The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 3 Chapter 47: Torture

The guard spoke very blandly, as if the space between the characters was measured by a ruler, very accurate, and without any personal emotions. Because of this, every word he spoke was very strong. Faith is in it, so that the life you hear can not help but believe. The captured pirate was even more stingy, and he could even hear the sound of "good" when he hit his teeth! The guy suddenly yelled:

"I beg you to kill me!"

The black guard's cold response was:


At this moment, Fang Senyan's calf flexed, his muscles tightened instantly, and a huge force broke out. The whole person fell back slightly, and then burst into an incredible high-speed forward. His limbs stretched in the air, almost parallel to the ground, and the fist stretched forward blasted towards the nearest black guard. Because of the fast boxing speed, there was even a faint roar in this closed and empty fighting room.

The black guard's response was also extremely fast. After hearing the change, he immediately leaned over and pressed his right hand to his waist. He then took the scabbard to block Fang Senyan's fist. Once Fang Senyan's fist is framed with a scabbard, you can immediately pull out the machete from the waist and cut it to the head!

But Fang Senyan's mouth sneered, just as the fist hit the scabbard. A heartfelt metallic glow suddenly appeared on his left fist! Immediately afterwards, the sculpted cobalt-steel alloy exoskeleton appeared on the outside of his fist, clenched into a giant metal fist. She hit the scabbard madly first, and the scabbard immediately made a dull twisting sound, which was directly smashed out. This fist was Fang Senyan's long-awaited full-strength blow, and the remaining strength continued to smash into the waist of the black guard.

Although the black guard is wearing a very fine chain armor, this armor has a good protection effect on chopping, chopping, cutting, and cutting weapons, but it has very little defense effect on blunt, smashing, and pressing blunt weapons. Hit by Fang Senyan with such a punch, he even hit critically! The power of the title Drunk Man immediately came into play. You can clearly see that his waist was horribly sunken immediately. Obviously, even the bones where he was hit were shattered, and a large mass of blood was mixed and shattered the internal organs. Gushing out of his mouth, the screams were muffled back alive, and the spray of misty blood rendered all around his mouth red!

The tall and burly black guard wearing a fine chain mail was actually hit by Fang Senyan and flew out. After flying a few feet in the air, he knocked down a person next to him, and his chain mail was on the ground. Scratching, making a groaning sound of friction, scratching a brutal and brutal trace on the bluestone ground, it felt strange and embarrassing that he didn't even groan at all, as if the horrible wound It happened the same to others.

But at this moment, the black guard standing on the far right bounced instantly, and pressed the square table in front of him with both hands, a light roll in the air, and he pulled out the condescending breath. Fang Senyan, in the gray smoke, a cold light flashed, just like the cruel light on the white teeth of the beast! The guard used the same bayonet sword as Armand, apparently following an urgent, fast, and poisonous agile route.

Fang Senyan at this time has exhausted his old power, and the new power has not been born, his eyes flashed like a burning flame! You can only pinch the stinger coming straight!

The sharp blade cuts into the skin of the palm happily. The forward stab is still unabated. The sharply stabbed blade grinds a sour noise on the bones of the fingers tightened by Fang Senyan. It still pushes forward. Into his ribs!

"You have been stabbed by the enemy! Health reduced by 68 points, minus talent: After tough reduction, the actual health value deducted is 43 points!"

At the same moment, Fang Senyan had bent his knees and slammed against the black guard's crotch that fell in front of him. He was so hard this time that all his pain broke out in this top Come out, even if the fabric of the trousers is separated, you can clearly feel that the two oval objects burst like a balloon! These weird black guards are also human, and they will also be painful, panic and chaotic. When Fang Senyan looked at the expression of the guy in front of him, his expression was distorted, and there was a hint of pleasure in his heart, and he suddenly inhaled. With a force, he raised his left fist, and the cobalt steel alloy exoskeleton closed two steel fingers, piercing the opponent's throat with the remaining warm blood on it, and then hooked and pulled !!

In the blood spurt, the dark red throat of this black guard was pulled out alive! His eyes were bulging, and his throat was covered with a "gege" sound. The blood was still gushing from the gap between his fingers, and the whole man leaned back and twitched against the wall before finally falling back and twitching.

At this time, the black guard who had been knocked down before got up from the ground and slowly pulled out the machete around his waist. The black guard who was severely injured by Fang Senyan was also struggling to get up, forming a left-to-right pinch with his companion. The two men have seen that the enemy in front of them may not be better. The injury on Fang Senyan's palm looks quite dazzling, and the scar under the rib is rolled with scarlet flesh. If the mouth is open, it will flow outward. With blood, his clothes were soaked.

In the face of the disadvantage of being one enemy and two opponents, Fang Senyan bent down slightly, and his hands were slightly opened. Although the intercostal wound has been seen vaguely with white and broken bones, the sharp eyes were hidden in the scattered In the hair, it feels like a leopard ready to flutter, reconciling the cruel and cruel in the stillness!

The brief confrontation lasted only a few seconds. Fang Senyan's right foot suddenly shrank back, and then picked up on the ground with a thunderbolt, and volleyed the body of the black guard who was seriously injured in a coma. Kicked up, and then smashed to the opposite side with such blood. The two black guards naturally backed up and prepared to avoid Fang Senyan's sudden attack. But at this time, Fang Senyan sneered, and after swooping to the right, he raised Sen Ran's left hand wearing a cobalt steel alloy exoskeleton, smashing at the iron chain next to him.

Obviously, the hardness of iron chains in this era is completely incomparable with alloys from the future. After a string of Mars emerged, the iron chain made a crisp sound, and then broke into two pieces, like two dead. The snake slipped to the ground. The tied pirate immediately struggled frantically. He had been completely wrapped in fear. He suddenly got a life-saving straw, and the straw looked like the material of the wire. How could he not be surprised?

After struggling at all costs, he quickly gained his freedom. He picked up a machete from the ground and screamed at the black guard who was badly wounded. And Fang Senyan also kept up with the replacement in a timely manner and found another black guard. His comprehensive attributes at this time formed an overwhelming advantage over the injured black guard. Naturally, he seemed to be at ease in the one-on-one situation. However, the black guard seemed very calm between offense and defense. It seemed to be a machine that completely abandoned emotions such as fear, loss, and depression. It seemed that he would never make any mistakes. For a time, it also gave birth to rats and turtles. The feeling of mouth.

Fang Senyan's plan is very big. How can he spend more time here? He suddenly put one side of his body and bear the sword of the enemy with his right shoulder. After the blood spurted, his health value dropped to nearly 50 points again, but Fang Senyan had already shot with the black guard in front of him. Raised his left fist in the gap, and smashed it from the top to the bottom! The black guard's pupil contracted, he could only abandon the scimitar that was too late to pull out, and his hands were crossed in front of his face in order to resist, but his weakness in strength made the defense effect not obvious. Fang Senyan punched After coming down, the black guard snorted, and his mouth bleeded back.

Seizing this opportunity, Fang Senyan took a step forward and punched again. The cobalt-steel alloy exoskeleton shone with a little light, and the blood adhered to it also flew out like rain. The black guard is too late to retreat, and can only resist again!

This time the black guard's hasty block did not work. His elbows were swayed openly. The weapon, a cobalt steel alloy exoskeleton, slammed on his throat, and even the entire person was hit. Shengsheng split his feet and flew out of the earthquake. After a few rolls on the ground, he faced up to the sky, protruding his tongue, and a stream of blood leaked out of his mouth ~ ~ was actually killed by Shengsheng!

In just over ten seconds, the remaining badly wounded black guard was also killed by Fang Senyan and the rescued pirate. Immediately after the battle, the pirate softened his legs and wailed in front of the **** stone platform:

"Stephen! I have revenge for you, rest in peace!"

At this time, Fang Senyan also clearly saw the punishment imposed by the three black guards. It was because he had a strong psychological quality and felt a little sick for a while.

It turned out that the dead pirate Stephen's hands and feet were tied to the stone platform, his abdominal clothes were torn, the navel eyes were cut with sharp tools, and the connected blood sausage was cut off. The dirt was pulled out and tied to a torture of a torture tool similar to a spinning wheel next to the stone platform. Once the handle of the tortoise was shaken, the victim's intestines would be pulled out of the living scroll, and the suffering was conceivable. know!


Does anyone know which movie the source of this punishment is? Remember to answer in detail, guess the correct person 15 points book review + 10 diamond rewards waiting! Hehe. Although relatively rare, the reward is also high.

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