The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 11 Chapter 101: Misty (Thanks for the support of the leader Xiaoyaozui)

Chapter 101: The Fog (Thanks to the Leader Xiaoyao for his support)

The burly man gave Fang Senyan a scornful look, but disdainfully said:

"Stupid, is this the first time you do n’t understand the rules? It's my turn!"

Fang Senyan glanced at him:

"Maybe it was you, but I came, then it's my turn. WwW. NgWeNXuE. MWwW. NgWeNXuE. M"

"Hahaha!" The man burst into a giggle. "Who do you think you are? You want to grab my spot? I have never heard of a lieutenant who can be squeezed out here."

Fang Senyan was in a bad mood, sneer:

"Then you won't just hear about it today, but you will also see it with your own eyes. Would a terrific reserve reserve be great?"

The burly men suddenly changed color. The people who could have entered here were all big waves and sands. All the top characters in the team were arrogant and were about to yell. At this time, the green light on the channel was on, indicating The person has finished processing and has a free spot.

Fang Senyan walked in naturally. There was a clear glass door in front of him. If he did n’t get permission to walk through, he would be shocked by high voltage in an instant. The burly man was about to see a joke, but his eyes were Suddenly, because the glass door suddenly opened to the sides! !!

The burly man's facial muscles twitched a few moments, and suddenly there was a yin and yang strangeness beside him:

"I am eye-opener today."

"You idiot !!!"

Fang Senyan ignored the hustle and bustle behind him, and sat on the chair directly after turning.

"No. 1018 ....... Reading"

"Identity confirmation ..."

"Your current level of Nightmare Mark is Major."

"Your current meritorious value is 168 points."

"Dear Major, you are welcome to come back. What can I do for you?"

"I hope to be able to advance to the next world and apply for awakening."

"In the search of information ...... you received an invitation to the **** world in the next world, and you have been designated to represent the warrior. Do you still have to awaken?"

In the heart of Fang Senyan, of course, Laozi didn't want to, but there is no doubt that if the awakening task is carried out, then there is still a vitality. If not, it will almost inevitably hang up. Is there any other choice? Can only bite his teeth:

"I'm sure."

"During the scan, the information is being collected .......... Dear Major 1018, you currently have two attributes that can break through the extreme value of 50 points. Which basic attribute do you choose as your first attribute to break through?"

Fang Senyan's face muscles twitched and gritted his teeth:

"I choose to break through dual attributes!"

"During the scan, the information is being collected .......... Dear Major 1018, you can currently obtain rank privilege information as follows."

"Breakthrough of the dual-attribute awakening task will be twice as difficult as the breakthrough of the single-attribute awakening task."

"You can't use any medicines, foods, including but not limited to honor potions during the awakening mission."

"When you are on an awakening mission, you cannot accept the help of anyone else, including a beneficial state that is not limited to prior blessings."

"You are currently performing the awakening task for the first time, so you can interrupt the awakening task at any time. However, after each challenge fails, the difficulty will increase by 10%. If you choose a dual attribute breakthrough, the difficulty will increase by 20%."

"You can't leak information about the awakening task to anyone in any way. Every time you leak it, all attribute values ​​are reduced by 10."

"Are you sure you want to make a dual attribute breakthrough now?"

"I'm sure!" Fang Senyan's voice was exactly as if it had been squeezed out of a tooth gap.

"During the scan, the information is being collected ... …… .. Dear Major 1018, your request has been passed. In the next world, you will perform the awakening task of dual attribute breakthrough. Good luck."

Fang Senyan took a deep breath. He suddenly missed the husky voice at this moment, hoping that he could give a hint to himself, unfortunately, it is impossible for a person to do everything he wants.

He did not continue to stay at this time, because Fang Senyan suddenly realized that he should have one more thing to do. This thing seemed simple, but it was quite complicated. Can he successfully pass the challenge of the awakening task, It's up to you how you do it!

Over time, gradually some people began to enter the world and entered the nightmare world. Under the leadership of the ace team, they also stepped in. After Fang Senyan heard the name of them entering the world, it was almost full in an instant. --------- World of Resident Evil! !! !! !!

Ah ah, Fang Senyan is already numb. If he can enter this world and he is a virus, he can be said to be almost completely immune to the zombie virus, and the zombies are free of the threat of venom and virus, so the lethality is at least To drop by 30%!

It is weird that until this time, Fang Senyan still did not receive news of what world to go through. After querying it, I knew that in order to ensure fairness, as long as it was a warrior who entered the **** world, he would not know in advance what world it was. In this case, various factors of the team can be offset to a large extent.

--------- For example, if Fang Senyan predicts the next world, he can let the reefs and other people collect the data of this world in a targeted manner, and even tilt the resources of the entire team to tailor it to him. Weaponry and more. This behavior does not violate the system of space, but is contrary to the purpose of space. What if another team has no resources to lean on, what if another team had great potential but has just disappeared, and these resources cannot be obtained How to do?

Therefore, space is also trying to maintain a fair and just environment. Of course, there is no absolute fairness and justice in the world ... but it is better to do it than not.

Finally, Fang Senyan waited for the news that informed him to enter. When he walked to the space square, next to the ordinary dark blue portal, a gate appeared side by side!

The material of the door seemed to be formed with boiling blood, and the blood was still flowing in a silky order, and a hot bubble appeared from time to time, making the sound of a giant burp!

Fang Senyan was also showing bright blood on his body at this time, and it seemed to have a shocking feeling. The **** invitation letter automatically floated above his head, shining a dazzling light!

He stepped towards the scarlet portal step by step, and everyone beside him awesomely made way for Fang Senyan.

Fang Senyan's deep breath suddenly gave out a crazy roar, and then stepped into this **** door!

After passing through the Scarlet Gate,

Fang Senyan did not lose his consciousness, but felt that it was a flower in front of him, and within a few seconds, it seemed that the time was strangely stretched, as if he had a long dream during a ten-minute break during a lunch break. Scenery appeared.

The gray, dirty wall is full of spider webs, and the air is full of suffocating rancid smell. At the foot of Fang Senyan, there is a trench about two meters wide. The black water flowing in the trench is daunting and daunting. It feels like something strange and churning inside, rotten rice grains, fish bones, snack bags, and even sanitary napkins used by women ...

In Fang Senyan's heart, he would rather be chopped with a knife than fall into the **** culvert next to him. He looked up and realized that the ceiling above was only one foot away from his head, and it was no wonder that there was a sense of depression in his mind. The passage was arched, and when he saw this architectural style, Fang Senyan immediately realized that he was in an underground drainage pipe of a large city.

There is no doubt that in such a harsh environment, everyone's first reaction was to immediately climb to the ground and leave this **** place. Of course, Fang Senyan also felt the same. He covered his nose and strode forward, but he could not find the handrails. When he walked out for about 40 or 50 meters, Fang Senyan suddenly heard his ear. There was a rather weird sound ~ ~ The sound was full of sounds, as if a group of people were whispering, and like a lot of cockroaches, crawling on the ground, in this dim sewer, Visibility was already quite low. Fang Senyan stood by with an attitude of constant response, slowly moving forward, and gradually saw that at the dark corner in front, there were a few ragged people squatting Together, it seemed to be swallowing something, and that weird sound seemed to be coming from around them.

Fang Senyan slowly walked forward step by step. These guys seemed to have no response to his approach. Suddenly, Fang Senyan felt something fragile on the sole of the shoe. At this time, his energy and attention were all Highly concentrated, I immediately felt clearly:

With the depression of his own strength, the shell of the stuff under his feet began to deform rapidly, cracked, cracks began to appear on its upper and lower sides, and then a clicking sound was made. The yellow-green slurry inside, the internal organs were all messy and hot. Squirted out and then painted a sole.

"Looks like I stepped on a worm?" Fang Senyan's mind had just flashed such a thought, and when he saw the opposite stray tramps turned their heads at the same time, the muscles on his face were twisted, and his eyes were even more It was poisonous hatred, and then made a shuddering howl, opened his hands and pounced on Fang Senyan!

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