The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 12 Chapter 59: Dark green gloves!

> Original starting update (Patch a patch, the prestige increase of 10 points in the previous chapter should be the merit value +10)

After seeing this series of hints, Fang Senyan's depression was slightly reduced. In his values, the basic value of freedom is basically 1: 1 with the importance of the meritorious value. But for Aziz, who was in desperate need of merit, he was a little irritated.

However, they did not know until they contacted B through the senior agent next to them. The wanted rewards from the six galaxies were also quite good. They could choose rare precious metals, genetic modification agents and wormhole coordinates.

Among them, precious metals are extremely rare and rare metals in the universe. In a word, even unknown singular objects that can be realized even if brought back to space.

Genetic modification agents can increase the basic attribute points.

As for the coordinates of wormholes, most of the time they are secretive, because when operating business and interstellar trade, an excellent wormhole coordinates can save hundreds or even thousands of light years away and sell them at very high prices! Of course, the wormhole coordinates obtained by these six galaxies will certainly not be too precious, but selling common points is not a problem. .

The meritorious value of Fang Senyan and Aziz has just been hit hard, so they still choose rare precious metals that are essentially "unknown singular objects". The rewards from the six galaxies can be said to be more or less. In total, six unknown singular objects can be exchanged for a total of 13 points of merit, and Aziz's face finally looks better.

However, if you want to trade with the Akiluns, you must first find the galaxy to restore the bilateral relations to normal, and then I'm afraid this matter can only be slowed down.

The tail of Jones looks very similar to the sting of a scorpion. Of course, it has to be enlarged by dozens of times. This stuff pierced into the strange uterine wall next to it, as if it was a door opened with a key. Easily dissolving and opening the tough dark red wall smoothly, it is more convenient to continue exploring. m

At this time while Fang Senyan was meditating, Aziz came over again and raised his hand to him. It can be seen that in Aziz's palm, there is a strange earth-yellow crystal, which has a dim shimmer on it, but there is a clear bullet mark on the front, and there are obvious cracking texture marks on the edges. It seems to be the core of Jones.

"Is this ... the key to Jones?" Fang Senyan tentatively said.

Aziz nodded:

"I opened it?"

There was also a flash of anticipation in Fang Senyan's eyes:

"What do I look forward to?"

Aziz thoughtfully:

"In terms of normal strength, this guy has a great chance of appearing in dark gold equipment, but because there are plot characters in our attack. [Www.⒌ 原 原 首] and the injuries they attacked played a role in killing Jones Great effect. It's hard to say. "

Fang Senyan smiled and said:

"This kind of thing can only be left to fate."

Aziz nodded in agreement, and then he strengthened his hands and grasped the strange earthy yellow crystal that appeared. This thing broke into powder in an instant, and then fell from the gap between Aziz's fingers, and actually formed a large mass on the ground similar to a spider egg sac. It's like a tattered sack stacked on the ground.

It seems that Aziz was in the team to open the loot and habits, so when one did not let go, he pulled open the stuff that seemed to be covered with tattered sacks, and suddenly revealed the dark green light ... !! !!

The two groups looked gray and flamboyantly presented in front of the two, but although the appearance of this thing looked very stingy, the light emitted by it was a true dark green light, As Aziz's finger touched it, a series of data appeared in front of the two. (, (.)

Star-rated high-energy mechanical power gloves (left)

Output: Any world that may have in-depth communication with alien civilizations

Equipment Rarity: Dark Green (Set 2/2)

Material: silk steel + cast carbon + blue column germ + planet core boiling substance + singularity fruit

Attachable device: Nuclear power battery (slot X3)

Equipment location: Left hand

Equipment Type: Glove

Warning: In order to exert the full power of this equipment, the DNA of the equipment must be analyzed and locked once it is equipped. Has a soul binding effect, and can no longer trade with the rest.

Weight: 17.3 kg.

Equipment use conditions: strength must be above 50 points, physical strength is above 70 points.

Attack power: 50 ~ 180 points.

Durability 350/800

Equipment: This glove is in a state of energy saving in order to save energy when the combat is not activated. In this case, its weight will slow down your movement speed. Become your burden and reduce your movement speed by 10 points (equivalent to an additional movement speed of 10 Dexterity). It will not disappear until you activate it.

Equipment: The core system of this glove is the internal metal boiling point melting furnace, which can devour and dissolve the rare metals in the remaining equipment to recharge the gloves. Of course, paying extra universal points can also make space instead of charging . (I want novels) Gloves must continue to be charged in order to exert a powerful combat power. Keeping gloves at full capacity is something you must do.

Equip: Increases your chance to stun enemies by 3%. Your shot speed can be increased by an additional 15%.

Equipment: Your melee attack will have a certain chance to trigger the Shatter Shatter effect when dealing with injured (less than 50% health) enemies, causing additional damage to all enemies in the area at the same time. This additional damage value Randomly drawn from the enemy's last three damage data, the actual data of this additional damage cannot be higher than 200 points.

Equip: Strength, Dexterity, and Strength +2 each

Equipment: When manufacturing this glove, a strong continuous radiation substance is mixed into it, so the holder's chance of being critically hit by the enemy is increased by 3%. = 5 = 1 = o =

Special effects: Precision, high-end alien craftsmanship determines the durability of this glove. If the owner is directly attacked by the enemy, then there is a 50% chance that the durability value will be halved.

Special effects: Rare, the number of this stuff is very rare, so the materials used for restoration are very precious. If you want to maintain it in space, in addition to paying 500% repair costs, you must also pay a little meritorious value!

Equipment Ability: Uppercut! Use this glove to hit the enemy's jaw (if it has a jaw). Make it stun and float in an instant for 2 seconds. The damage value of this ability is equal to the normal attack power of the owner, but it has a 50% critical strike chance. The stun float effect has priority. 1 minute.

Set Effect: Increases the hit rate of the owner by 7%

Set effects: When you attack the enemy, you have a certain chance to drain 50 health from the enemy. ⑸⑴

Explanation: This is an alien tool that was created to mine ore. An alien transformed it into a product suitable for use in battle. With this stuff he wandered through the universe. Robbery and slaughter, do no evil, until this guy meets even more fierce Jones. It was eaten to become the nutrition of the bugs, and his equipment became Jones's collection, now. It's yours.

Star-rated high-energy mechanical power gloves (right)

Output: Any world that may have in-depth communication with alien civilizations

Equipment Rarity: Dark Green (Set 2/2)

Material: silk steel + cast carbon + blue column germ + planet core boiling substance + singularity fruit

Attachable device: Nuclear power battery (slot X1)

Equipment location: Right hand

Equipment Type: Glove

Warning: In order to exert the full power of this equipment, the equipment's DNA must be analyzed and locked. Once equipped, the soul binding effect will occur, and it will no longer be possible to trade with other people. (I want novels)

Weight: 17.3 kg.

Equipment use conditions: strength must be above 50 points, physical strength is above 70 points.

Attack power: 30 ~ 60 points.

Durability 488/800

Equipment: This glove will be in an energy-saving state when the combat is inactive, in order to save energy, in this case. Its weight will drag on your movement speed, become your burden, reduce your movement speed by 10 points (equal to an additional movement speed of 10 agility). It will not disappear until you activate it.

Equipment: The core system of this glove is the internal metal boiling point melting furnace, which can devour and dissolve the rare metals in the remaining equipment to recharge the gloves. Of course, paying extra universal points can also make space instead of recharging. , Gloves must continue to be charged in order to exert a strong combat effectiveness. Keeping gloves at full load is what you have to do.

Equipment: Just like all the Earth Boxers often do, you can use it to block in front of your face to stop those uppercuts, uppercuts, straight punches, punches and punches from causing direct damage to you when you When using this glove to block, the success rate increases by 33%. And even if the block is unsuccessful, it can offset 15% of the damage.

Equip: When an enemy's melee attack is applied to your gloves, the kinetic energy circulation system in the gloves will activate and try to absorb the enemy's power. After your gloves have blocked 1000 points of damage (theoretical damage) from the enemy ’s cumulative attacks, you will try to activate the maintenance system in the gloves, inject cellulose into your body, and increase your agility by 20% for 10 seconds. .

Equip: Intelligence, Spirit, +2 each

Equipment: Tactical throwing. The original effect of this glove is for the miner, which can make the holder burst into a huge power within a certain period of time, grab nearby objects to pick it up ~ ~ and then throw! The throwing distance is 20 to 50 meters.

The strength and physical strength of the holder will affect the success rate of tactical throwing.

Special effects: Precision, high-end alien craftsmanship determines the durability of this glove. If the owner is directly attacked by the enemy, there is a 50% chance that the durability value will be halved.

Special effects: Rare, the number of this stuff is very rare, so the materials used for restoration are very precious. If you want to maintain it in space, in addition to paying 500% repair costs, you must also pay a little meritorious value!

Set Effect: Increases your block success rate by 15% again, but reduces the damage reduction by 5%.

Set Effects: Make your tactical throws available to creatures.

Explanation: If an outstanding baseball player got this glove, hey ......... Unfortunately, this idea is very unrealistic.


This chapter has a lot of explanatory text, so about 3400 is still to be continued

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