hold you back, you go back to Rivendell!"

The three elder elders angered:

"You have no right to decide where we go!"

Fang Senyan smiled and said:

"It's very easy for you to sing for you, Master Wuge --------- Waiting for me to finish things here."

Next, the elf elders were enlisted one after another, completing the magic circle on Griffindale's body, and a total of six elder elders participated in the event. After the circle was drawn, Griffindale couldn't even say anything. He could only issue the fierce roar of "Hoho" in his throat, and the cipher text of the circle was like melting gold on his skin. It actually penetrated into his skin little by little like a tattoo!

Anel 桫 椤 waved his hand slightly, and Grofindale floated from the ground. The body of the six elf elders began to glow a faint golden light. They surrounded Grofindale around the center and continued to point deep into the cave. Walked in.

The three elder elders who did not shoot wanted to keep up, but after taking a few steps, a clear grating appeared in front of them. Although the grating was weak, it had an impenetrable majesty and blocked them out. However, Fang Senyan walked in with a big swing, and the grating had no effect on him at all.

An elder elder wanted to learn something, but when he touched the grating, he suddenly screamed in pain. The skin in contact with the grating suddenly appeared a focal mark. He hurried to use natural magic to think To be treated, but the burn marks are usually imprinted on his skin.

"God only needs the most devout servant." A long voice flew from a distance. "Sorry, you have let the gods down."

The three elder elders looked at each other, and a vague sense of ominousness appeared in their hearts.

A man seemed to have walked in the darkness for a long time, and seemed to have walked in the darkness for only a moment, and a huge grotto appeared in front of it. There are five holes in the upper part of this cave. Although here is clearly the bottom of the mountain, each Hot rays of sunlight fell through the holes.

The five rays of sunlight represent the five glories of the sun god: light, warmth, glory, majesty, and fiery. The sunlight here is made by the **** Shindori, the **** of the sun, and he will never dissipate.

Anel began to recite the mantra with deep eyes, and you can see that the five rays of sunlight slowly moved to Griffindale's limbs, head, and the law circle drawn on his body also responded with great prosperity!

Grofindale yelled suddenly and painlessly. He struggled in midair, but it was useless.

Gradually, the light in all directions darkened. This is not to say that the miracles displayed by the sun **** have died, but that the five rays of sun that have been generated are completely absorbed as soon as they are generated, and converted into teleportation divine power, then of course the cave will be trapped No light.

Immediately after that, a few red lights flashed on the wall next to it, and then began to crisscross the sky. If you look carefully, it is the emblem of the sun **** Shindorei! Then various crisscrossing light trajectories appeared in the air, which seemed to be a perfect combination into a statue of the sun **** Sindorei, and the entire cave here now looks like a mysterious and huge magic. Array!

Soon, Griffindale's facial expression had been completely distorted, but he could not make any sound, and his body began to overflow with a strong green light. Then it slowly floated into the higher air, and slowly moved again. It seemed to be held in the palm of the hand by the sun god. The dark green light emitted from its body was more intense, and finally concentrated to form Six indescribable emerald **** of light floated in front of the six elder elders present.

"I, Anel. I swear here, the glory of the sun **** will always shine on my soul! I am willing to be the most faithful believer of the sun **** Sindore!"

The voice of Ann's devotion was extremely loud. Compared with the remaining five elder elders, he knew the meaning of this magic circle ritual. If it is said that this powerful elder had questioned Moriyan's words before, then after seeing the performance of the sacred beast Paul Brother and catching Griffin Dale hard, he would be convinced of all this!

"This, this is a vow of fanatics!" The other five elder elders were all surprised at the same time!

With the oath of Anel. 桫 椤, the surface of the emerald green light ball floating in front of him slowly began to turn into gold, and then began to immerse in the body of Anel. 桫 椤, when the light ball was fully integrated By the time of Anel. 桫 椤 's body, his magic power began to grow madly. The 桎梏, who had troubled him for 196 years, disappeared quietly, making Anel. 桫 椤' s strength to a new level!

Because in the emerald green light ball absorbed by him, there is a strength of Griffindale!

The power of all things comes from the sun. Only the power of the sun **** Sin'dorei can turn all the power into the **** power of the sun god, and then inject it into his devout fanatic! Anel 桫 椤 is a chasing force, so this step is so decisive!

The remaining five elder elders were also stunned, and they also came to understand at this time, but if the layer of strength of Griffindale is attractive, but to become a fanatic, then it means that in the long life in the future, it is likely to be all Subject to fog songs. Day by day. At the same time, Griffin Dyer will inevitably become the enemy of life, hate them, can not help but hesitate!

But at the moment they were hesitant, Enel 桫 椤, who had greatly increased in strength, suddenly bowed down and groaned loudly:

"Great sun god, your followers are willing to use everything they believe in you, please give me more power."

Anel. 桫 椤 ’s more thorough“ sell-in ”behavior immediately exchanged for the greater favor of the sun **** Sindorei. Immediately, the emerald green light ball in front of the remaining hesitant elf elders was once again wrapped in gold, and then pulled by force. Walked five golden lights! !! Dissolve into Anel. 桫 椤 's body again!

His magical power soared again! It can be said that there is only one step left, then you can enter the hero level side by side with Legolas and Kailan Trier!

At this time, the elf elder who had previously participated in the drawing of the circle can no longer hold back. Immediately he gave a vow of fanaticism and absorbed the power of Griffindale in front of him. He did not hesitate. Sell ​​yourself again, and extract some of the power and light group in front of the remaining four elders to yourself.

In this situation, the other elf elders woke up like dreams, and swore, but the elf elder who swears last was the most unlucky one. After many additional absorptions, the group of Griffindale in front of him Only about 5% of the power remained, and the benefits were the least.

The biggest winner in this ceremony was undoubtedly Elder Anel. Eunuch. Among all the elder elders before him, his strength was at most only a middle-low, but now the bet is decisively successful, and the hidden strength has become the girl of Wuge. The first person below can be said to be the chief elder.

After seeing this scene, Fang Senyan finally let go of her heart. In this way, the high-rise of the Dawn City is established, all of which are composed of the fanatics of the sun **** Sindorei. Naturally, stupid or something, then her position is also stable.

What's more important is that these six elders successfully robbed Griffindale's power and succeeded. It is impossible for them to compromise with Griffindale.

When thinking about this, Fang Senyan's mouth showed a sneer. The six elder elders still needed to pray and practice in the Holy Land for a while to consolidate the newly acquired power. He directly grasped Griffindale's hair and pulled him like a dead dog. Out.

After waiting outside, Fang Senyan handed him over to two dwarven elite warriors, and then returned to the highest place in the city of dawn, and said to all the elves:

"Although Mr. Grofindell came maliciously and tried to insult our faith and ruin our happy lives, after leading him to witness the majesty of the **** Shindoray, the benevolent mist song. Forgive him for being rude ~ ~ and let him return to Rivendell to confess his sins. "

All the elves did not expect that such a thing would happen. They thought that the imprisonment would be the best end of Griffindale. If Wuge is more cruel, then the killing is not impossible.

However, watching Fang Senyan directly threw Grofendale into a canoe and let him leave, many elves had to believe their eyes and cheered for the song of the misty.

In fact, this is also the result of Fang Senyan's hard work and contemplation. His time in this world is limited. Now the defense industry of Dawn City is very perfect. It is not important for Griffin Dyer to live or die, let alone a 40% strength. he?

Besides, once he is alive, it is a huge threat to the six elders who have absorbed the power. These six elders have external pressure, so of course they will be more honest and will not put their minds on the inner fight. The power of the wrist is certainly not humane.

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