The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 12 Chapter 25: Stunning girl

> Chapter 25 The Amazing Girl

Facing the sudden falling of Fang Senyan, Hakim instinctively wanted to go into the water to pursue! However, he realized that the speed of the motorboat was slowly slowing down. If suddenly a cold water was poured into the head, he felt a sudden chill, and hurried to the engine of the motorboat. To leave by boat. (_ 彩 & 虹 & 文 & 学)

But Hakim immediately discovered a cruel thing. The engine of the motorboat did not know when it was severely chopped. The mechanical parts and everything were messy. It seemed that the maker was coming. The restoration was a big project, and he was powerless at this time!

Finally, the inertia of the motorboat heading forward completely disappeared, lying on the sea surface quietly like a dead fish, shaking with the waves. Although it is night, the coasts and islands in the distance are clearly visible. The feet of the Statue of Liberty seem to be close enough to touch. The distance is about two or three kilometers. The brilliant lights of the entire Big Apple City are also clearly visible ...

However, Hakim looked at the dark water, but an indescribable feeling of fear emerged!

The **** guy has been in the water for at least a few minutes, but there is no movement, and there is no sign of even taking a breath, showing that he is prepared!

For a mighty awakener, two or three kilometers, or two or three minutes, in this calm sea.

However, in this case at this time, two or three minutes of swimming time was enough for him to die ten times!

He knew he was in a deception,

A big dang, evil dang! !! !! !!

He is most good at sneak attacks, assassinations, and illusions of agile melee special elders, who are so stupid as to chase opponents like crazy warriors! His role should be the kind of killer who hides in darkness and illusions, so that the enemy can't even see his face and blade.

"This guy's strength was obviously beaten like a dog by me at first. Why did he come out after more than ten minutes? Instead?" Hakim was really puzzled by this doubt in the anxiety and disorder. .

"How could there be such a powerful trial ......... Isn't he setting up the game at the beginning, but I don't think it can go wrong. I could kill him several times during the initial chase! If it were a bureau, he would take too much risk! "

It's impossible to blame Hakim's mental retardation, but the experience of the monster Fang Senyan is too strange and weird, and it is impossible to use common sense to calculate it! Imagine that Hakim had rushed Fang Senyan into the trial field like a dog, but after more than ten minutes came out, Fang Senyan actually broke the trial of the breeder hunter, and it was still a dual attribute breeder Breakthrough Trial! And it is still a breakthrough trial after a long accumulation!

How does this make people think? ?

What is this place, this is the **** world! The holder of the **** invitation letter is either a strong team leader or the chief thug! Who mixes this up and **** is a contractor, who would be stupid to come here to break the extremes?

Therefore, Hakim could not think of breaking his head. The original Fang Senyan who chased and killed the holder of the dignified **** invitation letter * was still a contractor. He just broke through the extreme value. The subsequent sputum of Moriyama above was too much deceiving, so he stepped in step by step.

Hakim repeatedly thought, but he was in a state of chaos, and his ominous premonition grew stronger. He immediately took two deep breaths. It was too difficult to understand the truth, and the key to the problem was not to understand what happened. Pass, but to get rid of this **** dilemma.

So, Hakim started to sit down slowly on the deck. "He" put down his hair, and then simply sorted it out. His body was covered with hazy mist. When he raised his head again, it was impressive. Turned into a woman!


A very beautiful girl!

Blond and eyebrows, her eyes moved as if to speak.

Such a young girl is not on the **** line, but it gives people a feeling of good care and love.

Under normal circumstances, to disguise the appearance must be done in space, so Hakim's appearance suddenly changed at this time is not a disguise, but the removal of the former basketball teenager's disguise.

It can be seen that once her mind calms down, it is also extremely meticulous-because under the current circumstances, if Hakim wants to escape to the land, then the battle in the water is inevitable . And she returned to the present glorious face, which is also very purposeful. Fighting in the water, the wet body temptation curve is revealed. If the enemy has a sense of compassion, love, and even lust, then there is no doubt that she can add a touch of vitality to herself!

The young girl Hakim was not in a hurry to fight, apparently in a delay, she even started to remove makeup such as blusher. Obviously, Fang Senyan's behavior of diving into the water was regarded by Hakim as a cowardly person who did not dare to confront him. Can be so calm.

In fact, for the disadvantaged, time can be delayed for a long time, so the more variables that occur, the greater the chance of winning. There is an idiom in China called Ye Changmeng that tells this truth.

However, Fang Senyan did not intend to give her how long to delay!

An invisible force enveloped the surroundings, and Hakim, who closed his eyes and eyes, suddenly opened his red lips, and "Sneeze" sneezed! Yes, at this time Fang Senyan has activated his best invisible attack technique --------- disease, all-pervasive disease!

The reason why Fang Senyan has to wait so long is not because he cares for the fragrance and loves the jade, but because his biggest killer, the Sun Ladder, has changed again. After swallowing the runaway Sun Ladder in the trial field, the Sun Ladder in Fang Senyan's body Suddenly he fell asleep again. Naturally, both the Virus King and the Venomous King could not be used, and it was only a few minutes ago that they reawakened.

When the new sun staircase awakened, Fang Senyan's ability to acquire the Viral King and the Venomous King again was greatly enhanced, and the increase was as follows.

First: Virus King's ability to gain enhanced ability is: Eclipse Power.

This ability can only be used within 120 seconds after the enemy is affected by the disease, and it can only target one enemy.

After activating the power of eclipse, Fang Senyan can actively activate the next disease symptoms of the enemy within the next five seconds! It is no longer a random occurrence. Of course, after activating the power of eclipse, there is no cost. At least the enemy can no longer show the rest of the disease symptoms within the next thirty seconds to two minutes.

This is a complete change from the uncontrollability of the virus king to controllability.

Secondly: With the evolution of the Sun Ladder, the time that Fang Moriyan needs to support the virus infection in the real world is reduced by one third again, and the replication efficiency of a virus is improved.

Next: With the evolution of the Sun Ladder, when the Eclipse Beast casts, its negative effect damage is reduced by 20%. More importantly, the damage caused by the Eclipse Beast to the enemy will absorb the enemy's vitality, and then Part of the vitality is fed back to the caster. Simply speaking, the beast of eclipse has more blood-sucking ability!

Fang Senyan immediately inquired about the specific health value that the beast of the eclipse could feed back. I did not expect to pay for this information. It seems that the sun ladder has evolved more mysteriously and powerfully. After paying a sum of money with his teeth The obtained data is 100 ~ 200 points, but this data should continue to grow with the sun ladder.

At this point, when Fang Senyan waited for the virus king to recover, he quietly wrapped the claw of the virus on Hakim's body! In this battle, he worked hard and exhausted a lot of efforts, which trapped Hakim on the sea. How could he let her escape? The progress of this series of events was going to be incredibly smooth, but when Hakim showed the true colors of the stunning girl at this time, Fang Senyan also realized:

---------- Such a prideful woman must have been smooth sailing in the nightmare space and the real world. In this state of mind, she was covered with peeing by such a rude man. The severity of her mental imbalance was naturally beyond her imagination ~ ~ At this time, Hakim naturally knew that the sudden illness was the ghost of Fang Senyan, but she still had no way Come and cope with this sickening disease! I believe that at this time Hakim's mentality, almost like the Fang Sen rock reef, was covered with abnormal diseases in Dubai's Asian giant marsh, but the helpless mentality was very similar!

The sea breeze came, and after another severe cough, the sickly red Hakim appeared on his cheeks, dressed properly, straightened his body, tied his long hair behind his head, and then his eyes became condensed again. Determined to fight the dead.

At this time, Fang Senyan did it underwater! He cut it out with a knife and cut a half-meter-long hole in the bottom of the motorboat. His plan is very clear. He is going to fight the powerful and stunning girl in this ocean!

The ruthless sea water gradually engulfed the bottom of the motorboat, and then dragged it into the sea. The same was true of Hakim on the ship, but she had no choice but to be surrounded by the ocean water. She had just entered the water and saw Fang Senyan Not far away, he was floating and calm, and relaxedly stretched his limbs in the seawater. The long knife in his hand flashed a faint blue light, which matched the cold eyes.

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