The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 11 Chapter 93: Perfect reward

Chapter 93. Perfect Reward (Recommendation Ticket Plus More)

Regarding Fang Senyan's proposal, Wuge Girl is resolutely unwilling to absorb the power of the golden fruit. She wholeheartedly wants to get through the teleportation as soon as possible and go to the world of Fang Senyan to live with him, so her plan is to make this golden fruit Sacrifice Sin'dorei, the power of the sun **** Sin'dorei can affect the space teleportation array. WwW. NgWeNXuE. MM

Mr. Farrell was the other side's request. He did not appear to deal with Shuhu before, because his strength was too weak, and he would be suppressed by Shuhu on the spiritual level. Otherwise, he would be controlled in turn, not to mention this. Once in the Fagun Forest to change the body repeatedly, the spirit body is also extremely weak and needs a lot of help.

At this time, he quietly absorbed the power of the golden fruit under the protection of everyone, but after spending nine cattle and two tigers, Fang Senyan realized that the golden fruit had shrunk by less than one seventh! In addition, Mr. Farrell has shown severe symptoms of deficiency, such as vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, and dizziness. Compared to this, the sun ladder has been gorging into four golden fruits in a short period of time!

Despite getting rid of the threat of Shuhu, Fang Senyan also had a hard time.

Because they have been attacked by the people!

Although Shuhu couldn't catch up with them, at this time as soon as the fire in the Fagun Forest was brought under control, Fang Senyan and they immediately became the targets of the Shuren chasing and blocking, but they took the first hand to escape, and among the Shuren King of Speed: The Leap Treeman has almost died, so he has successfully reached the Aisin River and escaped the hunt.

Fang Senyan also arranged a few gloomy traps on the way to escape, allowing Mr. Farrell, who has great strength, to sing the protagonist to attract firepower, which killed a few chasing troops. Incidentally, the main line task will also be hidden: Isinger's hidden danger The required quest props are all collected.

However, Fang Senyan is not in a hurry to complete the task, because the time limit for completing this task is 20 days. There is no doubt that there are additional rewards for completing the task in advance. However, Fang Senyan now has no shortage of rewards, the most lacking is time.

In view of another hidden side mission: Saruman's commissioning needs to hurry up, the nine-day deadline is about to come soon, and most importantly, the mission goal is to complete the golden fruit, but they ca n’t get anything. Go back and make a deal with Saruman! That old thing is black-hearted and ruthless, and his strength is very powerful. It is not easy to fool him.

But looking at Fang Senyan's breasts, the rest were really not good for him, Fang Senyan made them wait outside of Isinger, and went to Saruman to take the lead by himself. Fang Senyan had no special feeling for Saruman at this time, because he had discovered Saruman's weakness, that is his and ambition!

There was a crazy atmosphere in Isinger at this time,

Crazy atmosphere stirred up by money.

Obviously, the fire in the Fagun Forest has stimulated the residents and adventurers in Isinger. Because the fire will sweep the entire forest-no one cares whether the Fagun Forest is still there, because for With regard to the forest coverage rate of up to 80% in the Middle-earth continent, what does it matter if you burn a little? ------ The key is that after the aura of wood in the forest is burned, it will definitely cause two things.

The first thing Saruman will inevitably raise the purchase price of Reiki Wood.

The second thing is undoubtedly that the scope of the angered tree people's defense needs has narrowed, and it will be more difficult to get this aura of wood in the future.

Therefore, there is even hoarding of Fagun forest wood in Essinger now, and the phenomenon of profiteering has been induced by the official intentionally or unintentionally. The wood of Fagun forest has become synonymous with an expensive luxury. It is very similar to the trend of the sky-price clivia, gold nutria, orchid fever, antique tide in the real world in the past decade, making the value of the Reiki wood itself far exceeds its own value. .

From this we can see that Saruman's vicious mind, in the real world, ask what value in the world itself far exceeds the representative price? No doubt, that's the banknote! Banknotes are made of paper. The cost of making a hundred-dollar bill is almost negligible, but its purchasing power is quite strong.

Saruman hyped the aura wood of the Fagun Forest so popular that it is as dangerous as there is a place in the real world where money can be dug directly ...... no doubt, after a certain degree, Saruman can let go Now, the huge inertia derived from this incident has been doomed to make the tree people protecting these woods surely overwhelmed by the endless greedy people.

In the history without Fang Senyan, the tree huhu that absorbed the seven golden fruits is unshakable. The Fagun forest guarded by him is as stable as Mount Tai, but now, the tree huhu is seriously injured, and it seems that there is nothing to sleep. Things can stop the adventurer's mad influx of Fagun Forest and win the final victory.

Although Saruman almost exhausted his savings in this matter, but it was excellent value for money, he successfully wiped out the biggest stumbling block on his own success. Although Saruman still does not know the exact news of Fang Senyan, the huge fire in the Fagun Forest is clearly visible hundreds of miles away. This good news has made Saruman's meditation for two consecutive days wasted due to a lot of thought It took a full half hour.

When Fang Senyan saw Saruman again, the most sinister and dark ruler of Isinger's history was going to dinner. The dishes he ate were not rich, but they were quite exquisite. The main course was a guest. Five-cooked small steaks are steaks fried by seven girls who gently massaged their tummy for twelve hours.

The bread to accompany is baked with the fruits of the 300-year-old bread tree.

The salmon-like ruby ​​caviar became a dipping sauce next to it.

The drink is ordinary red wine and blood of unicorn.

Saruman only glanced at Fang Senyan lightly, and then continued to use the knife and fork to deal with the tender steak in front of him. It seems that the importance of steak is far above Fang Senyan.

Fang Senyan smiled and didn't care. When he saw an accessory made of armor next to him, he pushed the armor down, and sat down politely, watching Saruman eating with relish, with interest, it seemed more than It tastes even better when you eat it yourself.

Under the gaze of such a guy, Saruman undoubtedly persisted for a few minutes before retreating. He slammed the table, and the tinkering of plates and dishes fell to the ground, roaring:

"Did I ask you to sit down?"

Fang Senyan shrugged his shoulders and said:

"You didn't tell me I had to stand."

With a wave of Saruman, the dining table and scattered dishes in front of him disappeared:

"I explain what you did?"

Fang Senyan smiled and said:

"I have done a great job, Shuhu will not cause you any trouble anymore-at least not for the last few hundred years, he has fallen into a long sleep."

Saruman raised his eyebrows, but said lightly:

"How do I know that you are telling the truth? In your body, I cannot sense the breath of golden fruit."

"Because there are no golden fruits in this world." Fang Senyan said seriously: "Your request is too difficult, so I figured out a way to destroy all these **** fruits. In order to prove that I am not bragging, So I brought this back. "

After speaking, Fang Senyan stretched out his hand, and spread a bunch of crumpled yellow things in his palm, like a pile of old paper was rubbed and put together.

Saruman frowned:

"what is this?"

Fang Senyan said nothing, and yelled at the next orc:

"Go bring a basin of water!"

In Shimizu, this stuff gradually showed its original appearance, and Saruman was still alive. It was a golden fruit ... …… .. the outer skin! !!

After Fang Senyan's Sun Ladder drank the golden fruit, a thin layer of skin was left. As a result, he was rolled back by the tentacles of the Sun Ladder, and Fang Senyan brought it to Saruman.

Saruman said in shock, anger and pity:

"Why only the skin, the fruit?"

Fang Senyan made a surprising look and asked:

"Sir! Don't you think I can be strong enough to **** the golden fruit directly from Shuhu! The few transitional trees he left at the core are enough to put me to death! Now I have proven that I did You do n’t want to regret it. ”

Saruman turned silently for a while, then turned away angrily, and then smashed a pamphlet at Fang Senyan. At this time, Fang Senyan read the pamphlet, which is a series of completions of Saruman's blending operation. , He finally got the hint of the Nightmare Mark:

"You have completed the hidden side mission: Saruman's commission."

"Difficulty: Unable to evaluate."

"Time limit for completion: nine days."

"Mission brief introduction: Capture the golden fruit before the golden fruit of Shuhu ~ ~, greatly weaken the power of Shuhu."

"Mission objective: You have confirmed to Saruman that you have successfully achieved the golden fruit."

"Your following capabilities are fully complemented."

"Your Beneficial Elixir bonus is increased from all attributes at 8."

"The promotion effect is: 10% of all attributes of the drinker, and the basic attribute value of the promotion will not be less than 8."

"The creatures you plant will gain additional attributes: inheritance!"

"You can specify a certain basic attribute of your planting creature to get a bonus of 50% of your own attribute." He can specify that the strength of this strong orc gains a bonus, which becomes Fang Senyan's current physical strength 49 points / 2 = 24.5 points.)

This chapter made up yesterday, and there are 2 more today.

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