The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 11 Chapter 89: The nemesis of Fang Senyan

Full text without ads Chapter 89 Fang Senyan's nemesis

Even though Fang Senyan avoided the spear of this electro-optical fire in time, but the branches at the end of the wooden spear still scratched deep blood between his chest and abdomen. If it was deeper, then I am afraid The tragic state of an open stomach. (Full text eBooks for free download)

Not only that, Fang Senyan did not feel the pain at the wound, but felt a kind of tingling itchiness. He lowered his head to take a look, and suddenly found that the wounds on the chest and abdomen actually gave birth to a layer of faint green mold, even the hyphae. Cheering and swaying growth, as if it were the kind of growing moss, quickly spread into the body.

Fortunately at this time, the black tentacles of the Sun Ladder swiftly swirled around and quickly cleared the severe infection of Fang Senyan's wound.

At this time, after looking at the spear that shot into the ground, it actually fell directly into the ground and took root, quickly sprouts and shoots, and then turns into a small treeman about one meter high, aiming at Fang Senyan and chasing after him. This tree-man looks very compact, but the image is rough and fierce, and his arms are covered with blue faint spikes.

Fang Senyan's eyes flickered, and he pulled out +7 West with his backhand, and then he ran across the place, and the sword flashed, and immediately saw the trees passing by collapsed and fell across! The poor tree man who was chasing after it was too late to dodge, was smashed by the big tree, squeaked, and flashed with fierce light in his eyes.

In the same way, the sight of the treeman who was hiding in the dark and intending to use javelin to hunt down the ambush of Fang Senyan was also blocked. He originally wanted to shoot a wooden spear to attack Fang Senyan again, but he could only interrupt it. Jump up to avoid the big trees that fell down.

After all, the transition treeman is not as skinny as the war treeman. If it is described by a human army, the war treeman is an iron knight with a heavy shield, and the jump treeman is an assassin with agility. If you hit it, you will also be hurt.

Suddenly, the person who chased Fang Senyan's tree jumped out of sight, because there was no big tree in front of him. I saw the barren forest and the setting sun shining.

While it was hesitating, the trunk that had collapsed on the ground exploded sharply, and a wooden block slammed into its face, and a figure popped out from behind, it was Fang Senyan!

When a big tree collapsed suddenly, Fang Senyan spotted the flight and fell down along the trunk of the tree. Under the cover of the fallen tree trunk, he laid ambush in a logical way. Already quietly waited for 12.91 seconds in this place!

This jumper has a colorful protective color on his body, which looks like he is wearing a camouflage military uniform. His legs are deformed and thick, and it seems to be twisted by the aerial roots and plate-like roots of the tree with a developed root system. Achieved, so there must be an advantage in the speed of movement. Its husk does not look so sloppy, it is similar to the mulberry, bamboo and other plants, with smooth and tough texture.

More importantly, one of its arms looks no different from the other Treants, but the other arm is completely composed of javelin-like branches. It can be imagined that it is extremely convenient when shooting the javelin. You only need to wave your arm, completely ignoring the process of pulling the javelin, holding, and throwing.

After Fang Senyan suddenly appeared from the shelter below, the jumper was obviously caught off guard. He immediately instinctively opened up the distance from Fang Senyan and immediately launched the jump ability. The whole body was blurred. Sexually pointed the javelin arm at the enemy and stabbed it fiercely. If Fang Senyan insisted on the forward flutter, he would have to hit the sharp javelin.

But Fang Senyan managed to set up this ambush situation, how could he easily escape? There was a smirk in the corner of his mouth, and the black light on his right hand was dazzling. On the fingertips of the five fingers, there were clear fleshy tentacles flying, and a black ball of light was rapidly forming.

Then Fang Senyan gave a roar, the blue tendons on his forehead burst, and blood was clogged up in his eyes. He slammed a ball of eclipsed beast fiercely at the opposite enemy in a slam dunk pose by a basketball player!

After the Beast of Eclipse removed his hand, he quickly changed in the air and turned into a black snake with scaly teeth. He shook his head and bit his tail to bite the leaping treeman's chest. What's more weird is that his body is also entangled with it. On the body of the jump tree.

The Jumping Treeman sent a painful call, and with a strong shock, the snake-shaped snake turned into pieces, but in just such a short time, the Eclipse Beast has been deeply integrated into it. Body, and like ink dripping into the water, quickly ransacked in the body of this jumper!

Suffering huge injuries, the jumper sent out a cry of pain, shattering the surrounding leaves, and its smooth skin was filled with large tree shrews, and then broke and flowed. The black juice with a foul smell appeared, and the surrounding epidermis was as uneven as the toad's skin, and never knew where a large number of flies were flying, tortured its nerves.

Fang Senyan was also not injured at this time. He bumped into the javelin pierced by the jumper, almost all the wounds in his abdomen were completely penetrated. Although the toxins above were restrained by the sun staircase, it was also punctured by the javelin. It made him feel weak for a while.

At this time, Fang Senyan bit his teeth and cut it severely on the guy's face. When the bark was flying horizontally, the jumping treeman made a scream of exhaustion and covered his face, and then backed away.

Fang Senyan was about to chase, but felt a slight tremor on the ground. He was shocked in his heart, immediately changed the course and jumped out, re-entered the forest, and wrapped an advanced bandage on his abdomen while running. His health has continued to recover.

The full name of this bandage is "Spider Protein High Energy Compound Sewing Belt", which is produced in the world of Xinghe Clan. After being applied, it can accelerate the healing of wounds and break down dead muscles. It can restore 1000 health in 60 seconds. , Of course, during this period can not be attacked by the enemy.

This bandage can be said to be quite precious, and it can sell at least 10,000 points in the nightmare space, but the other side's Morin has more than 3,000 health, it can only be said that it is only slowly added.

Because if you want to cast the beast of eclipse, then you have to calculate according to the worst possibility, what if you suddenly deduct 800 points of damage? And now for Fang Senyan, to quickly get rid of these jumping tree people who chase themselves, it is also necessary to get the ability of the beast of eclipse.

When it was restored to nearly 600 points of health, Fang Senyan suddenly felt a pain in the back of the neck, and the recovery effect of the bandage was immediately interrupted. He immediately slaped his back with a slap, and suddenly felt a pain in his palm, and took it back. When I saw it, it was a mosquito with black and white belly hanging on the palms. This mosquito was less than the size of a thumb and seemed to have a vicious intention.

"The mosquito bites and it is determined to attack me." Fang Senyan's pupils contracted: "Can it be said that the enemy is ........."

On the side less than two hundred meters away from Fang Senyan, one looks like a weird jumper, standing quietly in the dense forest. His legs are thick, but he has no arms at all, and his left and right shoulders Above, there are actually two huge tree-like nests that can be turned over.

The pot-covered tree nest is about five or six square meters in size and about one meter deep. It has thick gums and emits an indescribable taste. This taste may have no effect on humans or other living things, but Various insects are swarming! !! !!

Shuhu was furious at that time. From the forest near Fang Senyan, he selected three big trees with the "qualification" of the leaping treeman, and granted them the soul and ability. The speed of this leaping treeman was not inferior. For the other two tree people, why did it find Fang Senyan in the end?

That is because this guy's attack method is very special. After he appears, he must first attract enough insects that can be enslaved to play his biggest role! This is like an aircraft carrier. It does not have any attack power itself, but wherever it goes, the country shakes (this is not an exaggeration ~ ~ You see, if the aircraft carrier of the country of China is on the high seas outside the Yellow Sea and Bohai , Will China pay close attention to wow), relying on the powerful lethality of the ship-based fighter.

After Fang Senyan was bitten by a mosquito, there was a warning sign in his heart, but he did not expect that the enemy's attack came so crazy and fast! In an instant, black mosquitoes and flies came over the sky, and it seemed that the sky would be covered.

In the face of such an attack, Fang Senyan also blasted goosebumps all over his body. Yes, he has powerful talents himself: a barrier guard, a mosquito attacking at best, forcing a deduction of some life, but looking at the sky If there are more than tens of thousands of dark cloud-like mosquitoes and mosquitoes, then this **** is changed from quantity to quality. What about the mandatory deduction of life? What about immune diseases and toxins (hidden poisonous king's hidden passive ability), Fang Senyan still only fled!

Of course, the best way to defend against this jumper is to first smoke a large pile of grass and then cover the whole body with mud directly. If it is the most effective, pick up a flamethrower. Come and squirt! Or just go directly to the body of this jumper.

! @ #

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