The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 12 Chapter 43: Mad fall

Chapter 43—Crazy Occupation

"It turned out to be a combination of a licker and a jackal wolf ......... Is it a way to invade mt with massive summoned creatures?"

Both Fang Senyan and Aziz can be said to be old churros. Perhaps Fang Senyan's fighting time is slightly shorter than that of Aziz. However, he is the nature of mt, which determines the tactics related to mt. Said to have more say than Aziz. ("")

When they saw this tactic, the corresponding countermeasures immediately appeared in their minds!

Fang Senyan immediately reminded k:

"It is important to pay attention to this monster called a licker. This guy carries a lot of viruses on his body. If it is a human killed by him, he has a great chance of turning into a horrible zombie!"

Aziz also sounded out:

"The weakness of this creature called the viper wolf is the waist ..."

Under the guidance of these two men, it turned out that after this group of summoned creatures died, only 5% of b's energy reserve was consumed, and the automatic weapons dealt with them. More importantly, the army has already arrived quickly. Obviously, the summoner did not get out his top summoned creature to protect himself, so the pressure was so light.

Upon seeing this situation, there was no doubt that Fang Senyan and Aziz did not feel relieved, but at the same time thought of the trick of hitting the west. They immediately looked at the system structure diagram of b with the help of k and found that Although this system is said to be seamless, it is only limited to humans!

This is what a wise man must lose!

If you consider the top-level strengths of these participants, then the seventeen ventilation channels and six sewage and water inlet channels in the entire base b are frank and unpredictable! Fang Senyan and Aziz glanced at each other and immediately made a decisive judgment. If the enemy sneaks in, the first goal is definitely not to run and kill two of them, but the core power supply room of the entire base!

When they thought about it, the surrounding lights were already dim, but they turned on again in an instant. It seemed to be just an accident with unstable power! K's face suddenly changed:

"When our base B was established, we planned ahead and established two backup power supply points. Once the main control center is attacked, the next two backup power supply points will successively take over their functions, at least It can last for 36 hours. The latest chapter of the church "

Fang Senyan nodded:

"I see. You gave us two soldiers and ten soldiers. We can guard one backup power supply point, then declare a state of emergency, turn on all guard systems, and concentrate the remaining power on another backup power supply. Point. Our goal is not victory, but insistence on military support. "

K took a deep look at Fang Senyan and said:

"it is good."

The long and neat passage has a metal texture, and the surrounding lights are like navigation lights in a spaceship. As the navigation lights keep coming and going, it feels like a streamlined slide, with a strong high-tech style.

Fang Senyan hugged his hands on his chest and stood calmly in the center of the passage. His temperament had transformed into an indescribable sense of restraint, and the feeling of repression seemed to have him stand first when the sky collapsed.

Behind Fang Senyan is the backup power supply point. In the early stage of construction, it can be said to be the focus of defense. Facilities in all aspects are readily available. Ten detectives in black who are armed with alien high-energy pulse technology weapons are used for riot prevention. The shields fixed one after another, hiding in them. (Temple)

Aziz is nowhere to be seen, and he has the greatest deterrence in the dark only in the mystery.

In the face of such a guarding force, although it cannot be said to be solid, but there is no doubt that the support of the US government is still very confident.

But just five minutes after Fang Senyan took over here, the lights flickered again, looking weak, and even an indescribable dim. Then, the backup power supply station behind Fang Senyan first dullly roared, and then began A smooth operating sound was issued. Obviously, the backup power supply station they guarded had been successfully captured.

Just five minutes! !!

The muscles on Fang Senyan's face twitched, and three words were used to swell in his throat, but he still didn't say it.

The base's defensive strength is so fragile. In the final analysis, it still has a great relationship with the battleship of Akilon who came to the earth and aimed fiercely with the main gun.

You know, this behavior has directly led to a large-scale escape of the aliens on the earth, and some of the aliens living in the headquarters of B have also fled. If they exist, they can at least make the base's defensive power. Improved several times.

Just about two minutes after the last backup power supply station was captured, the door at the far end suddenly opened. The two giants, k and z, were bathing in blood, and the horrible crickets ran over. Behind them, and Several vipers and lickers are chasing after each other!

Seeing this scene, the agents behind Fang Senyan were a little excited, after all, k and z are very high in their hearts, it can be said that they have won the hearts of the people! Seeing them in distress, these people are naturally very excited and surging, and some even plan to run out of the bunker to meet them.

But at this time, Fang Senyan said coldly:


"What!" The detectives could hardly believe their ears! At this time, of course, it was impossible for them to execute Fang Senyan's order, but instead they yelled and rushed forward, trying to answer their own chief.

However, at this time, ruthless, dull, and cold gunfire sounded, and both k and z's heads were directly blown off at the same time, bursting into a large red mist, and at the same time fell! Rolling a few times on the ground, it was the ruthless Aziz's shot.

"What are you doing ?!" All the agents roared angrily, because they couldn't find the trace of Aziz, so they aimed their muzzles at Fang Senyan.

Fang Senyan sneered:

"You idiots are worthy of the names of men in black? Take a look at the cross sections of the necks of the two guys. Is there a human body with that structure?"

The agents turned their heads and suddenly noticed that in the pool of blood, the neck sections of the two headless corpses were shrinking fiercely, as if the fierce muscle contraction at the wound after the lizard had broken its tail, suddenly fell into Hesitating.

Fang Senyan now growled even more:

"Your rookie, what are you still doing now? Wait until the monsters are close together, and then you knock their heads with the handle of the gun? I swear, at that time you will know what the taste of **** is!"

So these detectives started firing as if they were awake at first. We must say that the weapons they used were extremely powerful, and creatures such as vipers and wolves were simply spiked! In the fierce explosion, the fragments of the residual limbs fluttered randomly. Because these viper wolves and lickers had a great impact, even after they died, the residual meat limbs flew over and splashed like rain. At this time, these detectives showed a very high quality, kneeling on the ground, aiming and firing with high accuracy.

But when those rushed creatures were dead and wounded, an agent suddenly screamed in pain, because there was a broken paw of a viper wolf in front of him, and I do n’t know why he suddenly came to life. He snapped off the ground and slammed it into his eye socket.

Immediately after the abnormal shape started, those pieces of flesh and blood flew like frogs, leap, and clung to the body of the surrounding agents. Even the least threatening flesh and blood was in contact. After the skin of the plot character, if the melted wax oil melted into it like a creak, the sound was very humorous, plus the shouting shouts of the knees of the agents, it turned into a purgatory on earth.

Those things like flesh and blood debris are also attached to the skin of Fang Senyan, but the strange thing is that it actually requires physical judgment ------- no doubt, the abnormal physical strength of Fang Senyan is definitely not what they can conquer, Therefore, these gadgets actually withered on Fang Senyan's skin, not only could not cause damage to Mori Yan ~ ~, but also fed back Fang Senyan's body with life value.

"These things aren't summoning creatures at all!" Fang Senyan suddenly gave birth to an enlightenment! "They are only temporarily created into this form! It seems that there are more than ten enemies who have just entered, but in essence they are a shared life, as if they are individuals with five fingers. In fact, life is Is the only one. "

With the death of these trainees, the flesh and blood on their corpses also separated, becoming individuals about the size of a tofu block. If the frogs kept bouncing like a frog, they converged strangely to the end of the passage!

Immediately, a skinny guy appeared at the end of the passage. It was like a corpse, but as he stretched out his arms, those flesh blocks were projected into his body, and then like water drops. Melted into it! Almost in an instant, this guy turned from skinny and incomparable into a burly man.

This person has a height of at least two meters, his body is muscled, his shoulders are wide and his hips are narrow, and he is very fit, but this figure is all over and over, and it shines brightly, as if it is under the hot sun. In the Roman Colosseum, the gladiator smeared olive oil on his body! !! But Fang Senyan knows that it is not olive oil at all, but the glory of life! The glory of those lives just absorbed!

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