The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 12 Chapter 54: Slaughter eggs

> Chapter 54 Slaying Eggs

After Aziz rushed in, the muscles of this black weird channel grew wildly and twisted, blocking the tough and strong meat wall again. (Aihon Gwenxuom, Rainbow Literature Network)

A large hole at least three meters high and two meters wide bombed by high-energy weapons can actually be re-growth and blocked in just ten seconds, and its fertility is conceivable.

Although it immediately fell into darkness again, fortunately, Fang Senyan was carrying lighting tools before they entered, and all the headlight phosphorescent combat suits were available. Aziz handed the small piece of foil in his hand to Fang Senyan. Road:

"This is the bone that just reached the placenta next to it when it exploded. Then you see it!"

Fang Senyan carefully looked at this hard bone piece, and found that there were many marks of sharp objects scratching it, and a lot of blood stains that penetrated into the internal texture of the bone. He turned the bones over, and noticed that there were fluffy black hairs on the back, which felt a soft and thick feel to the touch. Can't help but groan:

"This thing is a lot like a human baby's skull. The surface is the new born hair, and the inside is a hard skull!"

Aziz narrowed his eyes and said:

"Your judgment should be correct. It really is our big trouble here."

As he said, he took out a bayonet from the private space. This bayonet was very weird. He couldn't see what kind of equipment. The light was shining on it, but the chill felt immersed in it. Feeling anything that comes into contact with this bayonet ......... the air, water, eyes, seem to be sharpening this bayonet all the time.

Aziz inserted the bayonet into the muzzle with a click, and then cut the palm of his hand to plate the blood on the blade. The bayonet trembled with surprise and greed, absorbed the blood, and buzzed in this closed environment. It sounds, even the eardrum has a feedback-like resonance.

It stands to reason that in this kind of environment, it is quite unfavorable to Aziz, such a gunman, but this guy is also a daring and skilled person, and he followed it bravely.

At this time, the pager in Fang Senyan's ear suddenly moved, and the senior agent c following their team began to send a signal:

"Sailor sailor, here are the letters. What is the current situation?"

Fang Senyan held the headset and wrinkled his nose and said:

"The environment is basically safe for human beings, but the smell here is very **** and strange. I would rather stay in the rotten sewer, but it should be non-toxic. I urgently need you to make a little fresh air to come in."

Senior Agent c is a tall white-haired man. He immediately replied:

"You move five meters to the west. We are going to set fire to open the passage. It will start in tens of seconds."

Ten seconds later, on the wall of the cave five meters in front of Fang Senyan, a large group of flesh and blood was exploded, and Fang Senyan covered his face with all his face. At this time, he paid attention to observation, and found that among the terrible white placenta on the inner wall, there were indeed human-like creatures squirming, but it looked carefully that their appearances were somewhat similar.

Five senior detectives in black rushed in, and their faces were still wearing gas masks. This time b also made a heavy bet. If these five detectives fell together, there would be no time in ten years. It is possible to train such powerful and experienced senior members.

Watching the flesh wall destroyed by the energy weapon contract sharply again, heal, and then be intact again, Agent C inquired Fang Senyan Road tentatively:

"What is our goal now?"

Fang Senyan took out the tablet and pressed it a few times, pointing:

"Our current position should be the front end of the left fallopian tube of the newly born ovary. There is no doubt that if there is something weird, it must be in the center of the uterus. According to the original plan, our route should also be from left to right, exit It should be on the west side of the right ovary. After opening the exit from there, our people should have captured it and cleaned up the dirt smoothly. "

c Agent nodded and said:

"Okay, so go ahead. I'm going to bury the time bomb. It's one hour and thirty minutes."

At this time, the Fang Senyan (fallopian tube) they were in was quite spacious. Although they would still secrete liquid during constant peristalsis, the height could reach 4 meters and the width exceeded 5 meters. When walking down, even if the **** was inclined It is very powerful, but the tough ring pattern on the pipe is round and round, and the protrusion can reach ten centimeters, which is very easy to grasp climbing, but it is inevitable that your hands are full of mucus.

In addition, there is also an indescribable smell of crickets spreading in the air. If you smell it for a long time, you may even feel that your heartbeat is accelerating naturally, and the crickets hit the ribs in your chest.

After Agent C installed the bomb, the group continued to walk cautiously downwards and walked out for about two hundred meters. Suddenly, they felt that their feet were floating, as if an earthquake had occurred, and they kept arching. If ordinary people were even early He was about to fall to the ground and was immediately on alert.

When Aziz backhand inserted the bayonet lightly, the meat wall contracted painfully and tightened the bayonet tightly. Therefore, Aziz easily stabilized his body. He closed his eyes, two The ears were flapping gently, and soon said:

"......... No, it seems that something is rolling down quickly from above!"

Fang Senyan took a breath of cold air, at this time they were in a huge meat pipeline, the sides were very smooth and there was no place to hide. If something really rolls down, then this battle is bound to be huge! The situation of this group of people is just like the grave robbers encountering that kind of boulder ball machine!

However, Fang Senyan suddenly came up with a weird idea at this time, which is the idea that comes from this weird global experience.

Since this huge and incomparable organism that you are living in at this time is so strange in appearance, it resembles the female reproductive system. Then, this group of people is a part of the fallopian tube under the "ovary", so it is not difficult to infer the origin of this violent rolling thing ---------- something rolling in the fallopian tube, except What else can be outside the egg?

When thinking of this, a sharp light flashed in Fang Senyan's eyes.

At this time, the rolling sound was approaching, but because the meat wall passages and rolling things did not seem to be hard things, the collision sound was not the kind of "rumble" and "cricket" devastating collision sound, and It was the sound of "snap" and "grumbling". It sounded like it was stirring in a paste pot, which was very sticky.

At this time, senior agent C had already blasted a hole in the meat wall with high-energy weapons to avoid the giant that rolled down, but Fang Senyan shouted at this time:

"Can't hide! This thing must not let it roll down! I stand in front, you must destroy it!"

After Fang Senyan finished speaking, he suddenly bent down and aimed at the violent slamming upward obliquely! Now that he knew it was not a hard object, he naturally dared to shake it!

Although Fang Senyan sprinted from the top to the bottom in the passage, after all, his attributes at this time have already surpassed ordinary people too much. After only rushing for more than 20 meters, he has already raised his speed to the peak!

At this time, we can see that the ball rolling down from a distance is about four meters in diameter, and the surface is covered with a layer of dead white outer membrane, and the outer membrane has a purple inner membrane. The meandering blood vessels meandered and twisted like snakes, and the confluence penetrated deeply into the depth of the ball.

Because there are two layers of outer membrane tightly wrapped, even if the rolling collision appears quite fierce, the ball appears to be full of elasticity, there will be a slight depression in the part where the touch occurs, and it will pop up again after a strong elastic force is generated. Recovery as before.

Fang Senyan ran without hesitation and ran up his hands. He stretched his fists in front of his hands, roared, and smashed on this huge egg!

Where it was hit by Fang Senyan, the outer membrane of the giant egg fell into a depth of nearly one meter, has been tightened to the limit, but still does not rupture, and it sent out a weird mental wave and walked away.

Two equally powerful forces collided head-on, and a clear bone fracture suddenly sounded. Fang Senyan murmured, sitting back to the ground with seven or eight steps, blood oozing out of his nose, mouth, and ears, winding down like red snakes on his face ~ ~ a His arms had dangled softly, but his character was also extremely tough. After a tumbling, he pulled out the long knife with his backhand, and the blue faint light seemed to infiltrate into his eyes.

While Fang Senyan blocked the roll of the giant eggs, Senior Agent c also rushed out and aimed to fire. The muzzle of his high-energy firearms condensed, and the air seemed to glare with blue and white flashes of electricity. ,

Then exploded!

The organizational structure of the blood and water mass is flying around, and the eggs have been blown away at least a third by this blow, revealing the dark red medulla. It can even be seen from the vaguely deep holes. Terrible white spines growing side by side in two rows!

The desperate spirit fluctuation in the air is also extremely strong. If there is substance, it is passed on continuously. Even if the senior agents of b are elites, they are forced to fall to the ground under such painful and tragic spirits. .

Fortunately, at this time, Fang Senyan bullied himself, inserted a knife into the core of the egg, and then stirred hard! There seemed to be a loud scream in the air, and then it was gradually annihilating!

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