The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 12 Chapter 4: Statue of Secret

Chapter 4: The Secret of the Statue of Liberty

That car was snarled by the man who jumped, flung it out, rolled and shook in the air, and crashed, but a man in black had already drawn his gun and fired!

When the light flashed, I saw the car exploded into the sky, forming a large fireball with a radius of dozens of square meters. Things such as steel plate parts bounced around and hit Fang Senyan, which was far away a hundred meters away. It's sparse, it's scattered!

Even the windshield of a nearby car was ravaged, either completely shattered or covered with cracks like spider webs, which was shocking at first glance. M

Fang Senyan couldn't bear to watch this thrilling scene at this moment. After hearing the knock, he immediately turned his head and looked out the window, but found that there was no one. He was in a sudden, a familiar and strange voice sounded in At my ear, there is a unique and extremely oily smooth tone, which feels very unreliable and rather sensual.

"These kids are really right. My old man just woke up and ran into a scene of beating and killing. What if I accidentally hit me?"

Fang Senyan turned back immediately, and saw that a thin and insignificant old man had been added to the back seat of the car. Who was not the gold mine? Fang Senyan was fighting alone in this world, and suddenly he saw a trustworthy guy at this time-although he had no fighting ability-but he was also very happy, Surprised:

"Don't you fall asleep all the time? Why suddenly?"

The gold mine mouse's beard was tilted, and he laughed:

"Of course it is because I feel there is a great benefit here, and I can slam it!"

"Well?" Fang Senyan wondered, "what's the benefit of the world in black?"

The gold mine waved his hand, and the old-fashioned way said:

"Children should n’t ask more if they should n’t, they should n’t miss out when they tell you ..."

Fang Senyan:


"What are you still doing here?" The gold mine looked not far away and was fighting fiercely with the men in black, sharply: "For you now, this level of fighting is still too dangerous. Go ahead and do your business. "

Fang Senyan originally wanted to wait and see for a while, but if he thinks about the gold mine carefully, he also feels that he is right. If it is just the two parties fighting, then he should have no problem protecting himself.

but! Don't forget, there are still more than a dozen guys holding **** world invitations in New York hiding in the dark, like sharks peeping in the sea, they will rush out and bite the prey's neck whenever they have a chance. . It is difficult to say whether this level of battle will attract the attention of the rest of the population. Fang Senyan cannot take the risk and cannot afford this risk.

With this in mind, Fang Senyan immediately started the engine and proceeded at full speed to the seat of the Statue of Liberty.

After leaving the battlefield, his old man in the gold mine was quiet for less than a minute, yawned boringly, and started to play around like a child with ADHD. Suddenly, he saw that Fang Senyan was thrown into the front passenger seat. The condom on the chair, of course, this thing is still.

From this moment, the fate of the great scholar, military attache, alien Ritz in the name of the defender took a huge turn, and he finally understood that there is something more terrible than death in this world.

The gold mine curiously observed the condom for a while, and after confirming that the gadget and the contents did not have any attack power, it began to study it with confidence and boldness:

"Hey, what is this?"

He began to ask Fang Senyan.

Fang Senyan turned his head and glanced:

"I caught an alien with a very irritable temper and a hard mouth --------- More importantly, I don't plan to kill him with exogenous branches now, because it might cause interstellar disputes. I have had enough troubles and things like that, and I really have no energy to deal with the rest. "

The gold mine made a surprise and satisfaction call:

"Wow! An alien, it's mine, I'm sure of it! What a rarity this is!"

As the gold mine said, he took Mr. Ritz, who was half-dead, out of the plastic elastomer full of fishy and rancid smell, and laughed:

"You have been my slave ever since."

Mr. Ritz resolutely and weakly said:

"Fuck off, Earthling, this will always be your fantasy."

Instead, the interest in the gold mine became stronger, and he suddenly screamed with excitement:

"Wow, look what I found. It even has testicles and peeing from the belly button! This is a wonderful little toy. I believe there will be many people who are willing to watch it. ? "

"Ritz, the full name should be the three dwarfs in the Earth Observation Researcher, second-level military attaché, defender Ritz."

Fang Senyan is serious.

"Awesome, this series of titles allows tickets to sell for an additional two pennies!" Gold Mine screamed in a frenzied manner.

Fang Senyan Qidao:

"What tickets?"

The pupil of the gold mine has become the shape of ¥:

"Of course it's an exhibition, think about it! A living alien, an alien with testicles and a navel pee, and more importantly, an alien with the rank of three dwarfs and the title of scholar People! There must be a lot of people willing to give money to visit it, but this is a good business without profit! "

Mr. Ritz was stunned. He never expected that he would one day become the subject of observation, just like a primitive and foolish animal. It was visited by the backward and stupid earth people. More importantly, this was before him. The two demons even planned to write all the titles they had previously reported on the exhibition --------- but all of them are true! Once this is done, there is no doubt that it is not only the reputation of Mr. Ritz and his family that is damaged, but even the great three dwarfs must be shameless!

At the thought of such a terrible fate, Mr. Ritz trembled with fear. He wanted to excrete as soon as he was afraid, and then pour a few drops of urine from his navel eyes. This incident was seen again by the gold mine, and he was yelled with great surprise Shouting, chattering with Fang Senyan repeatedly, thinking that this is a huge selling point that can speculate at least 50,000 pounds of wealth.

Finally, in the ongoing language bombardment, Mr. Ritz shed tears for the tragic fate he was about to encounter, and shouted in collapse:

"Don't say any more! Don't say any more! What the **** can you do to let me go?"

As soon as he heard this sentence, a familiar and wretched smirk appeared on the face of the gold mine, pinching Mr. Ritz into the back seat:

"Your request is really quite embarrassing, but fortunately, I happen to have a lot of time, and we can slowly talk about it."

The magnificent Statue of Liberty slowly appeared in front of Fang Senyan,

The sea breeze brought an exhilarating freshness. Fang Senyan had carefully observed the vicinity and there was nothing unusual. After all, it is less than one day after entering the world. Even if the warfighters are cast into the huge Colosseum in New York as a cruel destiny, then everyone must be familiar with the environment first.

The Statue of Liberty wears an ancient Greek-style robe and a radiant crown, and the seven sharp peaks symbolize the seven continents of the world. It is 93 meters high, with broken handcuffs, fetters and chains under its feet. Its base is now converted into a museum of American immigration history.

Fang Senyan slowly walked to the front of the pedestal and stopped at the entrance of the museum. At this time, the Nightmare Mark came with a prompt: "Twenty-five meters forward, turn left".

Facing this hint, Fang Senyan hesitated, but still did what he said. When he stopped, there was a granite wall in front of him, with a famous poem engraved on it:

"Let those who are exhausted and penniless for long journeys because they are eager to breathe in the free air, let each other snuggle into my arms! I stand at the Golden Gate and hold the lights of freedom!"

After coming here, the hint did not appear, but Fang Senyan has discovered the mystery, because under the glow of the night light, several letters in this poem suddenly showed a slight blue light, and the rest The letters are simply reflective. Fang Senyan combined these letters and read it once: t ~ w ~ e ~ l ~ v ~ e, which means the meaning of English twelve. Fang Senyan considered it carefully, and felt that it was understood literally. In terms of the information currently available, it is still difficult to make further reasoning, so it should have another meaning.

Thinking of this, Fang Senyan flipped over the fence and started to touch those letters ~ ~ but still didn't notice any difference. He sat down and thought for a while, then stood up and closed his eyes first. Touched the remaining letters, and then touched the few abnormal letters, and immediately found the key point!

The edges of abnormal letters are obviously smoother!

This only shows one thing, it seems that someone should touch these letters from time to time!

So Fang Senyan started to study the abnormal letters. After half an hour, he finally discovered the mystery. It turns out that these letters can be pressed, but! You must push the limit of 49 points before you can press it. Obviously, this should be related to the mission that Fang Senyan applied for breaking the extreme value of the power!

After pressing these six letters one by one, I heard a faint metal collision sound from the Statue of Liberty, and then calmed down. Fang Senyan searched again and again, and found that at the entrance of the Statue of Liberty, there was originally a staircase for tourists to climb. At this time, there was an extra elevator room beside this stairs. Look at this elevator room. It is shiny and full of future technology styles. The space inside is all drop-shaped, and there are some unreadable patterns and patterns on it.

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