The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 12 Chapter 36: Greater crisis

> At this time, Fang Senyan already knew that there was not much resistance to Aina herself, but it was an important plot character with great effect. It would not be of much benefit to kill them. Space did not encourage such behavior. . (Aihon Gwenxuom, Rainbow Literature Network)

On the contrary, there are a lot of disadvantages. Most intuitively, the butterfly effect that occurred when Aina died will definitely cause the protagonist to appear.

Fang Senyan can even infer that when the big beauty dies, the first protagonist J will go out early and intervene in the case as a police officer of the Los Angeles Police Department!

Being hated by the protagonist in the **** world, and being a protagonist of a dictatorship of the state, this is not a good sign. Fang Senyan finally retaliated against the bad breath in his heart after the sudden attack!

Fang Senyan slowly climbed from the ground, moved his bones, and blood began to converge from the wounds on his body, and then dropped to the ground drop by drop, and a dark red blood pool soon appeared. This injury may be a serious injury to ordinary people, but to him, it is not wrong to use flesh wounds to describe it.

At this time, Fang Senyan was standing in place, and he didn't care about the appearance of being smeared with blood. It was really an illusion that he couldn't be shaken. He was rippling all over his body. As long as the earth would not sink, then he would never Will fall!

After a moment of daze, K got up from the ground, raised a small pistol like a toy, and aimed Fang Senyan:

"Which galaxy did you come from?"

Obviously, K no longer considers Fang Senyan to be a human.

Fang Senyan turned to look at him and said coldly:

"It's not important, Mr. K. That's how you treated your benefactor who saved your life? I knew you shouldn't care about you, and let you become a screaming five minute word like Aina before you die."

Unknowing the irony in Moriyan's words, K held the gun with both hands. Still very calm:

"Say your name, your place of origin. And the alien pass number."

"Hell!" Fang Senyan exclaimed angrily:

"Isn't what I just did enough to show my position and identity? Okay. Shoot. Mr. K. If you are a qualified agent, you should remember your hometown for one hour and two. It will be blown out in ten minutes. And you can find the **** Milky Way galaxy at you! Come on, you shoot! "

The extremely hot K couldn't do anything in front of Fang Senyan's rolling and splashing. This is also the most sad time to ask for help. K finally lowered his gun slowly, and he stared at Fang Senyan Road:

"Where should we go now?"

Fang Senyan thought about it later. Seriously:

"First of all, you have to contact the headquarters and ask them to send the prince's body back, hoping to get a little more time from those **** guys. Second, let your technicians PY a copy of your current energy weapon information to me . "

After hearing Fang Senyan's first request, K didn't say anything and contacted the headquarters directly. But after hearing his second request, he was shocked. The eyes reveal the color of Mingwu:

"This is impossible! We have signed a non-disclosure agreement and cannot disclose related information to third parties --------- and what do you want this technology to do?"

"That's my business." Fang Senyan smiled and said, "I now find that the difficulty of taking B's case is beyond my imagination, so I have the right to ask for more compensation."

K's eyes turned cold:

"This is impossible."

Fang Senyan sighed:

"Well then, the deal is canceled, and you continue to want me."

Speaking of Fang Senyan, he was going to go outside, and K's answer was quite straightforward:

"If you move a bit more, I swear to God that the seeds of your head will burst into pieces very simply!"

Fang Senyan shrugged:

"Then you have to say goodbye to the galaxy, okay, okay, we will continue to stand dead here, anyway, the earth will be extinct in dozens of minutes."

"I'll blow your head before that!" K said firmly.

Fang Senyan faced bitterly and said earnestly:

"To be honest, K, you can't do it like this! Well, I can give up the request for drawings of your weapons, but before, you have killed a person who has a blood-red sheepskin roll on his body, right I ask Treat me as an extra reward. "

K thought again and again, made a phone call to his superior, and finally nodded.

Fang Senyan was clearly retreating at this time. What did he want for the energy weapon information of the man in black? Useless at all! But this thing is something that black people cannot exchange.

So K could only refuse, but when Fang Senyan was rejected, he made another new request. So it is logical that K will compare the importance of the energy weapon technology of the man in black with the blood red parchment, and then he will find that the **** scroll seems to be useless. Various experts have identified the costs A lot of time is also nothing, so in the subconsciously agreed with Fang Senyan's requirements.

This is the negotiating technique. If Fang Senyan directly requested a **** invitation letter from the beginning, I am afraid it is not so simple.


At this time, three kilometers away, two men who were escaping shotguns and mad soldiers were driving away from the scene.

The Berserker drove in front, and the Shotgun Man froze in the back row. He suddenly gritted his teeth and said:

"That **** is really too strong. His health and defense power can almost catch up with MT. What is more terrible is that at least 70% of the attack power of this guy can be exempted from the protection rules and not be weakened by 40%. Acted directly on me! Hell, hell! "

"Shut up, Murdoch, in my memory you are not such a guy who loses his fighting spirit so easily." The Berserker fitted the Dark Gold Short Knife directly to his waist. He noticed that there was a sharp bend ahead, so he was stepping on it. The brake tried to slow down.

"You're talking lightly! Lion! I remember now, I'm struggling to carry my life in front of you, but you * are attacking others with a sword shield flow, do you think this is fun? You just hold it like this Do I use the opportunities that life creates? "Murdoch said angrily.

The lion waited for a while before faintly said:

"If I didn't take the shield, K would have broken me with a single shot. Moreover, the bastard's health value may be more than three thousand, and his rank is a major. I doubt he is the core of a large team. MT! In the face of such a person's defense against a perverted tooth, even if I use a double knife or even a triple knife, it is absolutely impossible to take him in a short time. "

The shotgun man Murdoch yelled:

"No, it must not be MT. The highest actual damage he hit me even reached 600 points (critical strike). This horrible single damage, even if the chief warlock in our team gives a full blow, it may not be able to hit it. Such a single injury! If the MT's attack power is so powerful, how can we continue to mix? "

The lion apparently looked a little depressed, and he frowned:

"How did we encounter such a monster? Fortunately, it looks like his agility value is not a strong point, otherwise it should have caught up!"

"It was n’t just that!" Murdoch continued to growl. "When I was fighting him, I had severe chest pains and my lungs seemed to rot, but my lungs It's strong enough to catch two hippos! I won't have a similar situation as soon as I leave him, and I heard your cough at the time. "

The lion frowned, thoughtfully:

"It sounds like this really, **** it! We should get more detailed information about him before we start."

At this time, a car drove over from the side, and the two cars went in parallel. The opposite driver took off his sunglasses, revealing a familiar face of Fang Senyan. Yes, this guy is a shrinking version of the sound wave, with a tape. The man who deformed the creature, he summoned and sniped, and even once suppressed Aziz to the dead end, unable to look up. Fang Senyan's illness forced him to retreat.

"Hey, Gustdon, you left last. What about the last situation? In short, your robot dog and laser bird can be reborn infinitely. You should be disgusted with them."

These three people apparently reached an agreement with the offensive and defensive alliance. Therefore, they did not take any action at the meeting. They just greeted him, but Gustdon's complexion was pale, and his lips were a little bit stubborn. The walking dead.

"Hello ~ ~ What's wrong with you?" The two questioned one after another.

Gustdon sighed long and gritted his teeth:

"I was fooled by that stupid man. He was digging pits from the beginning. He used the flexibility of the robot dog to successfully kill me by mistake: Aina! Very good. I was immediately caught by New York. All police stations are wanted, and a section has been set up to coordinate this matter, and the head responsible for this is J! "

The lion and Murdoch exchanged their eyes, and they seemed quite sympathetic to Gustdon. They were also very clear about this. In the **** world, they encountered such unlucky emergencies. It is getting worse.

The Lions and Murdoch then discussed carefully, feeling that Fang Senyan's strength should be above them, but the two can work together to kill him, but the consequence is that one of the two must die! Obviously, no one wants to be the one to die. Just when they were about to give up, Gustdon was gritting his teeth:

"We can wait again, if I remember correctly, they should now face a bigger crisis!"

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