The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 3 Chapter 43: See the poor figure! !! !!

Chapter forty-three! !! !! (Tenth more)

At this time, the people still took the covenant and vowed that such things were taken very seriously, after seeing the signal flare. Immediately, the pirate ship leaned in to help, but Queen Anne's Vengeance and the Flying Dutchman, both legendary ships, surprisingly chose neutrality and sailed away. Despite the many pirates who went to help, the old Captain Jack and the chief mate Jack Sparrow on the Black Pearl did not show up, causing the pirates to fall into a state of war and no dragons. The situation is mixed with 1uan.

At this time, Armand also came to the deck. He pressed the silver bayonet on his waist and looked at the white knight standing on the Black Pearl. His eyes suddenly showed a fierce light, and there was a yell Ambition! A few days after the battle with the invincible fleet at sea, Armand's reputation was suddenly the first person under the captains of the three legendary pirate ships. At this moment, I saw that there were no dragons. If I could stand up and defeat the host of Tutujia Port, I would lead everyone to victory. Then from now on, his popularity will be able to go hand in hand with Blackbeard and David Jones, and it will not be difficult for him to get better!

While Armand was determined to give orders, Fang Senyan took a deep breath and suddenly said:

"Captain! If I read correctly, the person on the Black Pearl should be Lord Fokker, isn't it?"

Armand turned his head, Li Man flashed in his eyes:


Fang Senyan looked at him without fear:

"Although we don't know why Little Fokker attacked the Black Pearl madly, apparently Tutuga Castle had already emerged from the nest at this time, and the defense force was extremely empty!"

Speaking of which, Fang Senyan's eyes showed greed, and he lowered the secret voice:

"Why don't we go fishing?"

Armand moved immediately. He looked at the battlefield again. At this time, there were at least five or six pirate ships supporting the block. The waters around the Black Pearl had been blocked tightly. One after another, the smoke was pervasive, and the white-blade battle on the side also began, and the scene was mixed with a bitterness. If the WWw.YZUU point m rushes at this time, it is difficult for the bell and the wine glass to get close. In fact, it is better to attack the Tutuga castle to avoid the truth and siege Wei Wei to rescue Zhao. If it is possible to retreat the little Fokke, then no doubt the credit is on himself. Even if Little Fok was so determined not to return, he was able to catch a lot of money!

In the final analysis, where is the best way to save people?

Although Fang Senyan's proposal has been approved in his heart, Armand waited for a while until his subordinates figured out the key to it, and the green light glowed like a hungry wolf in his eyes and looked with longing eyes. Only after coming here said:

"Well, that's what I mean."

The pirates suddenly cheered, and also went to bleed desperately, but at the end of the road was a few words of thanks to the allies who finally risked their lives and rushed to death. Looting. Even a fool knows which way to choose.

And Armand's deliberate self-deepness, a clever sentence, took Fang Senyan's proposal as his own, completely marginalized him.

"Charle, Matt."

"This time you lead the team and bring our bang guys over! But don't have too many people to avoid being noticed by other rabbits." Amand called the names of the two men, and then a touch of his mouth appeared. Sneer:

"The Fokker family has been peaceful for too long, this time they dare to strike the pirates first! Let them taste the blood and the knife!"

It was no surprise that Shire was named. It is logical that it should be led by Chief Mate Henry, but his head injury on the battlefield with the invincible fleet was not good. So it was natural for Shire to get out, but the deputy sailor named Matt, who was blind, seemed unexpected, but in fact, it was reasonable. The Fokker family has been operating here for 70 years in the port of Tutuga. The wealth inside can be said to be piled up, and the benefits gained once it is invaded are beyond description. (From the novel to Ye Ziyou ~ You M) Without the blind friend Matt, who supervises the guards, how could Armand be reassured to let Charles go?

As for Armand's boat ride, he was also well thought out. As one of the next seven pirate kings, Armand is certainly not a person who will be easily confused by wealth. Although the wealth of the 70 years accumulated in the port of Tutuga was very amazing and u people, the situation was really weird that night: The Black Pearl was attacked by Little Fokke, and the rest should be two ships with the same spirit. The legendary pirate ship stood idly by. At least half of the pirate ships remain unmoved. In this case, of course, it is necessary to take risks, but more importantly, you should first save the retreat of the bell and the glass number! Moreover, Armand's perception is also quite high, and he always has a faint and extremely dangerous feeling in his heart, so he is determined not to leave his ship this night.

For Armand, as long as the ship is held down, even if the pirates return home with a full load, they still have to return to the bells and wine glasses, which is completely a trade in the pot. And even if there are any unpredictable risks, Armand can immediately sail away. With the power of this ship, as long as it is not Black Pearl and the British flagship Fearless, then it will be able to escape! Therefore, Armand's staying behind is exactly his savvy performance, which can be called a good chess that can be attacked and retreated.

Time passed quickly, and nearly two hours had passed. The battle on the Black Pearl continued. During this period, there were many good pirate ship captains with Amand who passed on all aspects of information. Come over:

It is said that at 5 pm, a butler was dispatched from Tutuga Castle to invite Captain Jack of the Black Pearl and Chief Mate Spiro to go to a banquet, which is said to be incidentally to negotiate this year's cane sugar quota. As a result, only the old Jack went, and the chief mate Jack Sparrow failed to make it.

It was also reported that the first officer of the Black Pearl, Jack Sparrow, had been seen on the west side of the island.

The last news said that it seemed that Tutuga Castle had received news that the pirates were about to turn their faces to loot the port, so they had to start first.

These messages are very mixed, and obviously there is truth and falsehood. Even the savvy Joh Amand fell into deep thought for a while, trying to find the truth of the matter from these superficial phenomena of a mass of 1uan is obviously a difficult task. And it must be noted that Fang Senyan is not alone in defending the emptiness in the port of Tutuga. The reason why Fang Senyan was able to react in the first time since the beginning of the change, that is because of his situation. I have long been psychologically prepared ------ even Fang Senyan has drawn the storm that swept the Tutu Port with one hand .----- So all kinds of contingency cases and speeches have long been in Fang Senyan's mind. After many folds, it naturally seemed calm and calm.

It can be seen that at this time, several pirate ships on the sea have begun to raise the skull flag, and began to send their men, holding a knife and holding a torch, screamed and rushed into the port along the line that can no longer be cooked ------ The only difference is that their identity has changed from a consumer to a robber. And the people who set up shop in the neutral port are not good men, so in a short period of time, the entire bustling port of Tutuga was caught in blood, smoke, and war.

Armand stood upright on the ship with the bells and wine glasses, with a straight waist. He stood with his hands on his shoulders, looking at Tutujia Port, not far away, but his eyes became more and more dignified. Fang Senyan, who was standing behind him, also took a deep breath, and the wind in the Caribbean Sea with a slight smell of gunpowder filled his lungs. He seemed to be worrying, but was sneering in his heart.

"Things are developing as expected ..."

For Fang Senyan who created the current situation in one hand, of course he guessed that what Amand was worried about must be the robbery team sent by Shire and blind Matt. In terms of time, if this team is going well, it should also signal a return, and there are two possibilities for delaying return:

a may: smoothly enter the defenseless Tutuga castle, plundering a lot of wealth.

b. Possibility: Unfavorable progress in the Tutuga Castle, with heavy casualties.

If a might be true, then these pirates are on their way back to the bell and the wine glass-and at this time the situation in the port of Tutuga has obviously lost control. The pirates who had been blamed for grabbing their red-eyed eyes saw the huge wealth carried by Shire's underrepresented team, and even the fools guessed what they would do! Shire's team will inevitably fall into the siege and suffer heavy casualties!

Regardless of the situation, the robbery team dispatched will suffer huge losses due to lack of manpower! This is by no means what Armand would like to see. Bells and wine glasses have lost too many key members these days. Once there is any accident in this dispatched team, the strength that Armand has in his hands can no longer be described by bruises and muscles. It must be downgraded by one level. This has not been counted as if they were brought back if the looting was successful. Huge loss of loot!

For a moment, everyone around him noticed Amand's hesitation and embarrassment, but no one could speak, and no one dared to speak. The situation fell into an embarrassing silence, and only the sound of the sea water tapping the ship's side clear. Armand looked at the night sky of Tutugang, which was stained with fire. His right hand subconsciously put on the hilt, and held it tightly, and then released it. After releasing it, it was difficult to make a decision.

At this time, Fang Senyan took a deep breath.

The night was vast and the sea was shaking slightly.

Fang Senyan stood on the side of the ship. UU reading the whole person seemed to be integrated into the deep and vast sea. There was an indescribable mystery and strangeness.

His breathing seemed to echo the tide of the sea, and it took a while before he spoke a word.

This sentence was spoken by Fang Senyan looking into Armand's eyes,

Speaking very sincerely.

But only those who know everything know how much shameless this sentence is! This is a long-planned / painstaking / painstaking sentence. But he thoroughly saw all the puzzles in the previous layout!


Wow ha ha, I wo n’t reveal this sentence until 11:30 in the evening. We have n’t played interaction for a long time. As soon as this sentence comes out, Xiaofang ’s previous layout will be revealed.

Come, guess what Xiaofang said.

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