The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 12 Chapter 27: Used as a side mission goal ...

> (Please keep in mind m) (Please keep in mind m) Chapter 27 is regarded as the objective of the side mission ...

It took Fen Senyan only ten seconds to get close to the opponent who escaped, and then without hesitation, the beast of eclipse hit Hakim directly into the dying state, and did not give her any chance to speak at all.彩 @ 虹 * 文 ¥ 学% 网

Fang Senyan was swimming like a shark in the water, bursting out a series of bubbles, approaching her from behind!

Hakim was finally in despair at this time and finally collapsed. The blue light that used the returning props kept flashing on her body, but a trace of blood red breath was passed from all directions, completely exposing the light of the returning props. pressing!

Hakim felt the warm breath of Fang Senyan even behind the neck, and the kind of brutality like a fierce beast. Her eyes were full of fear, and she finally lost control completely and screamed out:


But at this time, Fang Senyan had quietly posted it, clinging to Hakim from behind.

It's like a huge man-eating shark sneaking under the yacht, silent and full of deterrent force.

Fang Senyan is extremely tightly attached. Although Hakim has entered the dying state, he still treats Hakim as a powerful awakening person. He is still very careful not to give Hakim any use of the dark Gold dagger with space and clearance.

At this time, the sea was a little cold, but Fang Senyan who was close to it suddenly felt hot.

This stunning girl was originally a hot pants with an umbilical outfit. After being soaked in seawater, the edges of the **** were clearly visible on the full * fabric, and Fang Senyan was closely attached, and the soft touch instantly spread throughout Fang Senyan's entire body. .

And the tempting still simmering lightly, I do n’t know whether it is fear or cold. For men, this kind of simmer is an essential additive, like MSG in soup, using radish镌 Engrave the craft of Phoenix ...

In fact, in the real world, Hakim is the identity of a basketball baby. Her body is naturally proud and aggressive. Fang Senyan took a deep breath and enjoyed this intoxicating touch, instantly **** her lower body. She couldn't help but push her elastic and quite awkward * sunken. I couldn't help lowering my hands from my armpits, holding it hard!

That feeling,

The feeling that the firm and full soft meat will be squeezed out of the gap between the fingers is really fascinating and I can't wait to play it carefully. And the woman's stunned breath was with an indescribable sensual lure, which made Fang Senyan's heart light a fire!

"That's it! Take off my clothes ...... come and **** me!"

But just when Hakim thought his beauty could work,

Fang Senyan's ruthless hands suddenly rose up, gently holding her face ... Then, rubbing fiercely from left to right! !!

A "click" sound of a broken neck bone sounded, and Hakim's feet were stunned with kicks, then spasms and twitched, and died completely.

For Fang Senyan, proper leisure and entertainment are possible, but he can definitely distinguish the occasion, what should be done, and what should not be done!

The blood was shining, the piece of blood that Fang Senyan was carrying was untradeable, undisposable, and indestructible, and the light shone on it. Then, under its light, Hakim ’s stunning girl ’s body floated into the air Her **** scroll floated out, then overlapped with Fang Senyan's **** scroll, and fell into Fang Senyan's private space.

"You killed the holder of the Bloody Scroll ........."

Fang Senyan received the prompt:

"You got her **** scroll, and when **** induction comes, you will be specially marked."

"You killed an awakener in G-space (unknown number), and the reward is worth ten points!"

"The kill merit you can get in the **** world is limited to 100 points. If you exceed this limit, the reward merit value is invalid."

"Killing rewards are randomly selected. Killing rewards will be randomly generated among the equipment owned by the contractor you killed, and then distributed to you."

"The waiting time for the extraction process is slightly longer. Starting to restore the calculation of the killed enemy data ......... Please wait patiently."

"Tip! Contractor 1018, you killed a seed player who passed the g-space test! When you enter the nightmare world adventure in the future, you may be g-space target Covenants and hunters in space attack you. "

After killing Hakim, the next series of processes Fang Senyan was clear, but suddenly saw the phrase "seeds of the g-space test and trial", he immediately realized that two huge secrets were exposed , Fang Senyan immediately through the rank query keywords: "g space", "seed player", the result is a hit!

The detailed information of "g space" needs to be paid for inquiries, and the paid fees can frustrate Fang Senyan directly ......... 300,000 general points, 30 points of meritorious value.

And this is pretty good. The consequence of querying "Seed Player" is to be thrown in a frosty sentence:

"Your authority and status are insufficient. Please elevate to the awakened person for further details."

"Okay." After Fang Senyan sighed, he continued to inquire: "So what will I be the target of the side mission?"

This time it is probably related to the life and death of Fang Senyan, so the answer is still quite detailed:

"You are listed as a dangerous person in this space. Generally, in each nightmare world, there are several teams from different worlds to take risks. The team from g space may get the task for you, but, Under the constraints of the rules, the strength of the contractor receiving such tasks cannot exceed your current rank. You have just been promoted to a breeder, then the person accepting the g-space task can only be a breeder. The awakened are inaccessible. "

Fang Senyan was stunned for a long while, and suddenly roared!

"Hey! But what benefit did I get from being hunted down! I **** was born into this **** **** world, and it seemed to be for my own space. Now that I've offended other spaces, it's impossible to let go Regardless of!"

"Of course not." It seemed that at this time the nightmare mark of Fang Senyan was unwilling to talk more about this matter, and the topic turned to prompt:

"During the killing reward distribution ... ……, you will randomly draw a piece of equipment from the awakened slain."

"Because you killed the enemy's seed player, you got two extra draws. If you are not satisfied with the results of the first draw, you can refuse to receive the extracted equipment and continue the draw , And finally select one from the three extracted results. "

Seeing such a method of extraction, Fang Senyan couldn't help but feel happy, because in this way, you can choose the best from the three extraction results, so it is naturally more beneficial, Fang Senyan at this time also found the **** induction time also There are more than ten minutes to come, and the extraction is started quickly. The three results of the extraction are as follows.

"The entanglement of victory."

Equipment Rarity: Dark Gold

Output World: Harry Potter World

Material: 9% Mithril + 3% Abalus Metal + Gold

Attachment: None

Equipment location: Finger

Equipment type: Ring

Weight: 12.7 grams.

Equipment use conditions: All basic attributes are not less than 10 points or military rank is above or above (including superiors)

Equip: Add 4 extra points for all attributes

Passive ability: Breath of metal reduces the cooldown of all ability holders by 10%.

Active ability: telepathic, at the cost of 10 mp value, you are instantly teleported to the place where your eyes are staring at. The maximum distance is 25 meters. If the target moves, you will still be driven to the designated position with a cooldown of 400 seconds.

Passive ability: Wrath of Dumbledore! Although you escaped Dumbledore's punishment, his anger is instilled in you, and the owner of the ring will be the default lifelong enemy of Hogwarts and his allies! Even if you give up the ring!

And Dumbledore will send his elemental slaves to assassinate you at irregular times. (This effect will not work in the real world.)

Enchanting special effect: The whisper of the wind whisper increases the owner's movement speed by an additional 3% (this attribute is infused by the contractor 61782)

Note: slightly (see above)

"Deerskin boots."

Equipment Rarity: Dark Blue

Output World: Contractor Made

Material: deerskin and deer silk thread

Attachment: None

Equipment location: feet

Equipment type: Footwear

Weight: 281 grams.

Equipment use conditions: Dexterity is not less than 59 points

Equip: Increases owner's movement speed by 8

Equip: Increases owner's movement speed by 11

Equip: Increases owner's movement speed by 9

Note: Boutiques occasionally appear on the assembly line!

The third piece of equipment was not the golden dagger held by Hakim, but a mask that looked very secretive.

Dark mask

Equipment Rarity: Silver Plot

Output World: Fan Haixin

Material :? ? ? + Cotton + dark spell.

Attachment: None

Equipment location: Face

Equipment type: Mask

Weight: 50.11 grams ~ ~ Equipment use conditions: perception is greater than 40 points

Equip: Increases the range of illusions you create by 33%

Equip: Reduces the health of the holder by 10%.

Active ability: Dark satire, unknowingly creating large-scale illusions, making the enemy unconsciously fall into the door of the illusion and increase your chance of success in illusion.

Explanation: The origin of this mask is quite mysterious, not to mention that time has washed away most of its history.

Facing these three pieces of equipment, Fang Senyan hesitated ...

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