The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 11 Chapter 67: New title

Full Text No Advertising Chapter 67 New Title

When Fang Senyan regained consciousness, he just felt that his body was numb, as if every nerve had been destroyed, and his body had completely lost consciousness. He tried to sit up and found that he had no hands or feet. It seems to belong to myself.

His heart was not panic. He closed his eyes and silently felt it. He suddenly found that the roots of the sun ladder in the body were wrapped around the main blood vessels and nerves in the body. At this time, when he felt the restoration of the consciousness of the body, he shrank. Go back. Suddenly, the brain regained control of the body.

At the same time, Fang Senyan got the hint of the Nightmare Mark:

"Xenobiotics in your body: The Sun Ladder absorbs most of the dark breath that enters you."

"An alien in your body: The Sun Ladder will be dormant for an expected duration of 24 hours, during which time your viral monarch ability is blocked."

"There is still a small amount of dark breath in your body, so all your attributes are temporarily reduced by 20%, and this negative state will continue until it is lifted."

"Oh! What a bad luck." Fang Senyan murmured for a while, trying hard to hold up. He also did not expect that the dark breath was so gloomy. The duration of the negative effects was actually half-permanently solidified on the body. If it is not possible, it will need to be removed from the space after the return. This is not good news.

There is still darkness around, and it looks like there is still some time before daybreak. Next to me is a pile of bonfire. The heat from the flame is projected on Fang Senyan's skin. There is an indescribable comfort that can alleviate that kind of well. Numbness.

Seven or eight meters away, Wuge Girl is closing her eyes and sitting quietly under a big tree. There are countless invisible wires on her body that connect the woods at the rear. It looks like the nearby woods It seemed to be moving slightly as she breathed. There were countless stars of green light coming from far and near. If fireflies rushed into her body, then slowly drifted out.

"Boss, are you awake?" Franklin noticed the situation here, and hurried over, looking at Fang Senyan's face and said.

Fang Senyan made a snoring gesture and waved in the direction of Wuge's sister, apparently afraid of affecting her cultivation.

"What about the Spirit Knight?"

Franklin whispered:

"After being broken up, our initial attack idea was wrong. The Spirit Knights would not care about their physical injuries at all. Even natural forces can only suppress and cannot destroy them. The source of these guys' power is From the power of the nine precepts they wear! So their only weakness is the ring they wear. Full text without ads "

Fang Senyan suddenly remembered this, too. The origin of the conflict in the Lord of the Rings World was that in the Second Age, the outstanding craftsman of the Noord Elves, Kalem Blimbo, cast the three elves under the guidance of the Dark Lord Sauron Rings, seven dwarf rings and nine human rings.

In addition, Sauron secretly cast a supreme power ring, which can make the holder invisible and immortal, but the most terrible thing is that the ring can control the remaining nineteen Ring and has the power to enslave the world.

The nine major human rings are most deeply controlled by the Supreme Lord of the Rings. Those who are obsessed with power become horrific spiritual after death. Therefore, the key to spiritual abstinence is not the normal heart, brain, etc. Area, but they wear the fingers of the human nine precepts!

It's no wonder that the last arrow of Wusong Girl was the palm of the Ringling Dorr, which then triggered the natural force in her body to completely defeat it. In fact, even the dark king Sauron was severely defeated because his fingers wearing the Supreme Lord of the Rings were severed. As a result, Fang Senyan asked Franklin:

"So what's the ending of Mr. Ringlinger?"

Franklin shrugged:

"It's a pity that the ring of anger from Miss Fog Song is not enough to restrain the human ring that Dole wears, so the ring is recalled by the Supreme Ring, Doll's soul in the ring The mark will revive him at intervals, but during this time, Dole's power will be evenly distributed to the rest of the Ringmen. In other words, the remaining Ringmen will be stronger during this time. "

"That is, there are no keys, no treasure chests and loot?"

Fang Senyan sighed:

Franklin Road:

"The Dark Destiny point of Lord Reef and me has increased by an additional 500 points. In addition, it also triggered a high-level title: Dark Conqueror, the requirement is to kill nine ring spirits, and the reward of the title is one of three. Here comes an unknown item, the shard of the Ringer Dorr's armor. "

Fang Senyan was very strange at first. Why did he kill the Dark King himself, but the fate points of the Dark King side will rise. Now it seems that it is because the Dark King people are weird, unpredictable, and moody, so He took the initiative to attack himself, and he was regarded as a legitimate defense. Otherwise it would be unfair to those who chose the Dark King.

At this moment he looked at the prompt, and suddenly found the title of activation: the detailed description of the Dark Conqueror.

Dark Conqueror (1/9)

When you defeat all precepts, then you will get this powerful title. The reward for the title is one of the following three items.

a: You will get the Spirit Mount: Nightmare Beast, this is a fast mount with lv3 fear aura, whether on the battlefield of thousands of horses or on the battlefield where you need to strategically retreat or chase the enemy All come in handy. The Nightmare Beast will resurrect itself after a period of time.

b: Your reputation in the dark world is already very prominent. You can spend a certain price to randomly summon one of the three dark creatures: vampire, black warrior, or corpse witch. The rank of the dark creature is third order + The current world difficulty factor.

c: Darkness will be attached to all your attacks, which will deal 10% extra dark damage to your enemies.

Fang Senyan noticed that there was a description in the introduction: as long as he participated in the relevant battle against the spirits, the title was completed, that is, the title could be completed with the help of the plot characters, and the difficulty of completion was not imagined So difficult.

He took another look at the armor shard Dole's armor fragments, and the instructions given by the space are: This is proof that you have participated in defeating the slayer. At this point, it seems that the role of this thing should be similar to the "elves' magic bone crystal" obtained after killing King Elon.

At this time, the sister of Wuge has also stopped practicing and came over to the gentle road:

"How are you feeling now?"

Fang Senyan smiled bitterly:

"It's okay, the dark breath of the spirits will not kill me, but my strength will inevitably be affected."

The girl from Wuge took a pot from the fire beside it, and poured a bowl of medicine that was gurgling inside Fang Senyan. The medicine looked strange, dark green, and very sticky, even if it was Even after being poured into the bowl, it kept bubbling, and every grunting bubble burst, making a very strange sound, as if someone was clapping the palm.

"Drink it."

Fang Senyan was stunned. To be honest, I didn't want to drink this thing, but looking at the clear big eyes of Wuge Girl, she couldn't say anything if she refused. But I found that the taste was not as bad as I thought. It felt like an indescribable warmth slowly spread from the throat to the bottom of the stomach, and then spread to the limbs and bones, as if a warm hand slowly stroked It hurts like his own.

After drinking this bowl of medicine, Fang Senyan's negative state weakened to 10%, and Wuge girl sighed with regret:

"It seems that to expel the negative state of the Spirit Knight, the King's Grass (ahthelas) must be completely removed. Fortunately, Shire is not too far away from us, and I hope to get this herb there."

"If you are going to Shire, then you must ask Gutters to help." Fang Senyan coughed in two voices.

Wuge Girl nodded:

"Guts lost money this time can be said to be lost, we must find a way to compensate him and let the Jimli tribe provide him with goods several times at cost."

At this time, she looked at the kettle used to cook medicine, but this stuff was exchanged by Fang Senyan from space, and the natural craftsmanship far surpassed the world of the Lord of the Rings. Wuge girl couldn't help but sigh:

"I have never seen a kettle that can be so delicate. Is this the product of your world?"

Fang Senyan held her back and smiled:

"Yes, in my hometown, almost everyone can afford this kettle."

The clear eyes of Wuge's sister revealed the color of hope:

"That's a wonderful and powerful craft. I really look forward to your world."

Fang Senyan smiled:

"You rest assured, I feel that this day will come soon ~ ~ just, our life and the life of the elves are almost completely different, you may feel very fresh when you just go, but live a long Then it feels like a laid-back life like an elf is better. "

At this time, Gutz groaned, woke up and drank a few sips of water before saying:

"Am I still alive? What about the spirit?"

"We were kicked away." Fang Senyan said lightly: "Mr. Gutters, I was really sorry for your people at the time ..."

Gutz closed his eyes and sighed:

"I know your pain, and in fact I have to thank you for saving my life-they are killed by the abominable spiritual ring knight, may God bless their souls- ----- This **** place still seems to be full of danger. I suggest that we should hurry right now, so maybe before the sun sets in the afternoon, we can taste the unique flavor of Hobbit garlic smoked sausage. Now. "

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