The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 11 Chapter 91: struggle

Chapter 91-Struggling


It is a pity that in general, the jump ability of Shuren is still a natural spell. It's just that Shuren has turned this spell into an innate talent, as if the fire element was born with its own fire immunity. This can also be done with higher-order arcane.

So when it comes to natural spells, then there is another race that is not inferior to the Treant!

Beside the human mage, a slender figure appeared suddenly! At this moment, the jumper was suddenly aware that the slender figure looked at this side slowly and slowly, raising her hand quietly. There was a seemingly bland ring on her finger, but It was at this instant that an inscrutable light shone! !! !!

In the flashing light, the jumper was suddenly stiff, because he felt that at this moment, the surrounding natural forces disappeared in an instant! So how do you jump? This is like a fish. Even cattle can do difficult maneuvers like Thomas maneuver in the water, but if there is no water, it will be boron ether except boron ether.

Mou Yijuan Shuren was originally a very mighty and steady leap, and he will step into the void in the next second! But under the light of this light, I immediately took it. The leap was completely unsustainable. It fell stiffly and fell to the ground and ate a mouthful of mud. In addition, it has no hands to help balance. It's also extremely difficult to get up again.

At this time, the jumping treeman also felt a great crisis. The two tree nests on his shoulders were already extremely inclined, and immediately following its will, the poisonous insect swarmed out. At this critical time, Franklin's third order Great Fireball has been chanted. This is the most effective killing spell belonging to the early plastic energy department. There is no one and Franklin also chanted the magic effect in advance ... Of course, this doubles the power of Fireball. At the same time, the singing time will be longer.

A huge fireball with a diameter of at least three meters issued a heavy low-pitched sound. It was roaring and roaring towards this side. The edges of this fireball really glowed with hot white light. Do not see the high temperature. To say that being hit by it, that is, the leaves of the trees that are five or six meters away from the edge of the fireball, all fell down and fell instantly, and the edges even became scorched.

The leaves of the water are still so that the membrane wings of those insects are even on fire. Looking from a distance, the leaping treeman was trapped in the cobweb, and then strove to escape, but fell into a dog to eat shit. However, two strong black smoke immediately rose from the two tree nests on his shoulders and gathered in the air like clouds, all of which were overwhelming poisonous insects. As the huge fireball approached, the smoky and dark clouds suddenly fell like rain, and then ... the public fireball hit the target and a blast occurred!

The big fireball was originally the most powerful spell before the advent of higher-order spells. Franklin also applied a magic power increase of 25 at this time.

Then targets affected by Cobweb will take additional fire damage 25

Jumping Shuren is originally a crispy man among Shuren, but also considers the treacherous resistance of the Shuren to the flames. The accumulation of all these injuries will cause an extremely terrifying ending!

A loud noise!

This big fireball roared, even after hitting the target, it even raised a huge mushroom cloud, the fiery flames tumbling and rolling, even burning dozens of meters away into a raging heat wave Moisture in the fertile soil surface was evaporated to an instant, forming a block-shaped transparent glass substance. Lou Air even made Fang Senyan cover his face and retreat seven or eight.

But just when everyone thought the dust was settled, the jumper was still not dead! It burst out from the flames, crackling and crackling all over the body, then husky and sharp roared, and rolled away on the ground.

This guy seems to have no other means of attack except to release those poisonous insects, so its evolution direction should first be placed on the running road, and then it is to strengthen the survivability, you can see the secretion of this guy's epidermis constantly When the colloids came out, wherever they flowed, the burning flames had to be extinguished, and the running speed was really fast, and it was about to burst out of the fire in an instant.

But at this time, there was a sound of bowstrings. After the jumper ran, he ran a few more steps, paused, and then his legs relaxed and turned into the roots and fell deeply into the soil. , Re-formed into a scorched tree, a little seemingly vibrant green light flew from behind the jumper, and then scattered in the air, disappearing.

This silent arrow from the girl of Wuge was the last chance to shoot the tree-jumper! It is also the frustration that disrupted Shu Hu's subsequent follow-up.

………… , ………………

For ten minutes, Fang Senyan was striding with the help of the reef, even though the lungs were almost saddened by the **** of cold coke, and Takamaru swelled like a ball.

Although Fang Senyan's calculations were very accurate before, so that the people of the ace team came to meet him, but it was impossible to calculate that the tree hu was so violent. He directly made such a giant tree man. Mori Rock above they run for five minutes!

At this time, although there were fires on all sides in the Fagun Forest, the small half of the forest was threatened by the fire that swept through it, and the thick smoke covered the sky, but the tree husk under the fury was still dead. Dead bit Fang Senyan them.

In order to rescue Fang Senyan in the first time, the Fog Song Reefs also went under the cover of natural spells and penetrated into the Fagun Forest quite a bit. At this time, it became the most lethal place.

Fang Senyan's only way to survive is to escape to the Aisin River next to the Fagun Forest and jump into the water. At that time, the giant of the tree-huhu became his fault.

Fang Senyan's health was slowly restored under the rejuvenation technique performed by the girl of Wuge. When he recovered to nearly 50 health, he suddenly stopped and turned to look at the giant treeman who was chasing after him. After biting his teeth, his eyes turned fierce, "Don't run away. If you run away now, don't even try to escape! In this dense forest, it's impossible to be as fast as the Shuren in speed!"

After Fang Senyan spoke, she hugged Wuge Girl and kissed him deeply, then hugged the reef and Franklin! Gritted his teeth and said, "I still have a way to delay it. If this method does not work, then I have to work hard!"

The next thing no doubt made Shu Hu feel a hot hand. Among the little bugs he chased, one of them escaped from the team alone, and the golden fruit breath on this guy's body was very clear.

However, the little bugs fled to the north, while the other little bugs fled to the east.

Shuhu hesitated for a moment, or he chased up toward the little bug with clear golden fruit. After spending a certain amount of time, Shuhu kicked the **** guy under his foot, but this guy burst like a soap bubble.

Because it's just a phantom.

Fang Senyan asked Franklin to create his own illusion, and let this illusion escape with a golden fruit.

Because this golden fruit has not been placed in the nightmare's private space, Shuhu's induction is naturally doubled, so he made a wrong choice.

However, when Shuhu took back a golden fruit, he couldn't wait for it to fully mature, and immediately absorbed it. He was immediately involved in dozens of big trees to expand his body, even more powerful and violent. The roar sounded even more, and it rang through the sky.

At this time, there were two golden fruits left in Fang Senyan's hands. Although the reefs and their covenants were not able to use them, it was not necessarily impossible to use the girl of the mist song and the sacred oak Mr. Farrell, especially Mr. Farrell To be straightforward, this guy also sensed the breath that Fang Senyan absorbed after he absorbed the golden fruit, and he looked at Fang Senyan with an envious, envious hate.

Fang Senyan was also red-eyed at this time. Regardless of whether he could survive this time, in a word, I didn't plan to spit out what I got! A golden fruit was thrown to Mr. Farrell ~ ~ and one was thrown to Mist Song.

After Mr. Farrell got it, he politely swallowed it in his mouth, and patted his belly, and it was OK. The golden fruit breath was completely annihilated in his belly.

Fang Senyan looked for a long time, but found that this guy has not changed, and could not help asking. Mr. Farrell looked at him with an idiot's look: "Mr. Guardian, this is the purest and powerful force of Shuhu How could I eat it at this time? Naturally, its breath was hidden first. "

The girl of Wuge held the golden fruit in her left hand, and the radiance of Qi Ring's Villa was enough to hide the golden fruit, but she was also absorbing the power in the battlefield.

Fang Senyan looked at the huge body of Shu Hu, who was approaching again, suddenly took a deep breath, and aimed at this monster and rushed forward! During his charge, Franklin waved his staff, and once again created a wonderful illusion for Fang Senyan. This illusion even copied the faint golden fruit breath on Fang Senyan's body.

I saw two Fang Senyan separated about 500 meters away, and at the same time rushed towards the tree-hu like a fire moth! !! .

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