The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 11 Chapter 62: Breath of the Undead

Chapter 62—The Breath of the Undead

"No, I just want to be with you. M" But the gentle Wuge girl answered unexpectedly.

When she returned to her mouth, her cheeks were flushed, but she lowered her head shyly and didn't dare to look at his eyes, but when she was behind, she pursed her mouth:

"Moreover, Your Excellency has covered up my spirit and appearance, and I can return to the city of dawn at any time through it. What do you have to worry about me?"

The girl of Wuge didn't mention this matter, it was mentioned that there was a kind of madness in the back of Moriya.

Now that the City of Dawn has just been established, it can be said that it is in ruins. The alliance between the dwarves and the elves has only reached a rough agreement. It was still quite fragile. There are many kinds of affairs. If Wuge is not there, then whether it is reception or in Signing a covenant can be quite troublesome.

However, Fang Senyan looked at Wuge's girl's innocent face and round eyes that day, a sweet smile, and blame got stuck in her mouth for a while, but she still didn't say it. To be honest, from the bottom of his heart, he still hoped that Wuge's sister would accompany the trigger.

At this time under the protection of Villa, although the girl of Wuge was still so innocent, some of the characteristics of the elves were covered up, and her breath was disguised as a human from the elves. Otherwise, Fang Senyan would not dare to take her with her.

This is why Fang Senyan couldn't bring a large group of powerful dwarven warriors and wizard wizards on the way to Angmar. After all, he killed the King of Elron with the reef, and the main task had to deal with the dark forces.

If there are too many people, then it is estimated that when he came to clean up, no one would connect with him at all, and he would only provoke the spirit freely, and if there were fewer people, then the elves and dwarves were on the way. As soon as the breath leaks, it can be said that once entering the sphere of influence of the Dark King, then the endless pursuit will be faced.

Wuge's sister is actually not very strong at this time. Under the instruction of Fang Senyan, the main ability of Qi Ring Velia developed by her is mainly to protect the strong, and at this time, most of the magic Consumed in the coexistence of the Ring of Peace, Villa.

So in addition to being able to increase the state of benefit during the battle and put back spring arts, the only direct damage ability is archery. Generally speaking, it will not be much stronger than the elves of her age.

However, Fang Senyan looked at her smile and felt an unprecedented sense of peace and joy in her heart. She pulled the back of her hand and kissed her, turning her head and smiling:

"I don't know how long I can reach the rest place?"

Fang Senyan said this to the caravan guides they followed. With the help of Mr. Jimli, they easily found a caravan that could take them to Shire. The extra money passed through the teleportation array to reach Eliador, which was less than two hundred kilometers straight from Angmar. And the destination from Eliador to Fang Senyan: the gray dwarf settlement outside Angmar, it only takes a day's journey.

In fact, strictly speaking, the Angmar that Fang Senyan is going to is also within the range of the Misty Mountains. The straight distance from Moria, where Fang Senyan founded the city of dawn, is not too far, but if it follows a straight line Fang Senyan, they had to cross the line of defense established by the orcs and strong orcs, or they might encounter oss such as Luz, Spirit Suppression, etc.

The Dark King was originally known for his brutality and mischief, so Fang Senyan did not think that after he got enough destiny points, he would let these guys have a good eye for himself, so he would rather go around a large circle, also There is absolutely no need to take your own life and go to Bo Yibo's dangerous and time-saving straight road.

Fortunately, when killing King Elon, all the members of the ace team received 2311 destiny points belonging to the Dark King Fang, which was considered to have completed the task in excess, so when the time spent in this space reached twenty days, they Gained a dual choice:

a Choice is to arrive as scheduled and get extra rewards.

There is no extra reward for option b, but you can get an extra 10 days stay reward in this world.

Fang Senyan chose the b option at that time. Otherwise, Fang Senyan spent too much time in the city of dawn, and it would not be enough time to make a detour.

Facing Fang Senyan's inquiries, the caravan guide immediately smiled:

"Soon, although Fengyunding is very dry, there is a spring eye on the west side of the hill. Normally, we will rest here, and at least we will stop to replenish the water source, because there is no one above for at least a day. Ways to get clear water. "

The girl of Wuge has always grown up among the tree-lined and lush Rivendell. I have never seen this kind of wilderness and hilly terrain near Fengyunding, and my lover is beside me. The mood is naturally Very pleasant, could not help but wonder:

"It's not a desert here, why is there no water in front of it?"

The wind and frost on the face of the old guide was very strong, and the wrinkles were as sharp as a knife, saying with a smile:

"Because the land and water around here have been cursed by the devil, even if there is water, it is sour and bitter, and even cattle and horses are not willing to drink it. Only Fengyunding was once a place blessed by God. Later, Although the years of war have made Shen En abandon this place, the water here will be clear and sweet. "

The group talked and laughed, and slowly started to climb around Fengyunding along the road.

The caravan's cattle and horses were dragging heavy cargoes, because now when they are going uphill, the speed is relatively slow, so they are a bit slippery. The leader of the caravan saw that the situation was not good. I was afraid that the cattle and horses would be exhausted, and immediately ordered half of the unloading to be stacked here, and left to be guarded, intending to pull the goods over the top of the wind twice.

The four fans of Fang Senyan followed the first echelon. After boarding Fengyunding, their vision was wide open at this time. At this time, the weather was very fine. Under their guidance, the accompanying Franklin could even see Shire's. Hobbit tower built in "Buckland". There once became a symbol of Shire.

Although Fengyun Ding looks quite steep, the top is flat as if it was cut off by the waist, as if it is a pocket version of a plateau.

Everyone took a sigh of relief, led by the guide through the remains of the former ruins, and walked along the weeds from the raw barracks road to the west, where the only sweet spring eye in hundreds of miles was located .

Although the sun is still quite strong along the way, the wind here blows on the body, but there is a kind of coldness that must be crisped into the bones. Looking at those ruins and abandoned fortress positions, it doubles people's feelings of the world. The vicissitudes of life.

At this time, the girl from the mist song suddenly pulled the corner of Fang Senyan's clothes and said secretly to him:

"This place has a weird atmosphere, and I suspect there is a haunt of undead."

Although the guide on the way has been saying that this business road is very peaceful, in fact Fang Senyan is unbelievable, because in the original plot, Gandalf the gray robe stayed here, but was surrounded by the ringmen in the middle of the night and a large number of undead came Assisting the war, the old man had to flee.

The girl in the fog song was originally an elf born to sense the breath of nature, or the owner of the Lord of the Rings of Villia. The sensitivity is undoubted. Fang Senyan nodded after listening to her, and did not intend to speak out to interfere with the business. The team just watched and raised alert.

A group of people quickly came to Quanyan. It can be seen that there are often people staying around. There are clear trails all around the spring. There are five or six grass sheds on the side. There are clear spaces on the ground. region.

At this time, it is the caravan's guys. After unloading the cargo from the cattle and horses, these animals can lie down on the ground to rest, and then use their tongues and teeth to deal with the dryness in the dust on the ground. Baba's grass roots.

Guys have to fetch water to drink for the cattle and horses, and then mix them with salt in the hay to feed them. After the animals have recovered their animal power, they continue to go back to transport the other half of the cargo. Before they can rest.

Fang Senyan took the rest time to the old guide and asked him where he would stay in the camp at night. The old guide looked at the "VIP" with muddy old eyes, as if to understand his intention. Some wondered:

"Usually ~ ~ As long as 12 noon, the caravan will choose to stay here for one night."

Fang Senyan thoughtfully said "Oh":

"Then your elderly have heard of anything strange happening here?"

The old guide recalled:

"I haven't heard of anything near here, but the Marui River Crossing that we have already walked through before often finds that the traveler's body is floating in the river. Why, is there anything wrong?"

Fang Senyan nodded, and did not express the feeling of Wuge's sister. After all, there is still a lack of reasonable basis ----------- I can't say that my girlfriend was sensed by the ring of qi, which was worn by the elf Dawn Elf ...

Of course, Fang Senyan can choose to go with the reef first, but the owner of this caravan, Gutters, first made good contact with the Jimli family. The other way, they were quite good, and the third party Sen Yan also heard of him. High status in the business association, often can get some good goods, so love Fang Senyan can not sit idly by.

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