The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 12 Chapter 56: See acquaintance again

Facing the doubts of these people, Fang Senyan sighed:

"In fact, the clues are obvious. Just use your brain to figure it out! This **** monster is a model that mimics the construction of the human female's reproductive system, so many of its functions should be consistent with it! A Can a woman be pregnant ??? Can a woman be a mother? Don't **** talk to me about artificial insemination! "

"So what we have to do now is just wait! Wait for the fallopian tubes to ovulate again, and then ..... hold the huge one, surely not wearing Durex, can't wait to poke in! I have a hunch, that is The ultimate secret we are looking for! "

Fang Senyan's prestige in the team at this time gradually erected --------- Jest, every time the danger zone is his first step forward, dirty and tired are all done by him alone, What's more, it is very accurate, so even if Agent C is not pleasing to him, there is no way to overthrow Fang Senyan's decision. (M_ 彩 & 虹 & 文 & 学)

Fortunately, the time bombs laid out earlier can be reset through a distant base, so it can still afford to wait for anyone. The key is that the senior Agent C actually secretly ordered a volley on the flesh-red wall in the distance, and the result was no wonder that the volley of the indestructible energy weapon was actually invalid!

So now they can't wait any longer.

Gradually, a trembling sound came from the distant fallopian tube. At this time, the group felt very familiar with this ovulation behavior, and waited for it. Soon, they saw a huge egg. Rolled down, of course, because Fang Senyan created the evil before them. So behind the eggs rolled, they dragged a long stream of thick liquid traces. This is all left over from the rest of the broken eggs.

After the egg fell. The rolling momentum did not fail until it hit the opposite wall of the meat, was bounced off very gently, and then the eggs were gently attached to the wall of meat.

At this time, the contact between the two should have caused a certain chemical reaction. The liquid on the surface of the egg touched the wall of the meat, and it immediately made a "creak" corrosion sound. Then the meat wall actually began to dissolve into a large hole, allowing the giant egg to roll in.

Fang Senyan immediately followed without hesitation, and sure enough. After they got in. Suddenly he noticed that the wall of the meat began to heal slowly, and it regained its growth in less than five minutes.

Following the egg that kept rolling, Fang Senyan entered into the space inside the other uterus. An egg has been stopped here, and it seems that the fertilized egg has swelled a lot. There was a cross-shaped crack on the top, and even a heartbeat twitch. From time to time, an indescribable liquid is even ejected from the crack, which seems to be something like amniotic fluid.

Before Fang Senyan ordered, the senior agents simply buried a bomb in the past, and then a group of people looked at the rolling eggs like a curious baby.

As a result, the newly-introduced egg still rolled around to the fertilized egg. After the two collided, of course, the newly-injected egg could not hit the much larger fertilized egg, so it was ejected. Fang Senyan noticed that The individual protrusions on the ground also began to spray some liquid, and smeared on the surface of the newly entered eggs. The bounced eggs rolled again sadly, hitting a meat wall and corroding them.

Fang Senyan naturally followed them immediately. This time, I finally encountered an empty room. In the middle of the room, which is also the most low-lying place in the room, there is a hollow that seems to be the sum of the heavens. After the huge egg rolled in, it was finally found happily. With the organization in place, I sat up properly.

At this time, Fang Senyan suddenly looked strange:

"Hey, the next thing is very likely ... we have done it! The key is that we should not spray our faces!"

It was okay for Fang Senyan to mention that all the men present were men. When he heard the words "spray a face and one body", he immediately thought of some very, very inappropriate lenses! It may not matter to a woman, but to a man, the situation can only be accepted by a small victim ……… ..

At this time, even Aziz, who had always been quite calm, also showed an unacceptable expression. He turned around and looked around, and found that there was indeed no cover. He immediately and fiercely said:

"You can't let this happen, so we must kill this situation in the cradle!"

The outer skin of the giant egg trapped in the base began to peel off quickly, and then dissolved, forming a stream of smoke, which drifted to the top. You can see a row of circular holes there, and the smoke quietly spread out. go with. The inner layer of the giant egg looks very weird, like the brain of a pig in a plastic bag, the main body is yellow and white, and clear bloodshot.

Suddenly, with the success of the "upper position" of the egg, the top of the hole was opened. It turned out that the top of the hole was similar to the presence of a valve.

Immediately afterwards, a cruel big guy with a muddy yellow color descended slowly. Its sharp arthropods shone brightly like metal, and a transparent silk thread like a spider silk was hung behind the buttocks. It seems that it will be broken at any time, but in fact it will not be broken!

Fang Senyan sighed at this time:

"I said why I can't see this guy. It turned out to be a stallion ..."

Yes, the big guy hanging from above is not someone else, it is the Jones of the Zerg! At this time, it should also find out that Fang Senyan is waiting for them, so instead of the old state that the old **** was in, he is desperately waving his arthropods, grabbing the transparent silk behind the buttocks, and wants to change his route and escape.

Regrettably, Aziz pulled the trigger at this time, and a fire-fired bullet broke easily --- oh no, it should have burned that tough spider silk. Then, Prince Jones planted it very embarrassingly and inserted it into the egg that needed to be fertilized by himself. The sharp long legs were scratched between the scratches, and the unlucky egg was smashed into thin pieces, and the disgusting tissue fluid splashed around.

At this time, Fang Senyan's face was extremely dignified, because there were already **** examples. The mite, which was only slightly harmful to the human body, encountered a very strange metamorphic evolutionary growth after encountering the contents of the egg, tearing the host alive. If this guy Jones makes another leap forward, I'm afraid he will be in big trouble.

Fortunately, Fang Senyan's worry finally did not appear.

The genetic material in this huge egg actually has two functions, one is to improve the information of the genetic gene fragments carried by the sperm, and the other is to perfect the unstable DNA of the new life that is combined. Unfortunately, this improvement and improvement is limited to insects, because the secondary structure of human DNA is a left-handed double helix, and the structure of the DNA carried by the egg is circular. The two are like high-speed trains wanting to go to subway tracks It's completely unrealistic, like driving. This is why Fang Senyan is not afraid of egg contamination.

As for the insect prince of Jones, his DNA has been highly perfected, so he also ignored this transformation! It still didn't get embarrassed and crawled out of the broken egg. Several senior detectives pulled the trigger without hesitation!

The dead beams of high-energy weapons flew relentlessly in the air, hitting Jones. Unfortunately, the abnormal skin evolved by Joonst land cleverly removed these flying beams, but it was the huge behind it that was unlucky. The egg was smashed and cracked. And the huge energy attached to the dead beam hit Jones in a volley and slammed into the back.

Although Jones seemed to be eating everywhere at this time, but after its appearance, there was a sense of oppressive pressure coming from the body alone, almost causing Fang Senyan to hit a huge invisible wall head on. Not to mention the depression in the minds of pure humans like B!

At this time, Fang Senyan had already rushed to Jones, and inserted into his abdomen with one stroke!

But after Jones suffered this fierce attack, he screamed immediately. Two deformed front paws swept down and swept fiercely ~ ~ Flying out Fang Senyan, the flesh affected by the front paw On the soft red ground, the body was forced to explode by the force of the huge shock, and a large group of flesh flew out. Under the shock of the invisible shock wave, a lot of blood was rising, almost everyone Your sights are blurred!

However, the attraction of Fang Senyan is quite worthwhile. The muzzle of the Aziz black hole has quietly aimed at Jones, and it is precisely aimed at the radar if it is locked! A large number of dense fire elements gathered out of thin air. The gathering place was at the front of the muzzle.

Yes, Aziz is already angry. For those who dare to offend, there is only one end:


A terrible pillar of fire sprayed from Aziz's muzzle, and dense smoke. The pillar of fire appeared golden red and remained together, but as time and distance passed, the pillar of fire quickly disappeared. He fired a bullet, but it has disappeared.

But only bullets that are invisible are the most deterrent! This shot of Aziz can be said to have hit his own top level! However, Aziz also missed one thing, that is, how could he do such a beautiful job without Fang Senyan's struggle in front? Even if Fang Senyan is not greedy, 60% of the credit for this shot is due.

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