The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 12 Chapter 47: The consequences of illegal operations!

> Chapter 47 The Bad Results of Illegal Operations!

"Of course it looks fine now. WwW. NgWeNXuE. M"

Aziz put his hands on the table and stared at Fang Senyan's eyes:

"But if I tell you, the time when this video was uploaded was within the duration of the **** sensation just now, but the location recorded in the video is on 31st Avenue in West New York. What do you think?"

Fang Senyan had faintly smelled ominous breath, his brows froze, he suddenly pressed the ipad a few times to assemble the map of the entire New York City area, and then positioned to the coordinates provided by Aziz, then suddenly sucked A sigh of cool air:

"Hell! In the **** sense just now, this **** place doesn't show any red dots at all! Is it ......... In addition to the dozen or so people we originally came in, someone has joined the **** partway again. The world? "

Aziz coldly said:

"This is the only explanation ----------- and the reason for it, I probably know a bit."

Aziz sat on the sofa next to him, holding his hands on his knees, which is the standard military sitting posture. He first looked at the surroundings for surveillance, and then said coldly:

"The reason for this intrusive situation is that our Noah c space first broke the rules of this world, contacted us and also arrogantly released the golden branch mission! Since the rules have been broken, then the rest Of course, the space is unwilling to suffer. Naturally, it is necessary to increase as much as possible for yourself! Therefore, this is the origin of trespassers. "

Fang Senyan frowned deeply:

"If these trespassers can see us in the **** sensory, but we can't see them, then it is really a big loss and a special loss! It is completely at a disadvantage, and more importantly, is the rest of the space endless Into the world? "

Aziz shook his head and said:

"This may not be big, it should be limited. Noah ’s rule destruction to the world must also be within a certain range. For example, the operation of this normal **** world was like a full-seat passenger car. Is driving steadily, and the behavior of contacting us in our space is like enticing the driver to call and chat, while the behavior in the remaining space is similar to stopping the car and overloading the driver. Therefore, the violation of this violation is limited. . "

"If you put endless participants like you said, it is like letting the driver stop and open the door infinitely to pick up passengers. In the end, there will inevitably be too many people getting on the car, and the car will be crowded directly. Contact us, the final result will also be like endless chat with the driver, so the chance of collision will increase greatly. So your worry is not realistic. What I am most worried about now is one point ......... "

Fang Senyan at this time Shen channeled:

"You said."

Aziz said:

"If we have four participants in each space, if there is only one participant in a space, and the energy of this participant is the sum of the four participants, this behavior is also in Within the rules ......... Then, this guy is likely to be our greatest enemy! "

Fang Senyan suddenly held back:

"How could this happen?"

Aziz snorted, and this snorted sounded like a gun bolt:

"The difficulty of the gold side mission, I don't need to say more! I think it is not impossible, but it is very possible!"

Fang Senyan frowned, raised the water next to him and took a sip:

"I wo n’t talk about this in advance. I now have three **** invitations, and you also have three. We have only one mission left! To complete the main points of the golden branch mission, you should stay on this one. Invitation. "

Aziz nodded, his eyes showing a strong killing:

"you are right."

Fang Senyan suddenly bent her fingers and knocked at the table again:

"I still had a doubt in my heart, and now I understand that when **** induction started, it was clear that almost all the participants in the war came to us, why only three people attacked us in the end. The only explanation before was that The rest were reluctant to fight against the regular army and retreated, and now it looks like they might have been attacked by the group of trespassers! "

Aziz's eyes lit up and he was about to speak. A wall next to him suddenly became transparent, and then a serious face appeared:

"We have found the whereabouts of King of the Jones, it is time to set off! This battle must be won! If he can be caught, then we can continue to negotiate with the Aquilon. If we can read the memory of King of the Jones and find The Milky Way, then the crisis on the planet will be lifted. "

Fang Senyan yawned lazily:

"I'm sorry k, I was injured while guarding the backup power supply just now. I won't go in this battle. The core members of the inner b are talented, and it's not bad for me."

To be honest, Fang Senyan's behavior of the previous k can be understood rationally. In other words, he will not bring strangers into the core area at will, but Sen Yan cannot be forgiven from his emotions. He also helped k A lot of busy, although secretly hit the ambush and took the Milky Way, but also saved K, actually left himself in the outer area without saying a word.

To be honest, if k directly told Fang Senyan that they are terrestrial people, so they have to enter the core area and let Fang Senyan attract the firepower in the outer area, then Fang Senyan can feel better if he can't handle it well. But it's really hard not to be annoyed to engage in such a small action behind him.

However, this behavior is also a means. K undoubtedly needs the help of two guys, Fang Senyan and Aziz. His manpower is strong, and because of the high level of technological development, once it really moves, or It is victory, or the tragic mass casualties!

For b, the fall of any senior agent is a disaster, as if for the air force, he would rather lose two expensive fighters, and he would definitely not want to lose a good senior pilot.

If Fang Senyan joins, k can be sure that the probability of casualties will be reduced by at least 70%!

So after Fang Senyan held the weak spot of k, he sang white face, Aziz sang red face, could not help but not yield, and finally finally met the conditions, if you can kill the King of Jones, then b will provide a drawing, this How to transform gunpowder weapons into high-energy weapons is marked on the drawings!

The old and treacherous k is quite insincere, but he doesn't know that Fang Senyan and Aziz are not fuel-saving lamps, and time is very urgent, so it is not until Fang Senyan and Aziz get the relevant tasks. He nodded contentedly, and set off on a troop carrier provided by the army.

Fang Senyan and Aziz were hiding among Agent B at this time, and their appearance had also been changed to some extent. If it was not during the duration of the **** induction, it would be difficult to distinguish them.

At this time, the big move of b will also inevitably attract the attention of many participants. However, those who have entered the war have stirred the water very much, and Fang Senyan and Aziz have also stated that they are allied together If you want to move them, it is impossible to single out alone. That kind of behavior is called delivery! So in this case, no one was blocking it.

The only bad news is that after Aziz also received three **** invitations, the locations in New York City where he could return to the nightmare space were actually closed, and the remaining two transferable points were also blocked. It is clearly marked out, and there is a clear **** light on it, of course, only the contractor can see it.

And more importantly, the process of transmitting back to the nightmare space was fully delayed to take five minutes, and during the period, the teleporter could not perform any action. After being interrupted, it had to wait for an hour before transmitting again.

These negative factors should be the difficulty of the gold branch task, and Fang Senyan has nothing to say. Therefore, some interested participants are only concerned about the two teleportation points. Even if they are not in the **** induction period, they are not afraid that Fang Senyan will sneak away.

Fang Senyan After they boarded the armored personnel carrier, they found that the body armor on the personnel carrier was actually wearable ~ ~ It increased the defense power by 33%, but there was no way to bring it out of the world. After three attacks, It's easy to damage, Rao is so, Fang Senyan and Aziz are also wearing.

Then the armored personnel carrier was in operation, and the LCD screen was also turned on. K began to explain the main points of the battle for the participating members ...

Fang Senyan they are very familiar with King of the Jones, so they know most of the information, but only after k explained it, it turned out that after this guy escaped, he did not return to the most suitable sewer, but quietly sneaked into the suburbs. In a large-scale feeding farm, he began to use its terrible reproductive power to produce offspring, and the large number of animals raised became flesh and blood nutrition.

It is because Jones King Jones is very low-key this time, first attacking feeders that are not easily valued, and most of B's ​​energy is put in the sewer, so Jones has developed to a considerable scale. If a wave of attacks is blocked, then the fact that less than half of New York will be eroded and occupied, and the fact that the aliens can no longer be covered up, also means that the life of the authority, B, will also come to an end.

Close to a kilometer from the breeding ground, there are crackling noises on the road over which the wheels run. It is a cockroach-like insect that breeds too much and spreads all over the road.

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