The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 12 Chapter 16: Calculate

> isH Chapter 16 Calculation

It is true that the 5.7 seconds at the beginning of the battle must be the most critical and the most important time! If nothing can be done within these 5.7 seconds, then Fang Senyan is facing this opponent who can easily crush all his attributes on all attributes, and he is still a monster ten times his health, so it must be only Can drink hate on the spot!

Therefore, no matter who it is, in the face of such a situation, it is only possible to find a way to do something within these 5.7 seconds. It is necessary to clear the huge gap between the two parties within this 5.7 seconds!

What will Fang Senyan do?

What can Fang Senyan do at this time?

The first thing he did: Take out a pair of sunglasses from the private space and put them on. While doing this, he activated his endless vodka jug, which increased his movement speed by 25%. WwW. NgWeNXuE. SH

Because it was taken out of the private space, the sunglasses appeared directly in the palm of Fang Senyan. Activating the endless vodka flask is just a matter of mind, so these two things took only 0.5 seconds.

Then, Fang Senyan took another thing out of his private space.

This thing is the magic trick Fang Senyan uses to defeat defeat. The reason why Nightmare Space thinks that the world of the man in black is even more suitable for Fang Senyan than the Caribbean world is mostly because of this stuff!

This thing is the standard equipment that all senior agents in black will carry, an artifact to fool the people to stabilize social order! !!

Amnesty stick called "Scavenger"! !!

When Fang Senyan just entered the world, he was dazzled by the light of this stuff, so he can be sure that this stuff is at least effective for the contractor! But the subsequent hypnotic effect was ineffective.

Although Fang Senyan got this "scavenger" amnestics stick, he found that the contractor has a lot of restrictions on the use of this gadget. The first is that the memory can only be deleted for up to 15 minutes, and the second is that it takes 60 minutes for each use. Long interval.

But, but! Fang Senyan can still be sure that it is what he is looking for. This "scavenger" is completely the most critical factor for him to break through the extreme value this time!

Fang Senyan aimed at the replica in front of him and raised "Scavenger." Everything was set up well. Then Fang Senyan looked at the other person across the sunglasses and coldly pressed the start button. It can be seen that the red light of the scavenger began to shine slowly, and issued a short and rapid "beep" sound, then gathered toward the transparent cylinder of the head, and then sprayed a dazzling red light, and instantly ruled Shrouded all around!

This red light is an unknown energy. It can isolate electronic pulses, especially memory pulses in the human brain, from a deep level. Only sunglasses can effectively filter it!

This indescribable light covered the eyes of the replica in an instant, deeply impacting his soul! !!

For ordinary people, the time of fifteen minutes is not great. Maybe it is half a meal, a cigarette, the last large size, and a short stay.

However, for a few minutes of reproduction, which has just been reproduced, it is as long as a lifetime! !! !!

This light ravaged the roar of the replica's brain, instilling a lot of fighting consciousness, fighting wisdom, and fighting experience into him! !! !!

After this storm of memory destruction came to an end, there was only one thought left in the replica's mind! !! That is to kill Fang Senyan, besides that, he is a beast that fights by instinct completely!

All of this is a long story, it's just that Fang Senyan held up the "Scavenger", pressed the button, and waited for the delayed signal to occur. iSH

This process took 2.4 seconds,

Add up, Fang Senyan has 2.8 seconds left.

After the red light shone, Fang Senyan immediately jumped at the ridge of the Snow Mountain and jumped down. His back clothes had already been selected at this time, which was a thick trench coat that could wrap the whole person.

After Fang Senyan took this leap, he lay directly on the snow-covered landslide on Xuefeng, then tightened his windbreaker, and quickly slid down like a sleigh! In this case, Fang Senyan's calculation is very accurate. Even if the clone has twice his agility, in this special case, it is also a hero.

No matter how fast he is, he can't use the way of the terrain to descend at a high speed. If the replica wants to chase himself fastest, he can only choose the same chase!

Fang Senyan's approach at this time is quite similar to that when he was faced with basketball boy Hakim, using his car to erase his speed advantage has similarities and differences.

So for Fang Senyan, from the time of skiing at the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain, the replica was absolutely unable to catch up with himself because of his deep knowledge of the replica, it can be said that no one can compare with him and have no way to reverse this situation Because even Fang Senyan faced this situation, he couldn't keep up!

With the time of 2.8 seconds, Fang Senyan has already slid out 50 meters at high speed.

At this time, the replica recovered from the 5.7-second stun, but he was still at a loss when no matter who it was, even if it was a reinforced replica of Fang Senyan, after all his memories were broken and stirred and then erased , There must be such a blank feeling!

Therefore, this confusion caused the replica to give Fang Senyan an additional three seconds of down time, and then the idea of ​​killing Fang Senyan by instilling space into the replica took effect. This command is as powerful as the soul supporting him, so even the Qing Doffer couldn't shake it.

The replica roared from his throat, and with his own instinct, he chased and jumped down the snow slope. Although his speed was much faster than Fang Senyan, he immediately fell on the deep and shallow snow slope. On the ground, Wolverine rolled extremely many times, and then stood up and pursued hard.

Fang Senyan witnessed the poor performance of the replica, and a sneer of contempt passed through the corner of his mouth. While he was still sliding, he still took a series of materials out of the space, and began to nervously arrange various things. Pharmacy comes.

When Fang Senyan entered the trial world, he did not carry any finished pharmaceutical products at all, but only the materials of the pharmaceuticals! The first potion he prepared at this time was the potion of boost! Can increase its own attributes by 10%, and the minimum increase will not be less than 8 points.

After drinking this potion, although the basic attributes of the replica are still far ahead of Fang Senyan, they can no longer form the metamorphic effect of comprehensive suppression of attributes.

For the replica, he was deleted for fifteen minutes, and even those props carried in his private space need to be counted one by one, not to mention the need for precise modulation for the deployment. The heavy work, of course, is to forget all kinds of formulas, this situation is everywhere in reality, it is not uncommon. Of course, there are those who come into contact with familiar things and slowly recover their memory, but the key is that for the replica, will Fang Senyan give him the opportunity to recall and try to deploy?

This is obviously impossible.

Therefore, these blending materials are essential props for Fang Senyan, but for replicas, they are completely useless waste!

The huge power gap between the two sides has begun to be gradually filled by Fang Senyan.

Fang Senyan gliding down the snowy **** of the Snow Mountain took a total of 35 seconds.

Paying close attention to this 35-second time, he prepared a total of seven bottles of gene medicine, but because it was prepared under such awful conditions, he failed one bottle, only six bottles of the finished product, plus the drink One bottle, Fang Senyan has five bottles of medicine left.

Of these five bottles, two bottles are gene amplification drugs that can be thrown, while the other three bottles are gene extraction drugs formulated with Fang Senyan's prepared materials.

These agents are still far from adequate in the planning of Fang Senyan. Fortunately, the replica did not start from the ability to recover, and then learned the look of Fang Senyan to jump down the snow **** and use his back as a sled to slide, so it took some time, so the 2.8 second gap between the two is now It has been extended to ten seconds.

Fang Senyan was standing in place, and in five seconds, he prepared two bottles of gene extraction reagents ~ ~ and dug a pit in the alpine meadow at the foot of the mountain to deepen the entire four bottles of gene extraction reagents. Buried in it.

Gene amplification potions are potions that can be used to gain or curse enemies, while gene extraction potions are the essence of Fang Senyan's extraction from various organisms, and they have only one effect ......... is the material for casting.

Yes, this is one of the abilities that Fang Senyan has never shown so far. It is derived from the powerful heritage of Saruman!

Grow strong orc spell materials!

Then Fang Senyan turned and fled! At this point, he should not forget that there is an endless vodka acceleration state. The replica obviously forgets that he still carries such an item. As for the ability of the virus king, Fang Senyan switched it into a poisonous king before entering. Although the space Some hints said that the Virus King and the Poison King had a strong chance and could only be partially copied.

However, Fang Senyan believes that the passive ability of immunity to all diseases and toxins will definitely be inherited. So when he was planning, he didn't take this into account. Of course, the replica should not try to deal with himself with the disease.

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