The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 12 Chapter 7: Unexpected choice

Chapter 7 Unexpected Choice

When he heard that the **** induction was about to come, the muscles on Fang Senyan's body were involuntarily tightened immediately, and several masseurs around him immediately felt it, and his fingers were sore and painful, and he immediately put his hands down, thinking that What's wrong with his massage technique hurts the client. 《》 Www ..

Fang Senyan silent for a few seconds, Shen said:

"Well, you go out first, that's it for today."

Then everyone pays one by one, according to the price set in advance.

These masseuses are of course very happy, because the price was originally set to massage for two hours, and now only half an hour has passed.

When they went out one by one and then closed the door one after another, Fang Senyan suddenly swiped in front of him and showed a map of the entire New York City, with more than ten red dots shining on it. The point that belongs to Fang Senyan is shining green.

At this time, Fang Senyan's breath was choked suddenly, because he realized at this moment that three red dots were shining a kilometer near himself! !! !!

This undoubtedly represents one thing,

A very fatal thing!

Less than forty-eight hours after the **** world opened, a total of four participants have gathered together. It can be expected that a very fierce conflict will erupt!

At this time Fang Senyan received another prompt:

"Your rank is: Major."

"Do you want to spend 5 points of merit to turn on the ability to see through, this ability can make your eyes penetrative, you can directly see through any obstacles between you and the participants! Lock the approximate range of the target."

"Hint: This ability is passive. To take effect, two conditions must be met: when the **** induction is activated, secondly, the distance between the other party and you is within three kilometers. The latest chapter of the temple www .."

"Hint: this ability will disappear after the end of this world."

At this time, Fang Senyan knew that it was definitely not a cricket, and immediately chose to pay, and opened!

Suddenly, he was clearly in the presidential suite on the 17th floor, and there was no way to directly look outside, but after activating this ability, the surrounding buildings were blurred, forming lines and lines of black and white colors. Combination, and showed a translucent state, his sight immediately unparalleled!

Fang Senyan first looked at the location of the first red dot, and he immediately noticed that on the pedestrian bridge 100 meters downstairs, a range of about one hundred cubic meters showed the same situation as normal scenery.

In this one hundred cubic meter area, there are a total of eighteen people, of whom thirteen are walking on the overpass, and five are drivers and passengers under the overpass.

Obviously, one participant is among these eighteen people.

I believe that if Fang Senyan's military rank is higher, then this space will shrink accordingly, and it should be able to be directly positioned on the person.

Fang Senyan then looked at the location of another red dot. This red dot is located in a super-selected market with a large number of people in the east. There are more people in a space of 100 cubic meters. Upstairs and upstairs Add an elevator, at least there are hundreds of people.

However, in the next second, Fang Senyan saw an unforgettable scene.

Above the head of a little boy held by his mother, a blood flower burst suddenly!

Immediately afterwards, the little boy was blown up, but a strange ripple-shaped shield appeared on the surface of his body. Although the blood was flowing, it disappeared suddenly in the air. When it appeared again, it was already " "Mom."

But the second shot came again, and the bullet flickered! I just tore the little boy as the cover of the "mother", tearing it apart, and scattered in the air like rain, but found that the mother was not a person at all, and the dark mist filled the body and fell out of it Ghost paper, bamboo sticks, waste, and more!

The little boy's agility was almost indescribable, but the bullet in the distance was shot without a shot. Looking at the shot, it made people feel monotonous, dry, rigid, and poor. Unexplainable greasiness, unexplainable boring. Holy Temple www ..

But every bullet, like an indifferent ice blade, pierced into the enemy's key, and then shattered!

Looking at this attack, Fang Senyan couldn't help remembering a person,

Someone who has been dead for a long time, but still has deep memory for Fang Senyan,

One is an ally, then an enemy.

The Gunners in Harry Potter World: Darth.

The two came together because of their interests, but they turned into enmity because of their interests.

Of course, the person who fired at this time, but the attack method is similar to Das ------- It seems that we play badminton, Lin Dan also plays badminton, but obviously the level is the difference of Tianyuan ------ -Compared with the person who fired at this time, Das' skills and strength are completely like a child!

The little boy is obviously also a powerful hunter. Unfortunately, under the attack of the enemy, he has almost no room to fight back. No matter how he evades and no matter how he escapes, the enemy's bullet will always be extremely accurate in the next second. Print your own key!

He only persisted for one minute, thirteen shots, and issued a painful scream, which was directly beaten into a mist of blood, and the people below him were covered with faces, these people were stunned for a few seconds, and issued immediately There was a scream of utter screaming.

A very powerful participant, died on the spot without even fighting back!

Fang Senyan watching the battle from the side is also dazzling. This continuous shooting method is reminiscent of the extremely precise, tooth-locked wheel axle, that kind of boring, monotonous, powerful assembly line operation! Once you hit the first shot, then you will enter the rhythm of the opponent, unable to resist, unable to defend, you can only wait to die!

He couldn't wait to look in the direction of the gunman, and then a smile appeared on the corner of Fang Senyan's mouth, because he saw an acquaintance.

The gunman just now is not someone else, it is the core member of the glorious team, who can almost sit on an equal footing with Zeus, the enemy of the United States,


And more importantly, Aziz was anxious to kill the enemies in front of him, so he concentrated most of the remaining energy on whether or not the enemy launched an attack on himself, and ignored the overall observation, so he Now I am in an extremely embarrassing situation.

--------- The other warrior who was originally on the bridge took advantage of this opportunity and did not know when to summon a whole four beasts!

These four summoned beasts don't look too strong, they are all wolf creatures, they are extremely fast, and even afterimages appear between running. Surrounded Aziz in four directions, and looked at him with jealousy.

The participant was even more interested in it. He slammed the left chest with a violent force, and the left chest popped out slowly. It looked like an optical drive opened. A video-size tape was ejected from the inside, and then deformed in the air and landed on the ground. Later, a ferocious steel wolf dog was formed. It looks like a robot dog in the Transformers world, and rushed towards Aziz, it seems that it is the leader creature calling the beast.

What's more, this participant did not forget the existence of Fang Senyan. The "optical drive" on his chest not only did not close, but also ejected a disc from it, which quickly changed into a huge laser bird in his body. Gliding around, obviously can not only serve as a warning, but also can block the gun on behalf of the master at a critical time.

Seeing this, Fang Senyan just felt that this guy was ordinary and the summoned things were okay.

However, the reality immediately gave Fang Senyan a slap in the face! Because after the guy arranged everything, there was a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and then a black heavy heavy sniper rifle was pulled out of the space by backhand, erected and aimed!

This guy is truly a metamorphosis of firearms and summoning Shuang Xiu! !!

Looking at his series of actions, Fang Senyan couldn't help remembering the hunting scenes of ancient people. At that time, he first released the dog, carried the rabbit out, and shot the rider calmly. And this warrior is holding a heavy sniper and is waiting for him. He can also release a summon wolf to disturb the enemy. How is this play similar to ancient hunting techniques?

Formidable if Aziz, also suppressed by him so condescendingly in a dead corner, is also impossible to advance and retreat. More importantly, this summoning man can continue to make the summons attack, and completely restrain Aziz to the limit.

In addition, Aziz is hard to give birth to the idea of ​​smashing the dead and losing the net ~ ~ Because don't forget, these two people know the existence of Fang Senyan! They know that the only consequence of both losses is the fisherman's gain!

In this situation, Fang Senyan would not kill if he wanted to kill. Under the situation that the other party can also monitor his approximate location, even if he starts the virus king, it is difficult to bring two vigilant top gunners close. Body effect. So there are only two options for Fang Senyan:

The first is to walk away. After he walks away, he can naturally retreat, but in the end, Aziz has to pay an extremely disastrous price and may even die. And the metamorphosis of the summoner + sniper will most likely not appreciate it.

The second option is to activate the virus on the sniper summoner. In this case, Aziz's hopes are greatly increased, but this one does not seem to be of much benefit to Moriyan, but has formed a Enemy.

However, Fang Senyan thought for a while. First of all, he was sure that it was difficult for him to find fish in the muddy water, so he could exclude the option of killing.

The rest is nothing more than turning around and leaving, helping the sniper summoner, and helping Aziz the three choices.

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