The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 11 Chapter 95: Tier 3 disease

Chapter 95-Third-Order Disease

Getting such a bad evaluation is also psychologically prepared for the other side, but the merit value can get an extra ten points, but it should be a recognition of the space to greatly change his plot. The prompt that Fang Senyan brought to the space immediately stunned him, because the space actually found out that he still had the curse of the "enemy of the forest" cast by Shu Hu. Although only a small part of it remained, it was still based on space. Quarantine rules must still be expelled-most importantly, this feature is actually paid!

After finishing this series of things, he was cursed by Fang Senyan's mouth with a bad temper, and the scenery in front of him began to blur, apparently he had begun to return to the nightmare space.

After Fang Senyan returned, he did n’t get busy and rest. Because he was considered a vacation in Shire before his return, so he was refreshed, and he could even compete with any opponents immediately. .

He first contacted the black guys ......... no one, no one has two possibilities. The first is that the task of advanced hunter has not been completed, and the second is that it has been completed and returned to the real world. If it is falling, then the team should be prompted.

Then Fang Senyan contacted Zi again, still no one.

At this time, Fang Senyan felt a little helpless. He has already investigated before. If he wants to try the breakthrough of extreme value, he must apply within three days of entering the nightmare world adventure.

So Fang Senyan made a contact with the Pirates of the Caribbean. The gangsters driving Dingyuan remained loyal and respectful to their captain. Fang Senyan reminded them in particular that they should be careful about David Jones. The ghost that smashed the man would definitely make the powerful captain very, very upset, and he could not rule out the possibility that he could vent this energy on his subordinates.

After Fang Senyan thought about it, he walked into the appraisal room in the space. There was already a huge doubt in his mind, but there was no way to verify it in the world. He pulled out an ordinary screw cap from the private space, but the description of this screw cap is not ordinary at all:

This item is the beginning of a very great mission. After you use it, you will get a mission with a difficulty factor of e, but the space evaluation is a golden branch! What are you waiting for?

Yes, this is the mysterious screw that Drogba of the Stockholm team used to buy his life.

Fang Senyan placed it on the platform and requested space for identification.

Soon, the results of the space appraisal came out, and only one sentence was typed:

"Please enter the Terminator world and find the origin of this screw."

Fang Senyan paused for a while, then went to the title space above, incidentally took the five tearstones of Drogba brought by him, sold 15 points of meritorious value, and then he waited for a while, did not notice the reef and Franklin The signs of return are back in the real world.

In the real world, Fang Senyan immediately began to check the ability of the virus king, and the promotion of the virus king must obtain new diseases in the real world, so at this time a prompt appeared:

"Your viral king has evolved, so he has successfully unlocked the third-order disease."

"Environmental data input, information sampling started ........."

"The information sampling is complete, the data analysis is successful ..."

"Hint: The host can choose the same from the following diseases for sampling infection, and then master the advanced infection diseases of bronchitis."

"A: emphysema."

"B: General pneumonia."

"C: tuberculosis."

"D: Asthma."

"Hint, the disease you choose to master will affect the subsequent generation of related talent trees."

"The disease characteristics, infectiousness, and difficulty of healing you choose will also be mapped to the disease ability effects of improved a virus replication. Please choose carefully!"

"There is no time limit for this selection. Please consider carefully before choosing."

The last time Fang Senyan felt that he had reached the limit after bronchitis, but now his health has skyrocketed, and it can be said that he has enough confidence to resist the attack of third-order disease.

This time, Fang Senyan went to query a lot of data and also knew about related diseases, so he can also speculate on the subsequent directions of these three branches:

a, the ultimate evolutionary ability should be pulmonary heart disease, the enemy's lungs and heart suffer together.

b, the advanced step should be pneumonia.

c seems to be a special case. Fang Senyan believes that if item c is selected, the skill tree will end here, but the third-order ability of tuberculosis should be able to be upgraded to a very high level. In this case, in the early stage It will be very popular, and may be weak in the later stage, but the lethality and negative effects should be inferior to the ultimate ability of the remaining branch diseases, but the difference is not great.

d Xiang Fangyan personally asked a doctor who thought for a long time and answered that prolonged asthma may cause cancer.

Fang Senyan chose item b. He has a very good impression of pneumonia, so he has been working towards this goal. For now, Fang Senyan has a certain demand for the ability of the virus king, but it is definitely not impossible to leave it. It's life-saving, so Fang Senyan would rather sacrifice a bit of the strength that he might get now for the future.

Next, Fang Senyan naturally wants to activate the a virus's phagocytosis, replication, and improve the mechanism.

This is a seven-day cd trick, and more importantly, activation may not be able to successfully spread the disease to the desired gene code.

Because after Fang Senyan chose b common pneumonia, the space gave a description, that is, only pneumonia infected with pneumococcal infection in the lungs can be named ordinary pneumonia, and the rest of the bacterial infections will not work! Fang Senyan's original idea was to continue to be cold, and to condense his defense and resistance, and then make himself infected with pneumonia, but now it seems that learning the third-order ability is definitely not an easy task. He even specified " Non-bacteria is! "

Fang Senyan only found out by querying the network that even if it is ordinary pneumonia, the source of infection is also strange. The most natural is pneumococcus, but such as Staphylococcus aureus, hemolytic streptococcus A, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, etc. can also cause common pneumonia in people.

In other words, even if Fang Senyan was very lucky to have pneumonia, but it was not caused by pneumococcus, then it is totally equivalent to suffering!

"Hell, hell!" Fang Senyan sighed. He originally thought that as his strength grew, the third-order disease was just making him more guilty, but now it really doesn't look so simple.

Fortunately, after meeting with Zi, he returned to Taiwan. This place Fang Senyan is still familiar on the head. After thinking about it, he called and asked for a black clinic.

The owner of this black clinic apparently opened a grocery store, but his last occupation was a doctor, but he said goodbye to this guy because of corruption. When the boss is short of money, he will try to treat people on the road with various diseases, including wounds that are not convenient to go to the hospital. Word-of-mouth has nothing to do except asking for money. At least as long as it is willing to pay, then people who come here are generally satisfied and come back.

Fang Senyan found the boss, and then threw a pile of money and a knife to let him choose. The boss saw Fang Senyan's unscrupulous heart at a glance, no killing, how dare to refuse? Of course, it was money selection, and he asked Fang Senyan enthusiastically. Fang Senyan said that his boss was going to punish a silly younger brother. This guy laughed at the boss and got sick and coughed, so he also had to cough and die alive. He asked the boss to help him find a way.

When the boss looked at the face of the banknote, he naturally knew everything and said that it was wrapped in him. Fang Senyan said that his boss was diagnosed with pneumococcal pneumonia in the hospital, and emphasized that the younger brother to be punished must also have this disease ... This is his quirk.

The boss started to feel a little depressed ~ ~ It seems that this kind of customer who has specified the requirements is really the first time to encounter it, but this year it is the rich who has the final say, and he immediately gave Fang Senyan With a suggestion, go to the hospital and live with someone who has pneumococcal pneumonia, and give him as little meal as possible, then the chance of getting it will be greater.

Fang Senyan felt discouraged after hearing it, but did not expect the boss's advice to go back to the hospital again. However, at this time, Fang Senyan's strength rose sharply, and he felt that he didn't need anyone to help him, so he started his own disease career with confidence.

After using Babu Babra's special ability, Fang Senyan reduced his resistance to 0, and then first caught a cold according to the black doctor's formulation, and then formed pneumonia based on the cold. He looked at the two patients around him with hope, hoping to share the joy in them. These two guys are both pneumococcal patients. Fang Senyan had a lot of work to transfer them to a ward.

After a while, Fang Senyan standing next to the window couldn't help sneezing, he began to feel excited and relieved, but the pressure was not great, because it signified that everything was going according to the original plan, first of all Suffered a little bit of wind and cold, and then gradually moved towards pneumonia. In short, there are seven days to do this, and you must not rush for a while. As the so-called haste is not reached, don't fail for small things.

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