The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 12 Chapter 22: Pee you 1 face!

> Chapter 22 Peeing Your Face!

"Such a change is limited!" Fang Senyan sucked up a cool airway! His mind was spinning fast, and a lot of deep things came out of it quickly. M

Now it seems that the way in which nightmare space shapes people should be a very perfect process, which is a bit similar to the process of drawing a famous painting.

The contractor who just entered the space is like the worthless waste tree bark, bamboo, or something. As soon as the space comes in, it doesn't impose any role on them. Let them work hard in various worlds and set some rules in their favor. Its growth. Of course, being eliminated in the process, it is indeed a waste of uncarved wood.

The process during this period is similar to pulping, preparation, copying and processing in papermaking.

When the contractor awakens to become a hunter, this is also the time when the change is greatest, and the contrast between the front and back is also the largest. Similar to the bark and bamboo, it becomes a white and smooth paper with an aromatic fragrance, from worthless to Famous products.

The test of the wakeners after the hunter hunting, etc., should be to process paper and then adapt it to various uses, such as rice paper suitable for Chinese painting, canvas for oil painting, and sketch paper for the forearm ...

Then various experiences and tests are similar to starting to draw a picture of this painting,

The contractor who was sharpened by the space at last seemed to be a famous painting with different styles! A handed-down work that appeared after many processes!

Of course, the one who is eliminated is definitely not less than the wasteful paper that is drawn from a hand-painted work!

In so many processes, Fang Senyan believes that the biggest change should be the step from the contractor to the hunter. The later test may be more difficult than the trial of the hunter. People feel out of breath, becoming a hunter is equivalent to becoming a talent, the subsequent processes are meticulous, and the initial coping style is impossible.

Perhaps in the process of breaking through the extreme value, Fang Senyan still seemed to have the ease and confidence, but by looking at what the reef was forced into before he met Fang Senyan, he knew how much the pressure was.

Fang Senyan carefully looked at his current attributes, and quickly came to a conclusion:

"Now it seems that after becoming a hunter, it is absolutely impossible to quickly improve the basic attributes. More importantly, because of the restriction, you must invest the basic attributes in the main attributes. The evolutionary direction of the breeder hunter is bound to be more and more distinct. This is an irreversible trend. "

"But what about the short board attribute? For example, for me, I have 21 free attribute points, which can improve a full 7 points of strength or physical strength, but if I use it to invest in charm, then only add 3 points unless I am stupid. That's what I'm going to do, but what do I do when I suddenly realize I need charm? "

"Equipment! It is only possible to make up for this short board through equipment to lose money! The attribute of the equipment bonus is so predictable that after becoming a hunter, the dependence on equipment will be stronger, Alas, then my team leader will have to pay more attention to this in the future. "

Suddenly, Fang Senyan felt a rustle above his head, and then a few strands of sand actually slipped off the smooth steel wall. The message from the Nightmare Seal came:

"Cultivation hunter 1018, your trial has been completed. Based on your rank privileges, you can use the junior auction house system that can only be used by the awakener in advance. This function will be turned on after you return to the nightmare space.

"No. 1018, your trial has been completed. Our trial site will soon be abandoned. Ten minutes later, the energy limit will be withdrawn. Anyone can enter here."

"Then I really have to hold on tightly." Fang Senyan moved his neck, and the bone joint issued a soft crackling sound of "cracking". He came out of the trial ground, but his condition did not return to the best state. At this time, it was naturally from the gold mine. There were all kinds of recovered food to gobble. After all, there is a basketball teenager Hakim out there that is likely to be standing guard.

The information that Hakim's rank can be queried, Fang Senyan can also be queried, and it is free! Fortunately, the food prepared for Fang Senyan this time is very good, and Fang Senyan also has no honor potion. The recovery time in ten minutes without combat is more than enough for Fang Senyan.

After five minutes, Fang Senyan stood up and walked back into the elevator. At this time, Fang Senyan's temperament became more introverted. It didn't look like a big leap in reincarnation, but it gave people a sense of weakness. a feeling of.

When the elevator stopped going up, Fang Senyan stepped out one step, and immediately felt a thorn in his back. He didn't move, and deliberately sneaked out several steps, and then turned around in shock, and immediately saw that he was sitting. Hakim on the torch of Liberty, and the basketball on his hand is gone.

The moon in the sky is very round, but there is a strange red, as if it was thrown into the blood and soaked. In the air behind Hakim, there are actually several weird creatures circling. Look carefully. Up, these creatures are actually half-rotten vultures. Their eyes are hollow, and there is a faint ghost fire burning. There is a large blood-red sarcoma on the head. Only the mouth is very sharp. It looks like it can be pecked and ripped easily. The tough armor pulled out the steamy **** internal organs.

"Aren't you running away?" Hakim sneered. The sound he heard in Fang Senyan's ears was quite strange, as if there was a microphone speaking in all directions.

As Hakim's voice fell, a vulture that had rotted to half of it flew down at Fang Senyan, spreading its wings to dive, and there was an illusion of sweeping swarms and strong winds.

Even more weird is that, thirty centimeters behind Fang Senyan, suddenly a sharp dagger was added, so it suddenly grew out of the void! !!

The dagger's blade has a strange blue light on it, and it even infiltrates the color of dark gold!

If Fang Senyan recedes because of avoiding the vulture, then he will undoubtedly hit himself with the edge of a dagger blade. Hakim's idea was to play Fang Senyan alive in a fantasy world! Let him fall into infinite fear in every move, and he could not determine the correct way of reaction himself!

However, when Fang Senyan swooped in the face of the rotting giant vulture, he used an unexpected method-he actually aimed at the rotting giant vulture and swooped up, it seemed to be desperate . This thing is an illusion created by Hakim, how dare to fight Fang Senyan really, so he can only pretend to panic and spread his wings.

Fang Senyan fell into disappointment, and the wolf howled and dropped a dog and mud, and he scolded and crawled up. After he turned around, the sharp blade of the dagger disappeared immediately. Fang Senyan coughed, and "sucked" a spit of sticky sputum, which stuck to a nearby stone.

All of Hakim's blood was pouring all over him! Because the stone contaminated by Fang Senyan's sputum is Hakim's disguised face! He almost furiously waved his dagger to cut Fang Senyan into pieces, but at this time, Fang Senyan seemed to be out of control, pointing at Hakim on the Statue of Liberty and yelling:

"You idiot! Do you only know to hide? Do you dare to come down and fight me!"

After hearing this sentence, Hakim hurriedly held back his anger, but in order to avoid showing the stuffing, the sticky sputum on his face couldn't dare to wipe it off ...... Watching Fang Senyan scolded and ran at high speed To the stairs below the Statue of Liberty, he could only quietly follow up, this time Hakim directly followed in stealth.

However, when Fang Senyan just walked up the stairs on the first floor, he suddenly stopped and turned his back to what Hakim seemed to be preparing. Hakim had already lacked patience in his heart, and intended to touch it with a cut throat. Unexpectedly, he just touched two or three stairs, but Fang Senyan suddenly turned around.

There is no doubt that Hakim, who believes that he is using the illusion to stop stealthily, stopped immediately. He still doesn't think that Fang Senyan can be as powerful as seeing through his illusion ~ ~ But what happened in the next second, but Hakim's brain was blank.

Fang Senyan's trouser belt turned around was unfastened. There was a scornful contempt on his face. When he saw the light in the crotch, he faced Hakim stiffly, and then a pale yellow urine was very Pour it over with precision, and Hakim, who was caught by surprise, looks all over his face!

If it was said that the previous spitting was accidental, then the current urination is definitely not a coincidence. Hakim's personal strength can be said to be very strong, and of course he has high self-esteem and was spit in the mouth. It is a shame and shame not to dare to rub your face, and now people are peeing, that can be said to be a lifelong shame! It can only be washed clean with blood!

At this time, Hakim didn't know where his environment had been completely penetrated by Fang Senyan, and when he roared, he aimed at Fang Senyan and rushed straight! The anti-grip dark gold dagger brought a sharp light.

His dark gold dagger is thin, sharp, and thin, even with a little radian. If you look carefully under the light, you may even feel some visual dislocation. This shows that when the dagger is waved, it still needs to tremble at a high speed in the air. Once it touches the enemy's body, it is not an ordinary wipe, it is cut, and it is mixed with a saw-like cutting method. This kind of attack The way is not to say people, even steel is hard to survive!

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