The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 11 Chapter 70: Deadly crisis

Chapter 70—Fatal Crisis

Facts prove that the magical apprentice Hantes was unlucky, because in the process of preparing various potions, he suddenly found that Kinggrass could not be prepared according to the teacher's request, because Hantes could not find the old Slinger. That old cat. WwW. NgWeNXuE. Then he suddenly remembered that the old cat had been taken to the countryside three days ago.

Fang Senyan regretted why he talked cheaply at that time, and then asked the sentence that made him want to cry without tears for the next period of time:

"Well, Mr. Hunts, is there an inevitable connection between King Grass and the cat?"

The magic apprentice Hunts faced bitterly:

"Sir, Kinggrass is not a very rare plant. It grows near Shire, but if you want to use it to drive out the dark power, you must use its seeds. Because its seeds are very rare , And it is highly toxic, so we usually use it to soak into poison, which is very popular with hunters. "

"So what does this have to do with the cat?" Fang Senyan pursued.

"Please be more patient, sir ... ... Because of this, we have to be very patient with the processing of Kinggrass. I must first remove the toxicity outside the seeds, and then I have a shell on the outside. As long as a little bit of the shell remains, it will greatly affect the efficacy. Therefore, the cat must eat the seeds of Kinggrass. Its stomach acid can perfectly erode the toxic shell of the seed, and then the **** stomach acid invades The inner kernel of the seed was taken out of the cat before. "

Wuge Girl suddenly said nervously:

"Wasn't that going to kill the poor cat?"

"Oh, it wo n’t be so cruel. If we kill this old cat, then the mouse will flood our shop. The most important thing is that death will change the stomach acid content and destroy the drug, so we only need to use a little Stimulant drugs can make a cat vomit or quickly excrete the processed seeds, depending on its mood. "

Fang Senyan's face was already very ugly, but the reef was in a gloating tone, and decided to smash Fang Senyan's last fluke mentality:

"Okay, okay, Mr. Hunts, I want to applaud your outstanding knowledge! Then I also have a question-the only question is whether the seeds of Kinggrass after oral treatment are for oral or topical use of?"

The apprentice's answer was also wonderful:

"If the evil is outside the human body, then it is more suitable for external use. If the evil is hidden in the human body, then you must eat it."

Old Sterling came back two full hours later, and it seemed that his mood had not improved by talking to the city councilor, so the poor apprentice was undoubtedly battered by a storm.

After paying the price of two platinum coins, Old Stirling found another goat to "process" the seed of King's Grass. Fang Senyan at this time avoided it with an excuse to visit the other magic supplies stores, and finally fabricated it. The medicament showed a thick state of black and yellow. It must be said that it looked very disgusting, and the smell was also crazy. Even the smoke emitted by the medicament was brown and yellow, strangely circling in the air for a long time Will not disperse.

Old Stirling vigorously stirred the potion until it stopped emitting any smoke before handing it to Fang Senyan. As soon as Fang Senyan closed his eyes, he "drinked" directly, or poured it into his stomach. Next, he After ten minutes of forbearance, there was no doubt that he vomited and vomited all the drugs he drank.

However, these nasty liquids that have been vomited seem to have life, forming a large number of weird insects, jumping like crazy, as if they have their own soul. Fortunately, old Sterling Prepared a wooden barrel, which is filled with the leaves of the privet tree soaked in water and the flowers of Sophobia. These weird vomits make a loud noise in the soaking solution of these two plants. And then dissipated in the air.

Fang Senyan leaned on the chair next to him and gasped for a long time before recovering. It looked like a serious illness, but fortunately, the stubborn negative effects that had wrapped around his body finally disappeared. Although the old man's treatment is a bit nauseous, it has at least achieved a curative effect.

Next, Franklin also bought several bottles of potions in his store, what are cold protection potions, what plastic potentiation potions, what magic source potions ... Of course the price is certainly high, but looks like Franklin's platinum The coins were also quite abundant. Not only did I buy a lot of them, but I also stuffed three bottles of Fang Senyan and Jiaoyan.

When Fang Senyan saw it, a bottle was an infrared vision potion. After drinking this stuff, he could have a powerful night vision ability like an animal. It seems that the last time he was in the dark and the Spirit Knight The fight left a deep impression on him.

Another bottle is called the Dwarf Stubborn. The main ingredient of this potion is said to be extracted from the dwarf's beard. There is a magical magic, and the balance of the user will be amazingly improved. Let's put it this way, don't even try to hang someone even if you sweep the hall.

The last bottle of potion is targeted at the power of darkness. There is a weird name called Dark Sponge. Drinking it can harden the skin of the drinker, and it can absorb 50% of the damage of all dark forces. , For 24 hours or absorb enough 1000 dark damage.

After the big purchase, Fang Senyan did not intend to delay too much time, but directly found Shire's teleportation array to use. There is no doubt that the use of this stuff is also a nail-biting cash burn, a whole hundred For platinum coins, the attributive phrase is added at the end: each person, and finally there are related instructions: materials are provided.

Fortunately, the door to the dwarf's mineral treasure trove is almost open to the other side, so the material cost of the teleportation array is almost negligible. The advantages of the freshly baked gems of the Moriah pit make the teleportation array work well, even waiting for the teleportation. Time has also been reduced by several minutes.

Eliador is very different from the soft and prosperous Charle.

If it is said that Shire is a cute girl with a naive smile, Eriador is a half-upper, a big man with a scar on his face and a scar on his face, and even a brutal roar!

It was a very rough place, and it seemed that the air was filled with screams and blood.

Only brutality and brutality can stand still in this place closest to the Dark King, so that a variety of expensive specialty products can be continuously transported to Middle-earth.

Lord Elion was ruled by Lord Siron, who practiced rare slavery in this place, and only this iron-handed rule could maintain order here. Fang Senyan walking on the road built with local red stones, they saw a lot of things that could not be seen in other places in a short time.

For example, the team patrolling the street, the captain is a fully armed human, but behind him, he is actually ten half-orc slaves, these half-orc slaves were captured and raised from childhood, their eyes are blood red, Wearing excellent armor and holding a shield and axe, the captain would beat them with a leather whip as soon as something happened, and let these half-orcs pounce like a good hound.

According to Fang Senyan's estimation, after the half-orcs are fully armed in this way, at least the single combat ability can catch up with the strong orcs.

Of course, although Eliador is a place that feels so depressed, it has one thing in common with Shire, that is, if you have enough money, you can get what you want.

The distance from here to the gray dwarf settlements outside Angmar also takes some time, and along the way are dry and desolate Gobi beaches, so they need local specialty camel horses as a riding tool, and everyone It needs to be equipped with three heads, because these mounts that can run even on the Gobi Beach can also be used as food and water at critical times.

In addition, there is another important factor:


Walking on the vast Gobi Desert, no GPS, no compass, no plane, no phone, and still walking towards the almost demon's lair like Angmar, then getting lost is a terrible thing.

Of course, the only obstacle to hiring a good guide is enough money. Fortunately, Fang Senyan does not lack this, but Fang Senyan heard some whispers while waiting:

"Someone else is looking for the Grey Dwarf's place?"

"Grey Dwarves have sent five caravans of salt and ale this year. What oil and water can they get from the greedy dwarves?"

"Strange ~ ~ It stands to reason that the group of foreigners led by Samo Mo have been away for so long and should have been back. Haven't there been sandstorms recently?"

"Hell, even sandstorms that can destroy the entire world can't do anything with Samomo!"

After hearing these words, Fang Senyan didn't know why. He felt heavier in his heart, but he quickly shook his head and threw something out of his mind. What he can do at this time is to choose the best llama, Then spend more money to let the wizard hurry up.

So in just thirty hours, Fang Senyan, who had exhausted ten llamas, arrived at the gray dwarf's residence.

Here is a very weird wind-covered terrain area. The wind blows through a large number of mushroom-shaped rocks, blowing the damp and dark atmosphere of Angmar in the distance, and the pungent blood and the rotten body.

Presenting in front of Fang Senyan is a scene of massacre! !! !! !! !!

The gray dwarves on the periphery of Angmar that his main line mission is looking for have already been rushed to the ground and slaughtered! !! !! !!

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