The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 12 Chapter 45: So easy!

> Chapter 45 is So Easy! (Recommended ticket plus more)

Suddenly, a metal fist broke through a metal wall that had begun to dissolve in large quantities, and a large amount of molten iron was ejected from it! It seemed to be struggling to climb out, but at this time, Fang Senyan took a deep breath and suddenly raised his fist high!

With this movement of Fang Senyan, Salmons's face immediately appeared an indescribable weird expression. His chanting stopped abruptly, and he couldn't help lowering his head and facial muscles and twisting to his right chest. , Took a few steps, and then covered it with my hands!

Salmons's expression was clearly incredible, and of course, the struggle caused by the severe pain!

Pneumonia, pneumonia!

At the same time, the speed of those weird creeps on the wall slowed.彩 @ 虹 * 文 ¥ 学% 网

Fang Senyan had his head buried at this time, and launched a fierce clash at him! Horn's Fury!

At the moment of the fire with the flash of light, Fang Senyan had already hit the golden protective shield on the surface of Salmons heavily, but his entire body was suddenly ejected by half a meter! He couldn't actually hurt Salmons, who was in deep pain.

This layer of protection shield is also very powerful and quite famous, but it is the advanced ability of the magic shield that the covenant of the legal system dreams of: shield of glory! Immediately make the owner immune to any damage for a certain period of time. It has a very high priority. Of course, as a back bite, the owner cannot move, cannot perform physical attacks, and cannot use drugs during this period!

At this time, the angry Stend and Shari rushed up, but a pale blue reagent bottle had slipped from Fang Senyan's hands. The shock wave after the explosion swept the audience and temporarily stopped them. Offensive.

The pale green poisonous mist also spread to the audience in an instant,

And at this time, an indescribably fierce atmosphere emerged from Fang Senyan's body, and there was a huge and repressive illusion behind him. Senran, dark, and even crazy with group magic! !!

Sun Ladder!

The sound of "click" came from under Fang Senyan's feet. It was the sound of the floor being smashed after being corroded. It was originally deep in the ground. After Fang Senyan's feet fell into the earth, it turned out to be Instantly like the root system, he sucked the yin, rot, and obscurity in the depths of the earth crazy, and then transformed into the left hand through the transformation of the sun ladder on the chest, condensing a large group of indescribable darkness, and then heavy Press the shield of radiance towards the surface of Salmons! !!

The Eclipse Beast appears again!

This time, the eclipsed beast directly transformed into a huge, ferocious beast head! The beast's head is dark and smoky like smoke, as if it were a saber-toothed tiger, with two long canines, then opened its mouth wide, and bite on the shield of glorious shield on Salmons' body. !! !!

The overwhelming engulfing tendency seems to **** up the entire world!

I only heard a crackling sound, and the proud golden shield of brilliance shattered into seven or eight pieces, and the fragments flew around, even scratching clear scars on the wall next to it, harsh Ringing, this shield is under devouring, and it can't be beaten like an egg that was severely hit on the steel! Can't stop the force of the bite of the cruel monster!

After the shield was broken, the illusion of the beast head formed by the eclipse was even more crazy, biting Salmons in his mouth, chewing it a few times, and then the throat was violently and greedily wriggling. He swallowed alive, but realized it was impossible, and then spit Salmons out.

This is the power of the Eclipse Beast! !!

Greed, madness, alas, unstoppable!

And just when the illusion of the eclipsed beast disappeared, the cold, dull, plain gunfire sounded.

Regarding this shooting with general shooting, Aziz seems to have become so skilled as to eat, drink, pee, and **** when he was three years old.

If this fails, Aziz himself will drown and puff without saying anything else.

Aziz fired only one bullet, but this bullet whistled across the air, squeezing the air in front of it too late to avoid, forming a series of explosions! That horrible momentum is almost like the loud noise, roar, dull, huge when the fighter plane flew across the ground, seems to be able to catch up with the passing time!

This bullet shot into Salmons' eyebrows very simply, and blasted a large group of blood flowers. Salmons had not recovered from the severe pain of pneumonia at this time, and the ability to control the metal was at this time. It's useless, it was directly entered into the dying state!

His team ability: Teleportation launch, randomly passing him to a location within a kilometer nearby. However, did Aziz's name be blown up? Two seconds later, the subsequent incidental bleeding damage caused by the bullet directly killed Salmons in the dying state!

Salmons, a strong man who is good at controlling metal and regarded as the successor of Wanci Wang, was actually beaten down and killed in three seconds! !! !!

For a while, Shari and Stander were both afraid of Aziz's amazing damage, but ignored the huge role played by Fang Senyan. They did not know that, in 99% of the cases, Aziz's shot could not be used against the contractor, because his attack method was the same as the powerful sniper Fang Senyan encountered before: dh The metamorphic attack is similar. It requires pre-judgment and requires long-term storage. More importantly, the enemy will also get corresponding prompts when aiming at the enemy.

Of course Salmons also got a hint. The reason why he didn't hide is because this guy needs to finish the final chant and is too confident in the shield of shining glory!

He didn't think that Aziz's attack could break his own powerful means of protection. At this point, he was right. The only mistake he made was that he was too close to Fang Senyan, and that's it.

So this mistake killed him.

Fang Senyan crossed his hands, protecting his head, and suffered the ensuing blow from Shari and Stade. He took a few steps backwards, his mouth overflowing with blood.

But his sharp eyes shuddered the two enemies in front of him!

At this moment, Salmons died, and the metal armor on Shari's body naturally turned into scrap iron. "Dangdang Dang" dropped to the ground. The two were about to continue to slam, but Fang Senyan showed a touch of mouth. Sneer:

"Do you know why I spend so much time talking to Salmons? Don't he think I don't know the little moves he's doing behind his back?"

The two men in front of them were already a bird of surprise, with a high degree of concentration and tension, preparing to dodge the horrible blow that Aziz might have, so Fang Senyan didn't dare to agree, only cold sweat flowing from his cheek.

Fang Senyan then sneered:

"Even if the response from the US side is no longer dull, it will definitely arrive within half an hour. With his nonsense, I can get another three minutes for these troops. Besides, you think only Salmons will make small moves. Am I not? So why did he interrupt the singing of the spell suddenly? "

After hearing these words from Fang Senyan, the two people in front immediately took a few steps back. This is also a common problem of the temporary team. The downwind battle may play well, but once in adversity, it is also common for instant analysis crashes. of.

It seemed to confirm Fang Senyan's words. Sari suddenly covered his mouth with an unbelievable face, but intermittent coughing coughing sounds came out of his fingers, while Stade Feeling dizzy, the sights in front of them all appear ghosts, illusions are crowded!

The two men fled at the same time, Fang Senyan's body moved slightly, he seemed to want to catch up, but after all, he didn't catch up.

For Fang Senyan, a large number of participants gathered here at this time, extremely dangerous, his eclipsed beast is cooling down, don't be led out of this uniquely advantageous place, and then be ambushed, it is because of a small loss. . And the honor potion of these two guys is not used, and it is definitely not a matter of quick decision to kill them.

And before killing Salmons, he used it to rush to end the battle and had a high self-esteem. This kind of thing Fang Senyan did not think he could come across again and again. Being able to catch a chance is already similar to the jackpot.

At this time, Aziz was calm on the surface ~ ~, but his heart was set off. He looked at a series of tips from his opponent at this time, and he couldn't help but was also surging.

When he met Salmons before, he and Zeus cooperated. It can be said that they played extremely hard. Why?

Because Aziz's bullets are also metal, once they fly within the control of Salmons, they will often be affected. Although it does not reach the metamorphosis of the Magneto King, which directly fixes the bullet in the air and reflects the killing metamorphosis, but The accuracy has naturally dropped dramatically.

In this battle, Zeus's gravity field was to reduce the speed of the enemy, and to increase the speed of his own people. Although it played a certain role, it did not directly help the battle. Therefore, the team battle was The glorious team failed miserably.

But ..... Today's battle has completely subverted Aziz's concept! If before, someone told him that a hunter could cooperate with him and easily kill Salmons, Aziz might answer that it was a very sharp headshot ------- this is his recreational self People ’s practice.

But now I win.

And also won such as, this, light, loose! !!

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