The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 12 Chapter 11: Cardinal

Soon, with the exclusive car of the man in black ... an old-fashioned but very new Cadillac quickly stopped at the street corner, a man in black wearing a black suit and posing with a poker face strode in Into the store.

This is Mr. Agent G in Black.

Before joining the organization, every man in black was cut off from his previous life. Fingerprints, personal information, friends and family, and even lovers had to be separated. In the words of the movie, they are shadows without faces, and everywhere, no one can catch them.

In fact, Mr. G is very old, and the depth of the wrinkles on his face is at least one centimeter. He can no longer pull the gun quickly, aim and shoot, and even when driving, the frequency of pressing the accelerator to the end is getting smaller and smaller. It is estimated that in a few months, he will lift up the amnestic stick called "Scavenger", click his own experience, and then take a virtual work experience and retire with a happy memory , And finally, like most Mi people, towards the embrace of the Lord.

When Mr. G entered the store, the first thing he saw was Mr. Jack ’s "corpse ... hmm, to be precise, the body he used to integrate into human society. Naturally, Mr. G A big surprise, of course, wait and see to rush up to check, rummaging, and see if there are any noteworthy clues.

However, at this time, while Mr. G's attention was focused on the position where Mr. Jake's body was opened, a sudden click on the floor, dust and wood chips flying out, two left and right simultaneously extended two Only the palm of his hand, tightly holding Mr. G's hands!

According to Fang Senyan's analysis of people in black, their biggest threat is all kinds of high-tech devices on their bodies! And 99% of these high-tech devices are controlled by both hands.

Abolishing their hands is tantamount to finding a reliable guarantee for his life. Although Mr. G is old, his physical strength and response are far inferior to those of young people, but his rich experience has enabled him to make timely It's a strain!

He slammed the heels of the left and right shoes hard, and suddenly two flames with powerful propulsive force were ejected from the heels, and the whole person rushed out. By the way, Fang Senyan, who held his hands under him, also dragged and flew out of the floor. There was a sudden noise in the entire shop.

But when Mr. G fell, life had left his body.

How could Fang Senyan's painstaking effort set up such a killing game be easily cracked?

When he caught Mr. G's strength, he restricted Mr. G's hands. After all, the man in black also depended on technology to mix rice. It is impossible that his physical fitness is also very abnormal. He was so severely frustrated by Fang Senyan. It is already very painful.

Immediately after flying out, Fang Senyan's hands had gripped his neck, and then a slight twist, killed the old black man who was about to retire.

Of course, it also set off the ultimate evolution m


The moment Mr. G in black died, he received a prompt:

"You killed Mr. G, a senior agent in the Black Organization."

"You have been listed as extremely dangerous by Black Men."

"You are on their A-level wanted list."

"In the next time, you will be under the chase and attention of the Black Men's Organization."

"You will not be able to change your appearance through space for the time being. At the same time, your ability to change your appearance will be banned (if you have it)."

At the same time, the rest of the participants also received relevant reminders. Almost everyone knew that a bad luck had killed members of the Black Men's Organization, and then wanted by all the members.

They will undoubtedly laugh at this stupid guy in the first place, but then they will definitely think that a person who can mix something deeper into the **** world will be a fool? Why did this guy kill the members of the man in black? The so-called cost and gain are directly proportional. This guy is willing to take the world by storm, and there must be greater benefits to drive him behind!

Therefore, to some extent, Fang Senyan's behavior has even led to a series of chain reactions. Of course, the most direct chain reaction was that a contractor directly did a big vote after ten hours.

How big it is, accurate to the number, he arranged a trap, and in one go he killed a total of thirteen members in black! Among them, there are four senior agents qualified to drive Cadillac in black suits, and nine members of the organization's periphery.

But for Fang Senyan, this kind of thing has little to do with him ... at least for now.

He was most anxious at this time to see if he could get the key things he wanted! First Fang Senyan conducted a body search, and his heart was half cold ... No, but fortunately, he still had the last hope, that is, Mr. G dropped a key of low quality, only blue.

After Fang Senyan silently prayed in his heart, he opened the treasure chest summoned by the key ... this time, he was not disappointed. Fang Senyan silently took the thing he had been waiting for, holding it tightly by Zhen Zhiyi!

However, when the joy of Fang Senyan was flowing like a tide, a cynical voice spread lazily from his left rear:

"What did you get, so happy? Can you tell me and share it with me?"

Fang Senyan's pupils shrank suddenly. He turned his head and looked at him. He saw a black boy with a thick mouth. He was wearing the No. 10 uniform of the Lakers and put a basketball on his feet. The chewing gum was chewing casually in the mouth, and there was no hostility in looking at Fang Senyan.

However, when he was talking, there was a thick red light around the basketball on his feet. The red light had the substance, and it looked like it was burning a little deep in the dark without light. The red embers are very intense!

The teenager looked at Fang Senyan and said with interest:

"I have watched you for forty-one minutes, and you haven't found me there within those forty-one minutes. Before that, no one had been spotted by me for ten minutes and could escape. "

Fang Senyan looked at him, and said with a somber face:

"and so?"

"Pray, I'll give you ten seconds." The basketball boy said in a very indifferent tone: "Then, tell me the purpose of killing the detective in black, and also convince me, then I will let you die Hurry up, if you disobey me, the will of the great Hakim, then I will let you live twenty-four hours before dying. "

It sounds weird to die faster and live twenty-four hours, and obviously it's cheaper to live twenty-four more hours, but there are four words called "live is better to die"! Living in certain circumstances is not necessarily a good thing.

Although the basketball boy's tone is very high, the cold sweat on Fang Senyan's forehead is down, because he knows that even if this guy is arrogant, he has arrogant capital! He is not bragging at all.

Because the virus king has extended to the maximum extent at this time, Fang Senyan can infect more than a thousand people at this time, but he just can't sense the existence of the basketball boy in front of him! There is only one explanation, that is, the perception of the other party has shown him a crushed state, and it is more likely that the other party has the auxiliary ability like "interference", "misleading" and so on, and then completely disrupts Fang Senyan's eyes and ears. And even the brain!

Of course, at this moment, Fang Senyan can also come to a Ning killing mistake, not letting go of the means of the family, all the more than a thousand people who can be infected are infected! So there is no doubt that this basketball teenager Hakim is bound to win. However, Fang Senyan also knew at this time that the consequences of doing this were quite serious, and the sun ladder would die as a result.

Fang Senyan was even more aware at this time that this Hakim's mind is definitely not simple. Everyone has his own way of life, but this boy chose a shortcut, which is to wait for the rabbit! Jack is a guy who has appeared in the plot of the movie, but it is not eye-catching.

Only those who have carefully analyzed know that this guy knows the plot heroes at the same time, k and j, and even j knew him before joining the black man. He also sold to many aliens prohibited weapons at the same time, so its role and The connections are amazing.

So Hakim went straight to Jake's shop and spilled the net ~ ~ Unfortunately, Fang Senyan is probably the first fish hooked ...

"Ten seconds have passed." Hakim suddenly raised his head, watching Fang Senyan's faint voice.

Just after he said the word "Fin", Fang Senyan suddenly felt a strong crisis coming from the left. As soon as he turned his head, he saw that he didn't know when. Tube Mark Sin's heavy machine gun, then shot out six dazzling tongues of fire!

Fang Senyan immediately rushed to the side and took the special Cadillac from Mr. G, a black detective, as a cover. At this time, there was a passerby Jin Guo who knew nothing.

First of all, these unfortunate aborigines are in front of the horrible bullet nets. Their bodies were hit by horrible and dense bullets like a sieve, flying in the air, spraying blood crazy, and even their limbs were mixed. together!

However, Fang Senyan also squeezed the residual value of the indigenous people as much as possible, although he usually did not like to do so. After the death of the aboriginals, he has fled to a nearby shooting dead corner.

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